Do you think goats are nice cute little creatures or have you ever been attacked by one?
All these goat discussions just made me ask. I’ve seen quite a few goat attacks and even was attacked by one. I was at the old Catskill Game Farm in an area where some animals are allowed to run free and the visitors can feed the animals if they like. I was leaning back on a large boulder watching the little kids having fun. A goat climbed up the other side of the rock and attacked me from behind with one of his front legs. My only real animal attack and it was by a small goat. Any other goat attack stories?
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32 Answers
Disgusting ugly creatures. Vermin of the hills.
When I was a young child in a Russian village, goat’s milk was the way to go – I thought they were quite nice, but I only saw them from a distance. My family didn’t have goats.
I’ve been attacked by a goose. Even on foot, those suckers can cover some ground quickly.
That’s my best cute animal attack story. No goats.
I’ve been around goats but they liked me because i gave them food scraps.
How’s that for recycling?
Thing even ate the paper plates.
When i was young(er) we had a family in our street who had quite some animals.
A horse, a dog, some geese and chickens and pigeons, and a goat, a male one.
We were under constant threat of an attack by the goat.
Or the geese for that matter.
Ah, and a swan, they had too.
That was a pain in the arse.
The big boys from the block used to tease the goat and try to make it fight with them…, grap his horns and do a push contest.
The beast ate everything, by the way.
Tabacco, jeans, paper, you name it.
Good times…....
I think goats are cute animals. I especially love the little goats with the sweet little beards.
I don’t mind goats. I like feeding them at petting zoos. When I was little, maybe 2 or around that age, young enough to not remember, I was with my family at a petting zoo and a disgruntled goat, who did not like me for some reason, charged at me and head-butted me right in my belly and made me fall down. My mom was so angry that she kicked the goat. Thankfully this did not scar me for life or anything. I think they’re pretty cute!
They usually go at you with their horns. They get up on the hind legs and charge or swing their heads and butt. I was at a birthday party and one little girl bent over a goat and it nailed her with its horns. Sounded like two coconuts hitting together.
My brother raises pygmy goats. I think they are cute. They had 4 babies born this past weekend. I’ve never been attacked by any of the goats.
I vote for cute and evil.
What is in the water with these baad jokes? lol
Watch El Dia de la Bestia. It’s a very funny Spanish movie. It will give you the answer.
I’ve never been attacked by a goat, but I don’t think they are cute little creatures either. They’re just animals, and can be unpredictable.
Sometimes they can be cute…we have a funny home movie of one of our boys, as a toddler, feeding some goats at a petting zoo. This one goat came up to him and tried to eat his little baseball hat. Our son was just the right height for the goat to grab the hat by the bill, pull it off, and munch away.
@rebbel That is sweet! My brother also has a miniature horse that comes up to almost my chest (I’m 5’2), but the one in the video makes my brothers look full grown.
My favorite memory of a goat is from when I was really really little. My parents took me to a petting zoo and as you entered they would take your photo standing in front of all of the animals. I was so excited about that picture, and literally seconds after the lady handed me my polaroid… a goat ripped it out of my hand and ate it. :P
Goats kick ass, in all senses possible.
They like to be up high to survey their domains, maybe a predator lookout thing.
I like goats a lot, have had many experiences with them, one most memorable encounter was with my friends goat, ‘Gaylord’ a huge white bearded monster that we shoved into the backseat of her car some years ago for a trip to the vet. The looks going down the freeway with a goat looking out the window. lol
For pets they should be de-horned for safetys sake and, they do love leaping to the roof of your car for the best vantage point. lol
Their hooves have a spongy cushion beneath the rim of the hoof which allows them to cling and spring about on rocks, cliffsides and cars.
My family has goats and let me tell you something. They are the fuckin bomb. Baby goats are ridiculously adorable, cuter than human babies, and they can be very friendly too. Goat milk is delicious and so healthy….um….adult goats are friendly as well, and easy to handle for the most part….and that is about it. Plus they have rectangular pupils. Hell yes. GOATS!
I never thought too much about goats until I saw one killed and cooked on an open fire. Ick!
I really like feisty creatures….. basically if it attacks me, then it’s ok in my books. I prefer Geese though, always so very angry :)
I was chased by a few goats as a kid but luckily I was highly amused by it. I like them.
Never under estimate the power of goose testosterone.
My chinese gander has whopped a few intruders in his day, including a ninja kick and mean left hook to a little old lady jehovahs witness that made the mistake of coming into his territory. haha
He is my shadow, totally imprinted on me, and would kill to protect his mother
@deni Don’t laugh, they can be miserable bastards. One of our neighbors had a bunch of them and they for whatever reason hated the milk inspector. (All dairy farms have to be inspected on a regular basis). They went after that guy any chance they got. We also have a nature center here and the canadian geese nest there. I saw one chase a guy for twenty yards as fast as the guy could run.
Speaking of goats and uncanny thread timing, I was driving my sister home from school yesterday and both of us were amazed to find a random goat herd in the middle of Oakland. I’m still slightly flabbergasted.
@Adirondackwannabe OH I KNOW! they are unpleasant. i like ducks. but geese, meh. plus they poop everywhere. this town is littered with goose poop. seriously ive never even seen one in my front yard, but it consists 99% of their feces. gross.
Having never been attacked, goats are cool with me.
He was pretty small, and no it didn’t hurt. Just kind of a funny story.
I was chased by a goat once.
It was scary.
Goats mean serious business.
I have had a few pet goats. Yes, many will butt you any chance they get. They will do the same with other animals – other goats or even dogs or children. They are hard wired to butt, to munch, and to get to the highest place they can. Including any cars around. They definitely will “weed eat” anything you want gone but also what you want to keep, so they must be supervised. You can tether them, but you must stay with them to protect them from predators or just mischief they might get into that you could never imagine. They are pretty cool but not as easy to keep properly as many people think. They will willingly follow you around, but are not generally personable or affectionate in the way a dog or even cat can be. If you decide to get a goat, do lots of research on keeping them, and believe what you read.
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