Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Is it ever appropriate to ask if a woman you know is pregnant?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 27th, 2010

There’s a young woman at work who looks pregnant. I’m pretty sure, but there’s also the possibility that she’s putting on weight. She’s putting on weight all over rather than just on the belly. She dresses specifically to hide her features now with drapey flowy clothes. She really doesn’t talk to anyone at the office so no one knows for sure.
It’s not like you can ask her because if she’s not you’re really in for it. I guess even if she is pregnant, what business is it of mine?

I’m not asking. I’m going to wait it out.
Would you ask?

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29 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

If you’re her husband, yes!

I assume you are not her hubs, so the answer is “no”

Likeradar's avatar


Don’t ask. If she is pregnant and keeping quiet about it, you need to respect that. If she’s not pregnant, the only outcome is that you will hurt her feelings.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No, I wouldn’t – because what does it matter if she’s pregnant or not, not like anything would change between us and I’d hate to be the one that’s all like ‘ooooh, how far along are you? is it a boy or a girl? do you have xyz item yet? gosh, you look huge, are you sure it’s not twins?’ – nah, I hate being that guy.

gailcalled's avatar

No. A huge mine field.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Set a trap… Put a little basket on your desk, filled with candies (or short stemmed flowers). Hang a note from the basket… “For pregnant ladies only.” If she takes the bait, bam, you got your answer. (dusting hands off motion) Done!

seekingwolf's avatar

I would never ask someone if she was pregnant unless a) she was your wife/girlfriend or b) she’s your BFF forever and you guys normally are that open with each other.

Wait for her to tell you, if she ever does. I’ll tell you, when I gained weight in the past, it all went to my belly (because of my pcos) and I looked PREGNANT. It was kind of embarrassing. You can never really know.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Yeah, I’m very much in the “not my business” camp on this but in the back of my mind, the curiosity is there. Still not my business. I got other stuff to do.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Besides I’d hate for them to have a possible benign or malignant tumor, you know? I work with cancer patients too much, sigh.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Unless the person is a good friend and you notice mood changes or something other than the weight gain, neverevereverever ask a woman if she’s pregnant. Like, never. Cause think about it, how much of an ass would you feel if she’s not and you basically just pointed out she’s gotten fat? Yikes.

Nullo's avatar

The question will answer itself before long. If you’re too curious for that, keep an ear out for gossip.

jazmina88's avatar

dont think about it….hormones kill. especially if shes not.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I wouldn’t ask any woman this question unless she’s a co worker I feel comfortable enough with and has shared personal things with me before. Sometimes women become but don’t remain pregnant and though everyone at works knows, they prefer no one actually speak of it. Kind of like an office affair, everyone knows but it’s best if no one really brings it up or lets on they know.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

If you had some kind of friendly relationship with her, I could see asking. But because you don’t, no, not a good idea. And yeah, even if you had a friendly relationship with her, you might end up making her feel horribly if she’s not.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Only if there was a possibility that you were the one that got her into that condition.

Pandora's avatar

No I wouldn’t. But if you start to notice her pants have a large elastic band up front than she’s wearing maternity trousers, and if her boobs are growing way faster than her belly, dead give away. Or if she starts to vomit a lot during the day and still has a growing belly than you know she has morning sickness. But other than that, don’t ask unless you want dirty looks every day from her.

eponymoushipster's avatar

If the condom broke.

lilikoi's avatar

I definitely don’t blame you for being curious, but as everyone else agreed, I wouldn’t ask. Ever. I’ve known people that got pregnant, and they really looked pregnant not fat, and I still couldn’t bring myself to ask. Eventually they told me, and it was like acknowledging an elephant in the room. Phew! What a load off, man.

jeanmay's avatar

No, never never! Not unless you know the person really well, but if you do they’re likely to just tell you anyway.

Not long after I had my son, we were on the bus one day and a lady gave up her seat for me. My son was in his stroller, and the stroller was facing away from her so she couldn’t see how new he was. As I sat down she said, “it’s hard work when you’ve got another one on the way, isn’t it!” Mortifying.

You’ll just have to wait and see.

SuperMouse's avatar

If she is pregnant it will become apparent soon enough – no matter how much she tries to hide it. For your own sake please avoid asking!

gemiwing's avatar

Enjoy the everyday suspense and don’t ask.

RedPowerLady's avatar

You can simply ask if there is anything “new” in her life. If she is pregnant she will get the hint. If not then she will be a bit confused or talk of other things, probably think you are just starting a friendly conversation. When I was newly pregnant I had a few people ask me this way.

jazmina88's avatar

I revise my answer, only if you think you are the baby daddy.

ratboy's avatar

What do you have to lose if she doesn’t speak to you anyway?

aprilsimnel's avatar


OMG, no.

I asked “When are you due?” to the assistant to the executive producer at a show I interned on in college. Turns out she just had a lot of lower pot belly fat on an otherwise slim body. This was beyond “Ooops, I’m sorry! Please forgive me.” Due to the staff politics of the show, that little question got me ostracized by the rest of the paid staff and other interns for the 3 weeks I remaining of my internship. And I most certainly didn’t get a job there after I graduated a year later.

One stupid question changed the trajectory of my career, and the letter I came back to school with from my immediate supervisor on the show was pretty much: She was here, her work was fine, but her interpersonal skills are terrible. She’s lucky we didn’t kill her. It may have been a bit harsh on these people’s part to be so unforgiving of a gaffe like that, but you just never know who’s sticking up for who on the job and will hold something against you.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

If you would not feel free to inquire about whether a woman is trying to conceive, then you probably have no business asking her if she is pregnant. unless you have reason to be concerned that you might have inseminated her.

Blackberry's avatar

Does anyone remember that Brian Regan skit about when you say something that you shouldn’t have said and it’s too late to take the words back, resulting in you saying the word louder? “Hey hows it goin’, when’s that BABY due in?”

Sophief's avatar

Not directly I wouldn’t. I’d probably quiz her a little first.

casheroo's avatar

I recommend the same as @RedPowerLady Ask if anything new is going on.

I can almost always spot a pregnant lady, no matter how early. Women tend to stick their belly out more, touch it in certain spots..rubbing it like it’s a big belly right away. I doubt she’d be like that at work though.

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