Do you have any urges to intervene? Walking down the street behind a guy with his pants hanging on by a prayer.
Asked by
Rangie (
April 29th, 2010
I have wanted to either say something to them or accidently bump into them, with a little tiny jerk on the side of the pants. whoops. What would you say if you were brave enough?
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65 Answers
LOL, as silly as it looks wearing pants with their underwear sticking out the top, I can’t say I have any urges to give a sh*t.
I’d like to run up & yank them down. I mean if he wants them hanging that bad, I’ll oblige him. If these people only knew how idiotic they look!
I don’t want to intervene. I mean it looks like they took a shit in their pants and are lugging it around as they walk. If you tug on it you might get crap all over you.
Speaking seriously though, I admit it looks totally ridiculous and pretty retarded, but to each his own. Who am I to intervene when I walk down the street in Summer looking like Batman dressed as a vampire anyway.
I am more concerned about the hip problems our insurance will be paying for later from walking around hobbled all the time.
Larry “The General” Platt would not approve and would immediatly begin signing “Pants on the Ground”.
I usually start humming or whistling “Pants on the Ground” song.
No. I’m not so assumptive as to think that I have the right to judge, shame or interfere with how others choose to dress themselves. Nor am I so self-important as to think that others care what I think or that I can have some effect on how others dress.
Now, if it was a girl with her pants hanging on by a prayer, it’d be another story ;)
To add, I do laugh when I see these people trying to run. Pretty funny.
@tinyfaery Maybe that’s why guys seem to grab their crotch all the time. Can’t have their pants falling down, now can they?
@tinyfaery don’t take it so seriously. It is a funny sight. One little downdraft and oops. I have seen some of these boys sit down and honestly, the waist belt of their pants are across their thighs. Now I ask you, why are they even wearing them. And then to watch them try to stand up is really funny.
I’m going to start a new trend. Not only will my pants be sagging way down low, but my underwear as well. We’ll see how long that’ll take to catch on.
An urge to intervene? Heavens, no. Experience is the best teacher.
Did anyone see the show Cops, where the kid was running from the cops and his low rider pants fell around his ankles? They turned out to be his very own ankle cuffs. lol
Intervene? no. Public ridicule and humiliation? absolutely.
Just to clarify, this is where the ridicule is taking place, not to their faces.
I just would like to ask one of them, why? I know, one of you will say why not? If you are one of these low rider pant guys, please tell me why?lol
@Rangie it’s the same reason any stupid trend starts. Look at the crazy crimping hairdos of the 80’s, or the goofy wigs that people in the 1700’s used to wear. Fashion is a mystery.
I will concede that this particular trend has had a lot more staying power than I expected, nearly 20 years or so right?
In reality, I’d NEVER do that, but it sure is funny to think about. Just like when I see a guy with a goatee looking thing hanging off his chin. I just want to grab it & shake!
There might be a gun somewhere in those huge pants. Let ‘em go.
@Captain_Fantasy are you making fun of my avatar? just asking. don’t take it too seriously. just having fun today. I will get mean
Truthfully, sometimes I want to poke the top of their crack with a stick and see what they do. I resist the urge most days.
@Rangie Next time you’ll feel compelled, too. :)
@Taciturnu that’s what I’m afraid of. I am pretty brave, but I will have to get a mighty long stick, so I can get away fast.:)
I will forever remember this every time I see one of those guys. I will probably break out in an audible laugh.
No they hide guns in those huge pants sometimes. Baggy pants are great for concealing weapons.
@Captain_Fantasy Oh, I thought you were kidding around. Yeah, I guess they could. But, wouldn’t they just fall out?
I would like to think of something clever and funny to say. Help me think of something. Seriously I will try it and see if they take it as funny and if not, I will carry my stick that I was going to poke them with. can’t stop laughing.
I’m pretty clueless where other people are concerned. I might notice something that unusual, but I wouldn’t think twice about it.
Last week in the Eastern Bay Area, there was a 27 year old chinese guy doing some shopping for antiques with his 58 year old father. As dad was parking the car, 2 young black guys came up to the 27 year and sucker punched him.
