Social Question

Analyze this text convo please?
I have a problem with this online dating thing. My profile is good and I can get numbers fairly quickly and with great success, but I always seem to mess it up some how. I really need help.
I tend to exchange a few messages on the service then ask for the girls number (I think it is pointless to keep messaging back and forth on the site). The messages are basically that shes cute, and some questions about what shes into, piercings, etc. I then carry on the conversation via text the next day (since I really did not get to talk to the person). Text is my version of AIM or MSN messenger.
Heres an expert from my first text convo with her (*s denote personal info such as names):
Me: Hey :). Looks like someones online going through their hundreds of emails. So do you go by * or *. Cause I don’t think you go by ** lol?
Her: * haha and **s my bday.
Me: Ohh haha my bdays in ** so I win. You’re turnin ** rite.
Her: Mmm ya
Me: Aww what a younglin haha. Im sure you have no problems gettin into clubs and stuff tho lol.
Her: Haha shut up, how am I young? (Talks about how she doesn’t club)
We talk about interests, the beach, and smoking weed for about 12 messages.
Me: .... (stuff relating to the last message). Hey you got plans Friday night?
Her: Yeah :/ but not saturday
Me: You suck then :p lol. Well we can go bowlin saturday night then. You know you wanna :).
….no response…..
Me (10 mins later): Well that is unless you’re lookin for an online chat buddy lol. In that case I should move on. I want to meet real ppl…. not fake online buddys haha
…..still no response….
What am I doing wrong? The convo was goin good until I asked to chill. Am I asking to hang out too quickly? How many text exchanges should I have before actually asking to hang out?