Thanks for all the input but the main jist of the question was not who is the better parent for their choice or who will have better kids. That is not a question I would need to ask you jellies because I feel I know which is better but then that is me. The circle of people I am in some read Cosmo, or they watch Oprah and there is all that talk about “having it all”, to be like the Anaglia, Brook Shields type with big careers and still be the mom. And most people are different and some try to “have it all” and barely keep it together because they are so stressed trying to keep the underlings nipping at their heels at bay at the same time clawing their way up another rung of the ladder all the while trying to make those dance recitals. Just as some feel somewhat guilty of devoting so much to a career and not the kids or family there are SAHM who feel guilty that their wanting to be home with the kids is selfish because they are not pulling any bucks into the house, that maybe their kids can have those karate lessons if they were out working. Some people have to work, they just earn that little, however some who have ½5th Bill Gates like mates and the family don’t need their money still feel incomplete unless they chase the career. Why?
@MissAusten @aprilsimnel ”I love how the working mom/stay at home mom debate always implies that mothers work so they can afford perks like new cars, wonderful vacations, dinners out, and fancy clothes.” That is not always the case but just as people who gamble for instance, the reason they do is they hope to win. Some do it just for the rush but if there were no chance at winning they would not do it. So a great deal of women (maybe they don’t think it where you live) want the career because it means money. They can make a career out of volunteering but that don’t bring any bucks in. From the time we graduate we are still looking for that report card, something to validate us as having done good; or at least keeping up. If neighbors you know who seem no smarter can afford trips to exotic locations, bigger car, a bigger flat screen etc people start to wonder what they are doing wrong or what can they do so they can do better. ”After all, everyone isn’t going to be college-educated and middle class. Everyone isn’t going to make $200K a year” Right, but those in that position can’t use having to make ends meet as the reason to not be home, so it has to be something else.
”Shit, I worked full-time until we had our third child so we could make the mortgage payments on our small house, the car payments on our used cars, and to put homemade food on the table.” Now working people (and I am one) rarely run in circles of people who know inside secrets, they are usually the rich sharing with the rich. But if you had known you could have adapted the strategy of renting an apartment taking the money saved off feeding a mortgage and investing in some lien sales of homes you would like to have had. In 5 years or less I believe one would have not been redeemed and you would have had an excellent chance to obtain the property free and clear. Then you would have had extra money to buy new ore new with cash.
But simply working to get through the month is not really much of a career, though make a career out of working job after job.
Most of the time everything comes down to cash, that is why we work and not just indulge our passions.
@roundsquare ”I always recommend making decisions assuming you are a top class Goldman Sachs exec, reality be damned.” It is reality, if a woman has a spouse who make 50k, 75k, 125k, 300,000k, 5 mil, or more she can stay with the kids it just comes down to what she is willing to trade of that.
If I had a spouse that was raking in enough to keep the family afloat I would so be there all day with the kids. And I will have a life; with them. We will have field trips, and other outings, if I was a SAHD I would home school them as not to miss nary a moment of their growing up. That is what I would do.
Let me put it this way; if you CAN’T “have it all” (not counting those who are so close to the grit they have no choice but to go earn money) which side of the fence are you going hop off on?