Is it feasible to boycott a state?
Asked by
shilolo (
April 27th, 2010
I just noticed that a website I frequently order from is based in Arizona (at least that is where their printing press is located). I, along with many others, are opposed and upset with the recent immigration legislation passed in Arizona. I’m thinking that an economic boycott might be on order. Can a state really be boycotted? Does it even matter given our global economy? How much “boycotting” would be required for there to be an impact on the state? Would sending a letter to the company outlining my decision be as useful as simply buying from a competitor?
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25 Answers
Arizona has already seen 6 major conventions cancel. The Mexican Government has issued a travel advisory telling their citizens that they might be subject to questioning, detention and arrest there. Mexicans are a major part of the Arizona tourism trade, so that will hurt. Mexico and South America will also probably review their trade with the state. That would be a huge economic blow.
This isn’t the first time the state has been the target of a boycott growing out of what appeared to be racist policies. When Martin Luther King Day was proclaimed a holiday, Arizona was one of the holdout states and eventually voted to not recognize the holiday. It cost them the Superbowl and hundreds of millions of dollars before they finally relented several years later and changed the law.
@ETpro Thanks for that information. I didn’t know that.
@kevbo I did see that. Note the link in the details. I’m just wondering whether an organized state-wide or citywide boycott would work, or if a grassroots one (like my planned boycott) would either. Is it even feasible given how interconnected companies (and states’ economies) are.
Yeah, I was hoping to take my Fiance their one day until they pulled this stunt. I am an american and I don’t even want to go there now which is too bad its a beautiful state. Etpro is right, this is going to hit them in their wallets hard. But yeah you can boycott a state.
It can’t be made uniform, but as the examples given show, business will falter in some quarters, and every time any business is lost, minds change. Do your boycott. I’m in.
I plan on boycotting the state until the law is repealed. I simply will not enter the state. I only know of one company based in Arizona and I have been boycotting them for a long time for a different reason.
A lot of my friends go to Arizona State and my boyfriend’s dad’s family is from Arizona and he has many relatives there and frequently visits. I couldn’t boycott Arizona, but then again, I really am not affiliated with it directly.
I did read an interesting news article about how the United States might sue Arizona because of this. I wonder if they’ll secede; I mean they already don’t use daylight savings time, those crazy bastards.
You’re going to boycott Arizona because they passed a law to crack down on illegal immigration? Odd.
@Nullo :: I doubt many people have a problem with cracking down on illegal immigration. My problem is that being brown is now probable cause.
@Nullo Don’t be obtuse! A law that mandates harassing people who look like they might be illegal aliens is misguided and most likely unconstitutional.
If one party in the federal government was not so determined to obstruct and delay any and all efforts to do the nation’s business, there would be a greater opportunity to work toward a comprehensive plan to resolve the serious problems facing the nation, including the problem of illegal immigration.
As long as greedy employers willingly employ those not entitled to work in the USA because those workers can be exploited and abused and they will be in no position to complain, the problem will persist.
If members on both sides of the House and Senate worked to accomplish the work they were elected to do, many important matters could get the attention they need.
One of my good friends attends U of A in Tuscon. I was planning on going to visit her, and I though, Oooh, I’d never been to a Southwestern state before, yay!
My trip is now postponed indefinitely, and my friend understands.
Even Fox news came out against SB1070…
This involves indiscriminately rounding up people without a warrant because they fit the profile of a perpetrator.
On some levels yes, on other levels no. I have deprived NJ of approximately 100,000 dollars in commerce, over several years, by scheduling large meetings and conferences in states with more friendly laws. I routinely drive around IL. I would much rather spend my gas, food, motel money in KY or MO, than in IL. If I must drive through some part if IL, I will fuel my car in a more friendly state and buy my meal or overnight in a motel prior to entering IL. The economy of Paducah has profited many times from this strategy.
The State of Arizona has every legal right to protect its state and its citizens. although, i expect this law to be superseded by Federal Law, you will have to admit that its creating a “wakeup call” for the nation and the Feds. this is great. local and state law enforcement do not actually know how to deal with illegal immigrants. the Feds did not enforce the immigration laws and its left the locals to deal with the situation. maybe, this is why the governor of Arizona felt she had no choice but to inact a new law for her state. no matter what your opinons might be, concerning the governor of Arizona, its still a reality problem that is not going away. her state has 500,000 illegal immigrants in her state and they are not going away, either. this nation needs a sollution, not whitewash.
