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john65pennington's avatar

Why is it so comforting to talk at a gravesite to a lost loved one?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 29th, 2010

I think we all have done this, will do this, or have at least thought about doing this, when a loved one dies. i just watched a movie where two men were talking at a gravesite to the same woman and child. one was the husband, the other was their father. both men had their own private conversations with their deceased family.Question: is there really any communication, when people openly talk at the gravesite of a loved one or is this strictly a psychological situation?

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19 Answers

slick44's avatar

I take comfort in talking to my Father who has passed, but i dont feel the need to do so at his gravesite. If he can hear me, he hears me wherever i am.

filmfann's avatar

My father has been gone 25 years, and my Mom 5. I went to the cemetary last weekend, and tried to talk to them, but still got too choked up.

john65pennington's avatar

filmfann, sorry.

slick44's avatar

@filmfann… I no the feeling. thats why i prefer to speak with my father when i am alone. Maybe looking up at the beautiful sky or at night in bed, just the two of us.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I talk to my lady Meg this way almost every day. I don’t know why this makes me feel better. Maybe because no one else likes to talk to me.

Jude's avatar

May sound silly, but, I feel as though it’s my little bit of time with her. I do talk to her. It’s actually comforting, as well.

I remember when we had just found out that my Mom had cancer (at the time we thought that it was Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma), I went to my grandparent’s graves (side by side), and started sobbing. I was pissed off and devastated.

netgrrl's avatar

After my boyfriend passed, I talked to him for a long time. Usually in the car, sometimes at the house. It was a case of, “WWDD?” What would David do?

I can’t say I ever thought he could hear me, but I could then imagine what his answer would be, or how he would laugh at me, or give me that crazy look that said he thought I’d gone ‘round the bend.

john65pennington's avatar

Stranger, i am sure she hears you. if Meg IS there for you, you are not alone.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have never been able to visit my mother’s grave and chat with her. I’m not sure why but that has just never worked for me. I wish I was comforted by graveside conversations, but I’m not.

UScitizen's avatar

When one does this, he is providing psychiatric care to himself. Certainly not bad, just a simple vehicle for self help.

john65pennington's avatar

UScitizen, totally agree with you here. these conversations may not be beneficial to anyone other than to ones self. i think it helps to clear a persons mind and gives an artifical feeling of closeness. its like good medicene, without a prescription.

marinelife's avatar

I talk to dead relatives from home. I think they can hear you as well there as at the grave site. But it may give comfort to some to talk at the grave stie because it is a physical reminder of the person.

Jude's avatar

” But it may give comfort to some to talk at the grave stie because it is a physical reminder of the person.”

It’s like that for me.

theveteran's avatar

Its not an easy thing to do especially if it is our beloved ones.

ucme's avatar

Well it’s symbolic, a private interaction with a loved one sorely missed.

slick44's avatar

@theveteran I agree, that is why i do not go there. i talk to him from home, i think he can hear me just as well.

CMaz's avatar

It does nothing for me.

I will say this… When I do HAVE TO visit a grave. I can get a bit choked up. Getting caught up in the moment.

thriftymaid's avatar

It would not be for me, I don’t think. I never visit grave sites.

Draconess25's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Awww, I like talking to you!

When I visited my mother’s grave a year ago, I took my 2 girlfriends. The atmosphere was….strange. You could feel the spiritual energy all around you. But it wasn’t frightening; we were joking around, & I know my mother could hear us.

Creepy, though: My Kitten asked “What if she came out of the ground like a zombie?”. As soon as she said that, a rock hit her in the head & we all heard my mother laugh. There was no one around, & a chunk missing out of the headstone.

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