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Sparkie510's avatar

Other good iPhone applications?

Asked by Sparkie510 (397points) March 12th, 2008 from iPhone
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5 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

In the UK, the BBC iplayer. Watch TV on your phone. Super.

Sparkie510's avatar

Do you know if there’s one that allows you to listen to the radio?

Sparkie510's avatar

Sorry – also for UK?

Lightlyseared's avatar

iplayer lets you watch last weeks tv and has access to BBC radio podcasts. There is also an app that gives you access to BBC podcasts.
Don’t know if there is anyway to listen to live radio through, sorry.

AdelHallak's avatar

Yea, if you have Installer, there is an application called “iRadio” it is basically International Radio…its awsome! You can get it on installer, all packages, scroll down to “i” to iRadio and install it…Bingo you got free international radio :)

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