It’s definitely feasible, I don’t think it would be hard at all for me to boycott pretty much any state besides my own.
I live in Michigan, I’ve been boycotting Ohio for years ;)
The symbolism counts too.
Many Europeans boycotted French products in 1995. The last nuclear test in the South Pacific conducted by France was on December 28, 1995. The boycott created a huge discussion in France.
It will in Arizona too.
@john65pennington Yes, it is definitely a reality that won’t go away, but enacting laws that will directly discriminate against people of a certain complexion is racist. If only there were someone from Arizona willing to realistically address this issue in 2010. A maverick, of sorts. Man, that would be great…~~~~
I think we should require everyone by law to carry papers stating they aren’t from AZ and make being from AZ a crime.
All fixed!
I think it’s rather arrogant to assume that any one person’s boycott will do much to affect Arizona’s legislature. Certainly the discussion caused by this question will bring about as much change as several years worth of boycotting, unless you’re a buyer for a corporation or something.
That being said, boycotting a certain business simply based on where it is located will certainly have a specific effect on that business, punishing them for something you’re not certain that they have any correlation with.
Boycotting a state is feasible for individuals, organizations or groups and corporations.
Don’t travel there, plan or attend conventions there or purchase products originating there.
Will these measure have an impact? You can be sure they will!
Businesses and industries that will feel the impact will pressure the state government to repeal the legislation. Lower business revenues translate to lower tax revenues to be collected by the State government. Money talks!
If Hispanic workers in the hospitality industry boycott their employers then hotel owners and managers will have to change sheets and clean rooms themselves. If Hispanic tourists avoid Arizona, it will hurt the State significantly. If other people of conscience do as well, the effect will be greater.
This state law is reminiscent of legislation passed by the Nazis when they first came to power.
@Provlear There is history to consult, and it says boycotting has a great deal of impact on the Arizona legislature. This isn’t the first time the state has brought a boycott down upon itself by a legislative move that seemed fundamentally racist. Twenty years ago, Arizona voted to not honor the Martin Luther King holiday. It resulted in a national boycott and the loss of the Superbowl. It cost the state an estiomated $500 million in business and tourism, and after 2 years, they relented.
So much for States Rights, huh?
So what your asking people that live in Arizona, specifically the majority of the people that voted to pass the bill (Obviously, there had to a at least 51% of people in Arizona that wanted this to go through) that they need to stop this. Cancel their decisions that they made based on the problems with them being a Border State because it doesn’t follow suit with all the other states?
Most of you guys like saying *Their just like Nazis and their really, really Racist!” How so? How in gods name can you compare Nazi Germany to Arizona? You act like theres hundreds of cops out in the street constantly trying to find and start harassing people and asking to see their green cards. They only ask to see it if they catch you doing an illegal activity. And if you are an immigrant who has been naturalized, you have to keep your green card on you most of the time anyways.
All you guys see what they tell you on T.V. that its a racist Nazi Law. You guys are aware that a lot of these Illegal Immigrants are Rapists, Murderers and Drug Traffickers, right? I know you like to have the great image in your head that they are a beautiful people who come here to work hard for the American Dream. Sad truth is, if they really were like this, then why don’t they come here legally? “Well, well, its really really hard for them!” And what, its not hard for Cubans coming from Communist Cuba? Its not hard when Balkanization was happening in the Balkans for refugees trying to leave? I wish the hard working people that do deserve a right to live here in America could all come to. But the sad truth is, that along with that, comes another group of people with the intention of breaking the law and endangering the welfare of current American Citizens.
Seriously, have you anti-Arizona people even stopped to wonder why they passed this law? Do you really think its because their all Racist Neo-Nazis? You never stopped to think that there might be a huge drug trafficking and crime rates coming from ILLEGAL immigrants who enter Arizona ILLEGALLY?
@ChaoSS No, Arizona’s legislature has a right to pass legislation and their governor has a right to sign it. Whether it is unconstitutional will be sorted out in court. But what about individual rights? If I don’t want to give a particular state or city or business entity my money, don’t I also have a right to decide that for myself. Does state’s rights now mean everyone on earth now has to financially support whatever any state next decides to do? That’s a strange new definition, and one I am not buying.
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