The guy took off to meet up with his dad and told him what had just happened.
Dad then confront the two 18 year men. “Why did you punch my son?”
They responded by beating him unconscious. He died 3 days later.
Don’t mess with people.
@Captain_Fantasy East bay area where? What a sad state of affairs. I will stick with teasing someone I know. I guess that is like looking at someone in the car next to you. I have heard of horror stories there too. It starts with ” who are you looking at?” and then it is all over but the shouting. I love to kid around, guess I won’t be doing much of that anymore. thanks for the heads up
Bay Area California. Pretty sure it was Oakland.
If so, that city is more messed up than I thought.
@Captain_Fantasy Was that on the news? Sorry to say, it does sound like Oakland. Very dangerous place. My husband and I went to a bird carving show, where he was entered in the show. We had to stay overnight. We stopped at a motel and he got out of the car to go in to register, and he was approached by an officer. The officer told him, it would not be a good place for us to stay, and he directed us out of Oakland to another nearby place.
Honestly, SF is on par with Oakland on the levels of crime.
There’s roughly the same amounts of homicide in both cities yearly.
It’s just different crimes. Some areas of this city, you just don’t go to at night.
Last year, an 11 year old was stabbed by a homeless man on the bus.
They didn’t catch him until earlier this year when he stabbed a sleeping girl on the bus.
@Captain_Fantasy My ex lives in SF. Up on top of mountain, I forgot the name of it. Was the little girl okay?
@Captain_Fantasy Thank God. I guess you must be very careful and aware what ever you do. I don’t understand why some of these parents let their children, even teenage daughters go jogging alone. Do they not hear the news?
I don’t see the phenomenon much here in rural (Cattle Country) Alberta but I sure have had the privilege in cities across the country. I acknowledge it looks dopey (to use an adjective I hardly ever use).
Why would I intervene with someone clearly unaware of social custom or the law of gravity?
@tinyfaery makes a point with which I fully agree. I have no right to tell others to do as I think they should. As long as they harm no one, they are free to be as they are. When they start complaining they can’t get a job, I hope someone will advise them on social customs or presenting oneself.
@Dr_Lawrence well, I wouldn’t tell them anything as to how to dress or they are shameful or anything like that. I was thinking more on the funny side of things. They could wear their pants over their head for all I really care. I just think they are silly looking. I see funny things that could happen to them and it makes me laugh.
My imagination runs that way too @Rangie !
“Excuse me, it appears you may have dumped a load in your drawers, I have diaper wipes in the car, would you like me to fetch you a few.”
@Silhouette That one made me cry, I am laughing so hard. I am having trouble typing, I can’t stop laughing, neither can my husband. You are just to witty. I am going to use that on someone I know that wears his pants down like that. You crack me up.
@Rangie Thanks. I have been tempted on many occasions to walk up and grab their britches by the waistband and yank them up. Maybe wipe their noses and check for a wayward booger or two. They look like babies with heavy drooping diapers.
You know, those guys with the low riding pants make fun of everyone who doesn’t wear their pants like that.
But seriously, I wouldn’t want someone bothering me about the way I dress, so would I do it to them? It’s a free country, people. They can wear them if they want.
@toomuchcoffee911 It only bothers me because it looks so uncomfortable and when my kids looked like that it was my job to hike up their britches before they fell and got an ouchie. I don’t really judge them by the way they dress, or at least I don’t think I do. <shrugs>
@toomuchcoffee911 But seriously, lighten up. We are just having fun. Do you think we would be brave enough to actually do that? just fun.
Maybe we should all just be thankful that the codpiece hasn’t come back into fashion, I’d link it, but there’s some funky stuff on the wikipedia entry.
@gorillapaws Oooooo you said codpiece!! YAY!!! I think they should make a comeback. I’d wear one. heheheh
@silhouette I meant no offence to you; haha it sound like it’s almost a force of habit.
@rangie You asked a question and I answered in, opinion included. Lighten up.
@Silhouette Ah, good! :D I was worried there for a second!
Yea I hate kids that think walking around with their pants hanging over their jeans is a good look. I also hate to see people who eat pies in the street.
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