In the future will there be no truly white people?
Given the increase in bi-racial children being born each year, will we eventually reach a point (accepting this will be many centuries, perhaps even millennia from now) where there are no white skinned people with natural blonde hair and blue eyes?
This is based on the (incorrect?) assumption that the “dark” (i.e. Asian, Oriental, Black etc.) gene is stronger and that bi-racial children are more likely to have dark skin, brown eyes and black hair.
And is there anything wrong with an individual wanting to preserve the white/caucasian race, while still supporting equal rights of all races (just not where it concerns bi-racial reproduction)?
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55 Answers
Looking to preserve the Aryan race? I doubt there are any truly white people now; and has been discussed on here many a time, race is an outdated concept.
Hrmmm, let me think….
I am not sure if i like that white skinned, blond hair, blue eyes bit…
already, the Earth has relatively few blondes and redheads (don’t forget them) with blue, green, hazel or gray eyes. while I get what you mean and I think that their already slim numbers will decrease, I think that people with those genes who like the looks of people with those genes, will keep them circulating through the gene pool.
by “stronger” genes, you mean traits carried by recessive genes.
Why does this question feel slightly racist?....
Do you mean this?
Snopes says this.
An individual can want to preserve the “white” race as if it were a prizewinning line of purebred dogs, but to what end? And although you can want or believe anything at all, action is the problem – how would you do it? Eugenics and miscegenation laws? Tried those, didn’t work.
Even blondes’ ancestors came from Africa.
@cheebdragon Be very careful about what you are implying. Cheers.
Yes, there is something wrong with “an individual wanting to preserve the white/caucasian race, while still supporting equal rights of all races (just not where it concerns bi-racial reproduction)”
Maybe try to mask your racism a little better next time, champ.
@Facade: I think that the only error here comes from thinking of distinct races at all. I don’t see the harm in saying you like certain characteristics and want them to continue. not dealing with a zero sum game, here.
@Ria777 Prejudice of any kind is wrong in my opinion.
This is going to sound crazy, but I don’t think there’s a problem with it. People are proud of their heritage and I can certainly see them wanting to have children with people of similar heritage. I don’t think it’s racist when black people want to marry other black people or Japanese people want to marry other Japanese people. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong when a black person wants to marry someone from Japan. People like what they like and any interference in that process is wrong (whether it’s to prevent or encourage interracial marriage).
@Facade: like I said, we don’t have to think of this as a zero sum game. you can have a prejudice for blue eyes and blonde hair without having a prejudice against other phenotypes.
@gorillapaws just expressed my own views on this matter.
saying “don’t marry that person of that other race”, now I don’t disagree with that. positive versus negative, like I said.
@cheebdragon, it would help if you defined what you mean by “white.”
I have very pale skin but dark hair; I’m an Ashkenazi. Do I count as “white”?
There was a time in America when Irish people didn’t count as “white.”
Also, there is a huge amount wrong with not supporting the right to bi-racial reproduction! Did you mean something else when you wrote that? Like, are you actually asking “would it be wrong to prevent two people of different skin colors from reproducing”?
The question is valid. If we cannot openly discuss racial awareness, without the acqusations of evil racism, we are destined to racial animosity.
@UScitizen Thank you for your sensible post. It is disappointing if one cannot ask such a question without being accused of being an evil racist with an ulterior motive.
I don’t know, does it matter? It doesn’t to me, a white person.
The problem is that I don’t really see any motive for wanting to preserve the “white race,” which is largely an imaginary construct to begin with, apart from… uh, racism.
I should think all the white people would love it if all people were brown. Why else would they go out and lather up with the lotion and try to get as brown as possible. They even pay money to go in a tanning booth to turn brown. So who cares what shade we are?
There are no white people even as we speak!
@wundayatta I am inclined to agree with you. Well, at least in this country. We have been mixing and matching for so long now.
This is faulty logic because Whiteness is comprised of several races, ethnic identities, nationalities, etc…
There is no such thing as preserving the White race. You can preserve the Swedish ethnicity/race/culture or the Irish ethnicity/race/culture and therefor you will be preserving culture/ethnicity/national identity (while respecting others) AND preserving the same traits being discussed.
When Whiteness is discussed as a race it is done so with pure biological traits in mind. Meaning fair skin etc… and in doing so you are ignoring the differences that compromise cultures of fair skinned people and focusing solely on their physical appearance. That is what the Aryn Nation, Nazis, and the like have done in the name of hatred.
No. There will always be the odd albino here and there.
supporting equal rights of all races (just not where it concerns bi-racial reproduction)?
Does anyone else see a problem with this statement? You support equal rights of all races EXCEPT when it concerns bi-racial reproduction? I know you don’t want to be accused of being racist, but here you are asking if there is anything wrong with not supporting equal rights for all races under certain circumstances.
My guess is you just worded this badly. Wanting to have “white children” because you find white people more beautiful or something is not in opposition to equal rights for all races. It’s simply a matter of preference.
I just have to ask: why does it matter? There’s a difference between trying to preserve a culture and preserving a skin color. “White” is not a culture; it’s a skin color. So obviously you’re trying to preserve the skin color. But why? Is it really just a matter of beauty or a desire for strong variation or something else?
You can truly preserve the purity of the genetic traits of a particular race, but you will have to maintain some form of inbreeding. You may also eventually become extinct, since that magnifies undesirable genetic diseases in a closed population.
I think the geneticists on fluther should weigh in here.
@Qingu I hope your answer was meant to be directed at someone else.
@Beautifulbobby193 “white people”? Really? Thats the best term you could come up with?
Nope, it was directed at you.
There will most likely be a vast range of colors, hair colors, eye colors, skin colors, heights, body proportions, etc. UNLESS we develop genetics sufficiently that we can select for all of those prior to birth. Then all the bets are off!
