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Jude's avatar

It's 4 in the a.m. and I can't sleep; any tips on how I can get my arse back into sleepy mode?

Asked by Jude (32207points) May 2nd, 2010

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11 Answers

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Try reading a book, that usually makes my eyes slam shut at this time of the morning. (I just woke up- farmers hours).

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Cosmo had a thing about thinking a sexy dream and does relax you so you can sleep.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Same here. It’s 4:30am & my brain is tired, my body is tired, but for some reason, my eyes just don’t want to stay shut.

The thing with the suggestion on reading a book, you need a light on to read. I also need my reading glasses. So having a light on and glasses on my face makes it even harder to sleep. Sometimes I’ll put earbuds in my ears, not plugged into anything, just to cancle ambient noise.

TexasDude's avatar

You must forgive me for being a bit forward, m’dear, but self love is a great way to knock yourself out.

Jude's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Or, maybe, I should (gingerly) wake up the missus?

CaptainHarley's avatar

Sit on something hard for an hour or so. I virtually guarantee your “arse” will go fast to sleep. It may leave the rest of you behind, but hey… can’t have everything! : D

TexasDude's avatar

@jjmah, that definitely sounds preferable.

shego's avatar

It’s 315 here and I’m still up too. Maybe you should try some sleepytime tea, dim the lights and listen to some relaxing music.

Garebo's avatar

Drink a strong cup of coffee does it every time for me. Its because you have accepted the fact you are awake, it says screw it to your subconscious-I’m up and at’m-then you will really get sleepy

rooeytoo's avatar

Listen to a book on your iPod, works for me!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Surf the net for a while or read a book- make sure it doesn’t have sex in it.

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