Social Question

ucme's avatar

What would be an infamous moment you can remember, when someone famous inadvertently "gaffed" with an unguarded comment?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 29th, 2010

Several questions on the Brown “Gaffe”. Got me wondering of the worst ones ever to be uttered.Whether it be politician,actor,news anchor or whatever.Be it Reagan,Bush or whoever.Which can you recall as being particularly funny or cringe worthy?

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5 Answers

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Joe Biden after health care reform.

In Joes defense, it really is a big fucking deal.

UScitizen's avatar

May 9, 2008, Beaverton, OR. Candidate B.H. Obama pointed out that he had campaigned in 57 states. Somehow, this didn’t seem to cause him a problem.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

When Dick Cheney told Senator Leahy to “Go fuck yourself” in the Senate chambers.

laureth's avatar

Chopping the air with his right hand, Gerald Ford boldly declared: “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford Administration.” Story

For those of you not old enough to remember those times, the Soviet Union had long been all about dominating Eastern Europe.

…Then of course there are the Bushisms, but that’s really low-hanging fruit.

filmfann's avatar

During a campaign stop, a woman began shouting at Ronald Reagan for not doing something to end Viet Nam. “The blood of American Soldiers is on your hands!” she screamed.
“Well, I can always wash them with Boraxo ” was his reply.

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