@Qingu That was directed at me because I said “Why does this question feel slightly racist?....”? wtf?
“race is an outdated concept.”
What about the human race?
If we all got together and “cross breaded.” Is not black a dominant gene trait.
So we would eventually all be black?
I don’t think it is a racist question. It is just a fact, that people are mixing it up. Who cares anyway. I have 3 sisters and the same parents. If we all hold our arms out and look at them, we all are different shades. We are all people.
I love the “white people are
losing everything!” questions.
Yes after a long enough period, white people will be bred out of existence or at the least, their numbers will be greatly reduced because white people will breed with non white people.
Honestly, I’m not sure why the prospect of white people not being around in 10,000 years is so frightening to people.
It does interest me that people think this topic is important in any way, when it is not.
@cheebdragon, Aw crap, I thought you wrote the question. NEVERMIND. Apologies!
@Captain_Fantasy most of the time I disagree with you, but this time you are right. In fact if we get right down to the color, white is really a total absence of color and I think the only white people that are absent of color are dead people. We all have a shade of color. What is the bid deal anyway? Who is so worried about it?
If anything, not being white is a genetic advantage which makes a person less susceptible to skin cancer.
@Captain_Fantasy Yes, and as I said earlier, the whiter they are, the more they want to get in the sun to turn brown. I know I did when I was young. I don’t think I ever heard White is beautiful, have you? I guess it is just not an issue for me. But if I wind up with skin cancer it will be.
I just don’t get why it matters. Being white (or any other skin tone) isn’t something we got as a choice we made. It was a matter of luck, accident of birth, take your pick.
I’ve never understood pride in anything we had nothing to do with. Skin color, having naturally red hair, eye color, tall… etc.
Our bodies are the shells we use to walk the earth in. That’s it.
If there comes a day where we’re in “danger” of running out of “white” people, how about this – we institute the one drop rule for white people. One white ancestor a few generations back? You’re white. Period.
to everyone who has previously given a hostile response: the idea of a “white race” or of three human races does not scientific sense, granted. shitting on people does enable anyone to gain a higher level of understanding.
Well there are what 8 billion possibilities when you’re just a zygote…So it’s still probably that naturally blue eyed blond haired people will still exist. You mus consider Scandinavia too, they’re very much blond and blue, and I’ve not heard of many interracial marriages between peoples of Scandinavia and other “darker” peoples. Save for myself. Norwegian and Pakistani.
As long as we all have DNA and a face
There is only one race in humanity. We just happen to have skin colors of various shades, evolved on the basis of sunlight levels wherever our ancestors happened to live for the past thousand generations or so. Assuming that the human race survives long enough and that there are energy resources to allow migrations, humanity will probably tend towards more uniform characteristics; extremely dark or light skin color becoming more rare.
I have always said that someday all people will be some shade of light brown. That can’t happen too soon to suit me. There are so many things that need fixed; it’s ridiculous to worry about such stupid things as race.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: assortative mating and people having children by people they consider attractive (they have a thing for curly hair, say) should mitigate against it. (though if everything doesn’t blow up first I see parents having the power to choose what cosmetic characteristics their babies will have. maybe they’ll want a child with blonde hair and jet black skin.)
@Ria777 Touche’ (and +GA). I listened to W.F. Buckley too much as a child?
@Ron_C: the Hutus and Tutsis distinguish themselves from each other by things like nose shape. their conflicts led to genocide. if everyone had the same skin color they’d still find other reasons to fight.
@Ria777 exactly and tragically. The same goes for the Serbians and Croatians, Palestinians and Jews. They are all the same people and the only thing that separates them is minor philosophical differences. It is all just stupid. Ignorance can be cured, stupidity is permanent.
@Ron_C: okay. ignorant does not only mean willful ignorance, even, though as I have said before on Fluther, increasingly the original meaning gets forgotten. (through… um, ignorance. I do not mean this as a joke.) you can actually remedy ignorance. you can fill in a person on what they did not know. I’ve done it before.
to oversimplify a lot, the conflicts you talked about above actually happen on a Blue vMeme versus Blue vMeme conflict. (Google “Spiral Dynamics” for explanation.)
other than that, under some circumstances both sides really cannot get what they want. when Islamists believe that western values threaten them, well, I agree. consumerist values do threaten theirs. they don’t have it wrong. though, again, going back to the Spiral Dynamics model, most of the world thinks on a primitive level or else can think on a higher level but has the inertia of the rest of the world and their own needs to survive in it dragging them down.
@Ria777 willful ignorance and stupidity are, to me, the same thing. As for “spiral dynamics” this is my first time hearing about this. I read a little of the Wikipedia description and I think that my head is about to explode. Everything that they said after using colors to describe human conditions sounded like blablablabla in my head.
My human condition says that physiologists only contribution to culture is to make bigger and better advertising campaigns. I do not feel enlightened by them. I had a psych course in college and it took me years to get over it.
Please don’t take offense, I don’t want you to think that I disrespect your opinion but please keep it down the the level where we civilians can understand.
There never were truly white people. All our ancestors were black and came from Africa.
I think it is very important to just let nature take it’s course and not try to preserve any particular skin colour/trait. So what if we do all end up brown rather than strictly white or strictly black? I am brown and I quite like it! Nature causes things to evolve and change all the time and this may be just another example than that. I think science needs to focus on far more important things like curingdiseases etc than worrying about a particular hair colour going extinct.
Given enough mixture, there won’t be anyone of ANY race left. We’ll all just be a melange. Of course, for thousands of years, people have been terrified of breeding outside of their race, and it will continue for quite some time.
The original question sounds like races are to be treated like dog breeds.
Personally, I think blue or green people would be pretty cool, but rainbow people would be really bad ass….
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