Put on your swim suit and dive in to congratulate Marinelife?
Asked by
rebbel (
April 27th, 2010
Marinelife has reached an unbelievable number of THIRTYTHOUSAND!
No surprise…, she writes clever, funny and wise answers to all of our questions.
So, hop on in and share your honour for her!
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76 Answers
Way to go Marinelife!
You are so deserving of the honor.
Holy smoke batman!
Congrats…gotta run, damn, with all this partying I hope my hangover won’t comprimise my driving too much! lolol
Absolutely – that’s an incredible feat! Congratulations!
She answered my question!
Congratulations. :) It couldn’t have happened to a more awesome jelly!
You can’t spell ”le fine arm” without @marinelife! Congrats.
Wow! Congrats, @Marinelife!
That’s a Whole Lotta Lurve!
Congrats Marinelife!! You’re a star (literally)!!
Marina, you are a Flutherite I greatly admire! Congrats! :D
You’ve always been one of my favorite Jellies, Marina, but you already know that. It’s always a pleasure to read your intellectual and insightful answers and you are, without a doubt, one of the very best Flutherites in the neighborhood. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you on a very deserving 30k lurve. An exemplary achievement on your part. Very well done.
Congrats to one of my favorite Fluther friend’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holy begeezus. another 30k. this is just completely baffling. congrats, there :)
got a better idea, why don’t all of us go skinny dipping and celebrate with Marinelife!
This is incredible! Way to go, Marina!
hiding my inner-lurve envy
You truly deserve this. Your answers are always something to look forward to.
It’s just party time all around. We just need to leave the ball room open this week. Congratulations to you!
@BoBo1946 Leave it to you to figure out another way to get naked. LOLL
This is stunning.
I just left her a comment when she was 8 lurve away too, saying she was… well, 8 lurve away from 30k.
@Marinelife – congrats! You make fluther an interesting, educational and supportive place to be.
Wow another addition to the 30k club! Congratulations @MarineLife, well deserved!!!
Keep on lurvin’!!!
Congratulations on reaching such a milestone. Your answers are always thoughtful and insightful. Well deserved and well earned! Take some pictures of your island for us! Maybe we’ll all chopper and drop in for a weenie roast. (I don’t propose a clam bake. I don’t like clams) ;-)
Wowwowwowwowwowwow!!!! Two in one week!
@marinelife, you’re such a great jelly. This is wonderful. Long may you swim in the warm, coral-filled, aqua waters!
Congrats on 30K!
@Marinelife, I think you’ve had the fastest rise to the top of any jelly, and you certainly have done everything to deserve it. Congrats!
Marina, i really like the way you answer us here on Fluther.
Many a time i find myself realising that there are also other views on a subject.
Not only do i like your views, but you put them (for me anyway, since English ain’t my native language) in clear and understandable wording.
And you made feel welcome and worthy.
Thank you very much!
Be good.
@marinelife Welcome to the island! You have your choice of beach cabanas and beach boys. There’s also a wonderful room in the big house, windows open to the breezes and deck. Anything you could want. Sailing and Parasailing and wind surfing. Kayaks and motor boats and deep sea fishing. Whale watching and coral reef scuba diving. And the bartender on the North beach is not to be believed.
Massages every day—as many as you want. Music of your choice—live music. Did you know they actually have a different band for every style of music there is? And don’t worry about fluthering. They have a little implant you can install, and you can fluther any time you want. So if you wanted to do it between sentences, you could.
There’s more. So much more. But I think I’ll wait until more people arrive.
In any case, it’s wonderful to have the company, especially your company. I respect your advice tremendously and when I see you’ve answered before me, I always scroll down to see if you’ve left me anything to say. Welcome, welcome and
30 thousand!?
Holy Sea Cows Batman!
Congratulations! You are the one jelly that I know will have the answer. And the right answer. I really adminre you and respect you. I sea I’m not the only one. Your new view
You are a dear, wise and knowledgeable Jelly and one of my favorite posters to read. When I see you have answered a question, I know there’s not much that needs adding. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and sharing life in PMs.
Now you have the tough job of keeping -daloon—wundayatta in line until Chuckie and gailcalled join you on the island.
Mazel Tov! (I am retiring the™ for a bit.)
Holy Mackerel, Marina! You did it! I always value what you have to say. You are so kind, so knowledgeable, willing to help, sincere, sweet, lovely, and just fantastic. You were one of the nicest jellies to me early on. I love that you’re here and I lurve you!
Thank you for being here Marina and for being such a magnificent piece of exotic coral xxx Your achievement is well deserved xxx Lots of love and thanks xx
Jumping Jellyfish this is amazing!!!!! way to go marinelife!
Quite a milestone and very well deserved.
Wowee Zowee!! Another 30 grand Jelly!! Awesome effort!! What will you do for an encore?? Congrats and well done!!
I dove,
and I dived.
Congrats marinelife,
You’re definitely not lurve deprived.
A hearty congratulations to a well-deserved achievement. It’s no surprise to me that a much-loved jelly has come this far! I’ve always admired your style and wisdom, and thanks so much for being one of the good ones here.
