Is it normal that my bf never shows sadness whenever we say goodbye after each visit?
I had a great visit and enjoyed every second of the 8 days I had. When I was leaving I couldn’t help but to cry, I ALWAYS cry. I cried really hard this time more than other times. What always bothers me is that my boyfriend never shows sadness when I leave. It doesn’t seem to phase him! I’m the one sad and he isn’t. Last time I visited him, he was really sad and that was like the only time. This time he had a friend with him and she took me to the airport because he didn’t have a car. He was being a jokester as he always is with his friends, laughing, and talking as if I wasn’t leaving. We hugged n kissed goodbye and I left crying. When he got back in the car I saw him talking happily as if me leaving never hurted him.
Shouldn’t he be sad? I don’t know if it’s the same for guys. I kind of feel like if he didn’t have a friend with him he would’ve spent all his attention on me…I know he wanted me to stay longer and tried convincing me to…but I just wanna know I’m going to be missed as much as I’m going to miss him!
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22 Answers
There are a few explanations.
1. He’s sad but doesn’t show it—this is not unusual for a guy.
2. He’s not sad because
(a) he doesn’t like you as much as you like him.
(b) he likes his space and maybe it’s nice for him to have a little bit of time apart.
(c) he’s cheating on you
3. Something else I didn’t think of.
The fact that your BF had a friend with him going to the airport is not good news. The fact that he had a female friend is very bad news indeed. He should have been devoting that attn to you. I can make a case for a guy not showing his emotions upon parting, but I cannot make a case for the thoughtlessness he displayed. You have reason to question his intentions and true feelings. The best interpretation may be that he is very very thoughtless.
First of all, where is he visiting from? Do you not get to see each other that often?
He either doesn’t love and care for you as much as you do for him or he is being a typical man and hiding his emotions. I’m gonna go with the second option. Just sayin…
Well he had a friend with him going to the airport because we had no one to take us to the airport. She was the only one that could.
@chelle21689 Has he ever heard of borrowing a car? Renting a car? Taking a bus? Taking a shuttle?
Don’t make a mountaing of a molehill… Your BF probably was just acting all macho but may be feeling sad within as well… In a relationship, it would be very hard if both parties part ways with sadness and heavy hearts written all over their faces. It is best that one takes the high road.
Well who’s car could he borrow if he doesn’t have one? His mom won’t let him, we’re too young to rent a car, the bus and shuttle is like 3–4 hours to get there, and the taxi is over $100 to get there. I even asked his other friend (A GUY) and he said he couldn’t. We had no other choice, she was the best choice. Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with that.
I’m the expert on this as I often have trouble showing my emotions. And you have to understand that many guys have become quite good at suppressing emotions that make them look vulnerable or god forbid sensitive. We’ve been told our whole lives to toughen up and not be pussies.
So, just because he does not react the same way that you do does not mean he does not love you or isn’t sad that you’re separating. You might want to talk about it with him though, but don’t be mean about it as this will also trigger defenses. This is a very area to tackle and I should know. Joke about it, and it hurts our feelings and we just get pissed. Bring it up lovingly and we just don’t get it. Get pissed about it and you become close to breaking up.
The best thing to do is to find reassurance that he loves you in other ways and to lower your expectations to his reactions. If you’re looking for reassurance because you’re insecure, you will be highly disappointed with his responses. Good luck! You’ll need it. :)
Wait, let me get this straight. you have a man who may be having trouble with showing his feelings and instead covers them up with other distracting things?
Does Cosmopolitan know about this?
And this is the same guy for whom you ignored all your other obligations, spent what, $400 extra dollars, rolled over and showed him that you will compromise everything in your life to spend more precious moments? The same guy you want to move across the country for and move in with? You say you were always at his place? How much of your time and money have you already invested in this relationship? It seems like the effort is all on your part.
Sounds like a keeper.
I didn’t say he had trouble showing his feelings. Just when we part he never gets teary like me. I didn’t spend the extra $400 on him, and of course I invested so much into the relationship. So has he, what do you want me to do? This is our first visit in 3 months…he visited me during Christmas.
@chelle21689 I also know how hard long distance relationships are. You’re traveling down a rocky road. :)
It isn’t a question of what I want you to do other than take a good hard look at it. In one Q you say that you are always at his place, and it seems like you are the one going to all the time, effort and expense. But it’s certainly your call. Just don’t expect the same emotional display from a man.
long distance relationships can be tricky.
who drove you to the airport is petty. Dont even worry about it.
Men arent as outgoing in emotions.
Just be happy and enjoy the day.
You are a girl, he is a boy, nothing else is new. You are emotional, he is not.
I don’t get why having a girl drive was a big deal. Like I said before we’ve tried getting other ways to the airport. This was the best choice. Blehh
LOL…. I like @Blackberry‘s general answer. That could be it in a nutshell. That we as women are more emotional then men. It doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t care for you any less. Not everyone was raised the same way, we don’t all express our selves in the same manor. Who knows he might cry himself to sleep when your not there.
We men work very hard at never showing emotion.
We’ve gotten very good at it.
My gf leaves town every week for work. She gets upset Sunday night, and I do on Monday after she’s gone.
I would always get very upset when it was time to leave, but some people aren’t as comfortable expressing that sort of emotion. I’d bring it up to him, but don’t immediately assume that he doesn’t have feelings for you just because he doesn’t cry when you leave.
I think for some guys it just matters more to them that they look cool. Even if he isn’t interested in her, he still has to look cool. They never want it getting back to their friends that they cried when their girlfriend left.
I think it all depends on how he sounds on the phone afterwards when he gets to talk to you alone. If he goes on and on about being lonely or couldn’t wait to call you then you probably have nothing to worry about. If he’s like this most times than either he is simply not an emotional person and sees emotions as being weak, or he isn’t that into you.
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