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john65pennington's avatar

Will the Beach Boys music ever die?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 28th, 2010

I was around when the Beach Boys were more or less teenagers. when their beach music first hit the airways. its amazing that their music is as popular today, as ever. i have many Beach Boy favorites like: Good Vibrations, In My Room, Help Me Rhonda and their modern day classic, Kokomo. thier music has stood the test of time and it makes one wonder why? i know you have a favorite Beach Boy song, so, whats your favorite?

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20 Answers

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I Get Around is my favorite. Can’t explain why, it just is. :-)

zophu's avatar

Who are the Beach Boys?

kidding, but I suspect there are kids today that don’t know who they are

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Little deuce coup is cool because it’s about a car.

ChaosCross's avatar

Good vibrations is my all time favorite.

I do not know however why they are still so well known.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m 24 and I love the beach boys, they sound so upbeat and fresh and harmonius, but at the same time they can do it without being cheesy. I’m not familiar with their song names but they are probably the ones you mentioned.

john65pennington's avatar

Blackberry, you are correct. the Beach Boys are a legend in their own time. their music still lingers in the air like a fresh flower. i am truly amazed at the magic their music gives and makes a person feel. each time you hear a Beach Boys song, you have to kick off your shoes and hit the dance floor. amazing.


Good music never dies. For me, good music entails music with a lot of melody, original pleasant melody, and The Beach Boys have that in their songs. Their music is also well composed with a lot of thought and effort put into it, with the harmonized vocals and the arrangements. Technically they are superb. That’s what I appreciate about them. But when you slip in one of their CDs and play it in your car or on your stereo at home, all that time and energy they put into making those songs is deceptively masked by the sheer pleasure of just listening to them as you relax and enjoy. That is is the mark of a great group——the ability to make timeless songs that bring pleasure but hide the fact that they took so much effort into making them. My favorite Beach Boys song is “California Girls”. I also like “Don’t Worry Baby”.

YARNLADY's avatar

Maybe in another 50 years or so, when the “oldies but goodies” has stopped playing. Favorites include; Do You Remember, In My Room, California Girls, Help Me Rhonda, Good Vibrations

primigravida's avatar

As long as there is always a summer each year, the Beach Boys will be a relevant band. I can’t imagine sitting at a beach bar with a coconut-umbrella-based drink and NOT hear Kokomo.

Ron_C's avatar

Of course not! 100 years from now they’ll be up there with Beethoven and Mozart. Of courst that is just my opinion.

cfrydj's avatar

I’m 25 now, and I’ve moved on somewhat, but when I was a teenager, The Beach Boys were all that I listened to, especially their later, post-surf music, such as Pet Sounds, Friends, 20/20, etc. Are there any other fans of their later work? I also love their early stuff (I Get Around and so on)

My favourite song is God Only Knows.

Ron_C's avatar

@cfrydj see I said that they were immortal. To you it is “early stuff” to me, it is the music of my youth. It will be strange to hear the Beach Boys and ZZ Top played on the nursing home’s PA system.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Agree with @MRSHINYSHOES. I think the excellent harmonization is what I like best about them.

@Ron_C Too funny! Eminem in the nursing home, too, maybe?

Mamradpivo's avatar

Pet Sounds remains my favorite album for a long drive home at night. I used to listen to it in high school driving half an hour from the coffee shop we hung out at to home. I could get through the whole thing. It’s so perfectly peaceful, but troubled.

Next time I drive at night, I’ll put that in.

@cfrydj I loved Surf’s Up and Holland albums. ‘Sail On Sailor’ is still one of my favorite songs.

cfrydj's avatar

@Mamradpivo Absolutely, Sail On Sailor is mindblowing.

@Ron_C Just think, I got into them after Carl and Dennis were both dead, and Brian was relatively sane again.

Teenagers will always identify with their music.

WestRiverrat's avatar

The Beach Boys are actually talented musicians. They don’t have to borrow someone else’s hit to write a song.

Not like today’s PopTarts that all seem to be squeezed out of the same Disney mold. Butchering Classics because they can’t write their own songs.

john65pennington's avatar

WestRiverrat, love your answer and you are correct. the Beach Boys were the originals of surfing music and their songs were mostly originals. copying a song and slaughtering it is just about all you hear today. where have all the songwriters gone? no matter, as long as their is a copy of a Beach Boys song around, we will never be without the good stuff.

Ron C, i like your statement “teenagers will always identify with their music”. i guess this means the Beach Boys music will be eternal, since each newborn has their own teenage years. whatcha think?

UScitizen's avatar

Of course not. Much like Glenn Miller, this is timeless music.

Ron_C's avatar

@john65pennington for me they are eternal because they will always be the “music of my youth”. I feel sorry for the kids that think rap is music. Of course my dad objected to music that came after Perry Como and Glenn Miller.

I would like a little Springsteen at my funeral, about 40 years from now. Sixty is the new forty, you know. My dad used to say that people in our family didn’t die, people killed them. I think I’ll wait for that.

Provlear's avatar

I love Beach Boys, but I’m sure there are many people who have never heard of them… so I guess it all depends on how you define “die”.

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