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Blackberry's avatar

Do you feel bad when you forget things?

Asked by Blackberry (34310points) April 29th, 2010

Forgetting (or memory I suppose) things is something I am interested in. For example, what makes us forget important things? Why do we constantly remember to do something for a whole week, and then forget it the day we have to do it?

Is it our fault when we forget things? Are we responsible for taking all measures possible to make sure we don’t forget anything? What is your opinion on memory and forgetting things?

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24 Answers

PhillyCheese's avatar

It depends on the situation.
I won’t feel bad if I forgot to pick up something at the mall, but I’ll feel bad if I forget a good friends birthday or an anniversary.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I really think that….. wait. Did you ask me something?

ok, just kidding. ;) I really do have a terrible memory though, so I stopped feeling too badly about forgetting things a long time ago. As long as your intentions are good, what more can you do?

CFi's avatar

I think I still feel bad when I forget things. I honestly made an effort this year to try and remember my Sister in laws B-day, but when the day came around I was just so stressed with work and other things around me I forgot. We’ve always had this rift between us and the first time I genuinely forgot her B-day, she too “forgot” mine. This then started a viscous circle of “forgetting” each others Bdays. Mine was an honest mistake, her’s was more like revenge. Seeing as I don’t play well with other spite full people, I “did it back” until this year I really tried to turn a leaf and I forgot. :(

laureth's avatar

I used to forget things all the time when I was a kid. Like, some mornings I might forget to change the cat’s water, for example. And Mom decided one day that for everything I forgot, I needed to write a paper about why I forgot it, and “hand it in” to her when I got home from school that day. I had to have really good reasons. Just saying “I forgot” wasn’t good enough, it had to be something like “I was kidnapped by aliens and subjected to mind-altering experiments that caused me to forget every reference to cats or water that I had ever learned.” Except, y’know, they had to be true.

One thing this taught me was how to remember stuff but good, to the point where it annoys the bejeezus out of me when people like my husband forget simple things. I always want to ask for his “good reason.” (He gets into “default mode” a lot, so if there’s anything to remember, like “stopping by the pharmacy on the way home from work,” I have to remind him on the way home 3–4 times, at every turn, or he just drives straight home like every other day.)

The other thing this taught me was to feel extra-special miserable when I finally do forget something.

Ponderer983's avatar

Yes, because I usually don’t forget things. What’s odd is that I get mad at other people when they don’t remember things they should. I guess it’s because I do remember a lot so it;s hard for me to relate to people who tend not to as well. I have found that either writing things down or having a planner that you check regularly helps for those who don’t remember.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, forgetting things is the bane of my existence.

eden2eve's avatar

I have this weird sense that when someone forgets something relevant to another person, it’s showing lack of regard for that person.

So… when I forget I feel TERRIBLE, and when someone else does it regarding something important to me I feel very slighted.

Logic says that this is not a reasonable belief, so why can’t I just get over it?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It what makes me whoever I am. ;)

wundayatta's avatar

I hate forgetting things. I forget the names of things. Sometimes I sit here for minutes trying to remember the word I need. It happens very often now. It might be related to age. It might be related to the drugs I’m taking.

It is somewhat normal at my age, and the scientists say there are compensations. I may not remember words, but I am wiser. Supposedly. Or I can see the whole of the complexity better.

Pandora's avatar

Only if it was something semi important to important that lead to letting myself or someone else down. Otherwise, shit happens.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

That’s where I get all my excercise routine done! By walking around the house back and forth, looking behind furniture, under furniture if the cats pushed it under. Pulling out drawers.

On Monday I had a bag from the mall. today is Thursday, I still can’t find it. I know I brought it in from the car, but I still have gone out to the car looking for it three times!
I’ve done about a half mile within the house still looking for it.

I wish someone would develope a website and call it, “Where The Hell Did I Leave That Bleepin Thing?” And you type in the search box your item your looking for, and it would pop out the answer like on a printed receipt….In your left pants pocket… the trunk….under the sofa coushon…it fell out on the driveway…..

faye's avatar

I often find myself in a room wondering why! And I do feel bad if I forget something important. More importantly, where is my other nice sandal?

OneMoreMinute's avatar

@faye If you see that brown shopping bag of mine I’ve looking for, let me know asap, I’m still looking over here!

I have this strange sandal sitting by my door over here! size 8

faye's avatar

@OneMoreMinute I’ll keep my eye out but I might not remember why!!

DominicX's avatar

If I forget something important, then there’s a fairly large chance that it was due to me not making enough effort to remember it. If I forget something small, I am probably not going to feel bad about it. But if it was important to me, I should’ve made more of an effort to remember it, therefore there would be something to feel about.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

@faye Keep your eye out for what?

faye's avatar

@OneMoreMinute Aww, you gave me an out loud chuckle there!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I should no longer feel bad because forgetting has taken over my life over the past 6–8 months. For some reason, I forget to the point where I need to have people around me to watch over what I do. I no longer even keep keys on me because I will forget them somewhere, so I can’t be expected to remember other more significant things.
Seems like mr Alzheimer is my other half!

OneMoreMinute's avatar

@faye ;-)
I still have not found that bag. $60 of stuff I bought, and it has seemingly disappeared into thin air!
I am now on project deep space search. Looking in the freezer, in case I put it in the ice tray, in the garden shed, I also bought weed killer, and maybe wasn’t paying attention. The dirty laundry. I’ve looked the car completely over 4 times. Under the bed….AaahhCHOO! I Called the store, in case I forgot to take my purchase (oh Gawd, when will those days get her?)

faye's avatar

@OneMoreMinute Did you toss a blanket over the corner of the couch where you left the bag? I’ve done that. @ZEPHYRA I can usually find my keys but the car in the parking lot is often a game.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

Oh gosh, there should be a word coined that can describe how you feel when you finally realize something so obvious and right in front of you. It isn’t mad, but it makes me want to take my brain back to the manufacturer for a spark plug tune up and a new timing chain!!!

@faye Yay! I finally found the bag!
It was RIGHT HERE! on the floor next to my right foot where I sit at my computer!!!
Geeesh! Been here all week, never noticed it down there.
In plain sight.
until just now! But now I know where everything is in my house and car!!!!
This really beats the Magical Hiding Mayonaise Jar that jumps dimensions in the fridge!

ps did you find your sandal?

faye's avatar

No sandal but I’m not giving up!

selena4543's avatar

so what do i have to do when i forget

faye's avatar

Found my shoes!!

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