Congratulations! It is comforting to have you around here.
Man Alive! That’s a great job @Marinelife. Truly awesome:-) Congrats congrats!!!!!
@marinelife, you are the jelly of jellies to me, personable, well-rounded, generous-spirited, intelligent, articulate, and a wee bit mysterious. You belong in the pantheon of flutherdom. Much better than a pedestal and a shrine, you get a primo spot on that marvelous island! Sincere congratulations.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
It’s a party for two on the island! bowchickawowow.
You are such an amazing jelly. One of the first to welcome me, I believe.
Well deserved 30k :)
@marinelife Since day one, you have been part of my fluther experience. I can’t imagine this place without you. Congrats. You should have been first.
CONGRATS marinelife!
I have a great deal of respect for you, Marinelife. You’re always helpful, and quite the wise Jelly. You are one of the reasons (a big reason) why this site is faboo.
Marina aqua Marina.CONGRATS!!! An astonishingly impressive milestone long may it continue,well deserved ;¬}
@marinelife- Aw, crap. I wanted to be the one to post this question just as I had when you broke the 10K mark and then the 20K one. If I’d have noticed you were that close to 30 I would have kept checking in today. I figured I had untli tonight. Anyway,
You truly are a Superstarfish in a sea of jellies! I’ve no doubt you’ll be first to 40K.
By the way, @wundayatta, nice job spinning the new fluther mythology. I want to know if there is also an orchestra for those whose musical tastes don’t run to bands. And—are there balloons?
I’ve been wanting and excuse to get myself a burqini! Where’s the pool?!
Congrats @marinelife!
CONGRATS Marinelife!!!
I am so happy you are on the island! I hope the staff is pampering you!
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Thank you, @chyna. There’s no such thing as too many balloons.
Wow, wow, wow! Congrats Marinelife (Though I still think of you as your old persona). You were one of the first people I met on Fluther. You are always kind, caring, witty, and always willing to lend a helpful hand when possible. You are one of the greatest additions to this site, and I honestly don’t have a clue what we’d do without your witty charm, seemingly endless knowledge, and allover wonderful personality! Congratulations a thousand times over!
What an amazing acheivement, and the second in recent times! Congratulations Marinelife, you thouroughly deserve it!
Nice going, Marinelife! A fine accomplishment.
Marina Marinelife! You rock! Congrats on your big accomplishment.
Damn! 2nd to 30k by less than a week! Great try, though!
@Marina @marinelife
You know you’re one of my favourite jellies here. You’re smart, clever, funny, and OUTRAGIOUS-30K!! no surprise I KNEW YOU were MAKING IT TO THE ISLAND SOON (and soon came fast)!!!!
CONWATERLATIONS!!! i <3 you. (:
Marinelife, you are always a calm voice in a jelly-storm, you bring peace with each post. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement!!
I’m late again. :(
@marinelife, you are one of my favorite jellies. You’re always intelligent and well-spoken, and a great contributor to this place. Fluther wouldn’t be the same without you. Congratulations on this huge achievement! :)
oh my gosh, congratulations @marinelife!!
My gosh, I feel so….insignificant with my measly 16k. Well played,my only regret is that all these great Jellies are moving out of the 20k hacienda and into the 30k estates before I even get to move into the 20k hacienda myself. Congratulations on the most amazing accomplishment.
Congrats @marinelife for hitting 30k from under the sea!
Congratulations to a jelly amongst jellies and an outstanding human being.
When I remind myself of all that is good about Fluther, Marina is at the top of the list.
Much lurve to you my dear.
Thanks to all. I am afloat on your lurve.
I love Fluther and a lot of that is because of all the great jellies that inhabit the Collective.
Your wisdom, your humanity, your nobility of spirit, your senses of humor all inspire me.
@Jeruba There are orchestras. A full symphony orchestra with chorus, several chamber ensembles, and some weird Job Cagey ensemble that I have no idea what to call, but they make some really far out music. They come with a dance group, as well.
Everyone is required to wear black tie (so far, that’s just me—I don’t know what Marina will wear), but it’s easy. The tailors are there to make everything comfortable, and you all get valets to help with all the tricky parts (like tying the tie).
Things, all in all, are very nice on the island. But never fear. There is The Project to keep things interesting. I can’t say any more about that until you reach the island, except that it blew my mind when I found out about it.
Marina, you were one of the very first people I bonded with here… a huge part of the draw for me were people like you! I’m thrilled that you’ve reached this milestone, but I’ll miss you at the 20K mansion. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Well deserved.
Way to be totally freaking amazing!!! Awesome!!
Wow I’m so late. I’m so sorry!
But Marinelife, you are definitely without a doubt one of my favourite jellies. You are one of the first friends I had on Fluther and I love everything you contribute to the site. You are a beautiful person, keep it up! Congratulations!
This is such great news, yay! You have been one of my fave jellies from my first days here, and when I see that you have answered, I know it will be well thought out and honest. This accomplishment and party are so very well deserved. A big congratulations and cheers to you!!
30K is quite an accomplishment.
You are one of my favourite jellies and I truly value your articulate and well though out contributions. You are someone special to many of us.
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