Meta Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Do non-committal answers leave you a bit irked?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 29th, 2010

It’s not really a big deal, but after reading two paragraphs of “well it really depends” it just doesn’t feel like we’ve gotten anywhere.

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12 Answers

Zen_Again's avatar


What does irking feel like?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not really – sometimes it really depends…~

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

They leave me feeling enraged—just have an opinion,dagnabit—;)

escapedone7's avatar

As long as they are clear about what it depends upon, then I consider it a real answer. Some things really do have answers dependent upon the specifics of the situation. Should I call 911 every time I start a grease fire or try to put it out myself? Maybe it really does depend on the size and location of the fire. Something still in the confines of a pan is worth dealing with. If flames are climbing the walls it is too late to try a DIY job. Don’t you ever think an answer really does just depend upon specifics?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Maybe. It’s hard to say one way or the other….

See what I did there :)

plethora's avatar

What do you mean?

YARNLADY's avatar

I think Fluther is a great place to find questions and answers.

filmfann's avatar

Oh, I see what you’re saying. Hmmm…

Jeruba's avatar

Waffly answers do. But not nearly as much as comments that are just completely off target, like when people go to all the trouble of posting an answer such as “I couldn’t care less about your stupid question.” Or when they find a question in “Questions for You” that they can’t answer and post a response like “Why are you asking me this? How should I know?”

I agree that not everything has a clear-cut answer, though. Sometimes you have to make it conditional.

And sometimes I really and truly don’t have an opinion. In that case, I usually don’t post anything.

thriftymaid's avatar

That’s a good reason not to read long answers.

jeanmay's avatar

Nah, I just skip ‘em; then give the more direct and fully committed answers my full attention and lurve.

Berserker's avatar

Not really. Maybe what we see as evasive really isn’t it, and if it was something important, I’d be glad to be entoured by people who don’t jump the gun and instead would rather think shit through.

Otherwise maybe it’s just style, ya know, like Conan the Barbarian saying that any man who makes a promise is a liar.

I denno if that’s true or not, but it sure is flashy.

Hucks a bomb

Don’t worry it won’t hurt anyone. >_>

Anyways we can’t always hear what we wanna. :p

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