Meta Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

When a mod tells you your question isn't very good and tells you to go to the chat room, how often do you actually go to the chat room to ask your question?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) May 2nd, 2010 from iPhone

I’ve asked a question in that chat room before and guess
what? No one responds there!

Personally I just love it when I’m banished to the chat room only to find no one is in the chat room.


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41 Answers

chels's avatar

What chat did you go to? And at what time? Normally there’s atleast 2 people in there! Myself included.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I never go to chat rooms. To me, they’re just a big hodge-podge of people talking at random & you never know who’s talking to who. I want to talk to a person one on one. Chat rooms suck, IMO.

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, what @chels said.
I am almost always there (in the Watering Hole), i only almost never speak.

ucme's avatar

Never been there no intention of doing so in the immediate future either,not my bag man.

SuperMouse's avatar

Never. I should probably qualify this by saying that I have never been asked to take a question to the chat room. I do go to the chat room fairly regularly, but I don’t ever ask questions there.

Sarcasm's avatar

I’ve never had a chatty question moderated, so I’ve never been told to go to the chat room.
But I go there anyway. I’m in there most hours of the day, unless I’m in school or asleep.

I remember seeing you pop into chat once. I didn’t see you say a single thing.

There is generally a handful of people in chat, not so many in the wee hours of the morning. It’s a friendly bunch and if anyone had seen you ask anything, they would’ve answered.

Fred931's avatar

Don’t go into that chat room or I’ll freaking spam you with car pictures.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I’ve never had a Q moderated for chattiness, but when I need to take a quick poll, I regularly go into chat and write “POLL: Blah blah blah blah blah, what should I do?” and then people answer. It works and it’s easy.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I’m sure mods get more attention in the chat room than the average fluther user.

Point being is that “go to the chatroom” is merely a platitude meaning “we don’t want to hear it”.

Sarcasm's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Not really. Also, it’s not safe to assume something about the chat when you’ve only been in there once or twice.
I’ve only been a moderator for about a week, and I get the same kind of attention now that I did before I became a mod. And I’ve always gotten the help I needed from others, even when I was relatively new to the site and hadn’t become friends with anyone.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: Believe it or not, my last question was modded and suggested for chat. I’m much too busy preparing my outfit for the Pulizer awards, however. And I did get 18 funny answers before the query was pulled.

Sophief's avatar

@gailcalled Who the fuck is Milo?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Threadjack. lol

@Sarcasm Ah so you’re the one.

rebbel's avatar

Your Milo looks pretty much like my Pinnie.
Photo follows.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; I’m waiting.

wundayatta's avatar

I tried once, but it was pathetic. No one gave serious answers, and, of course, that’s what I was looking for.

I generally reword the titles—sometimes destroying the question—in order to have it accepted. I am not partial to the moderators. I’m sure there’s a lot of dreck that should be moderated, but I think they get too zealous fairly often.

Oh yeah. And just for saying that, I will be moderated soon on some really flimsy excuse. Sigh.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve never been in it once.

I mean I come on here to ask questions and answer them, not to go chat with people. I got Yahoo or MSN for that. I admit it’s kinda insulting, but I suppose it must be even worse when you go in there and it’s empty lol.

liminal's avatar

Never. I like being able to ask a question and walk away. I don’t like people being interrupted, I like a maintained flow of conversation, and having something tangible to refer to later. I like that someone, not on line when my question is asked, can find my question and answer it at their leisure and I can read their answers at my leisure.

I don’t like the chat room for questions, nope I don’t. I suppose it is fun for chatting though.

lillycoyote's avatar

Is that the Fluther equivalent of being sent to the Principal’s Office? I’ve had a number of question removed and sent to editing by I have never been told to “go to the chat room.”

janbb's avatar

I’m with @jbfletcherfan on this – I find chatrooms a waste of time. Maybe if I hung out in one longer, I would get the culture but I also am more oriented to a conversation with one person speaking at a time. ‘Taint for me. Most of the time, when I have a question modded, I will abandon it, because the reason it was modded is intrinsic to what I want to ask.

casheroo's avatar

I pop in chat all the time to ask random questions. It’s also for socializing, which I do sometimes at night..

chyna's avatar

@Sophief Kind of a rude way to ask who Milo is, don’t ya think?

richardhenry's avatar

We know this sucks, and it’s something we’ll be changing very soon. Hold tight.

I’m Richard, one of the staff here (if that wasn’t clear).

chels's avatar

I’m sure mods get more attention in the chat room than the average fluther user.

That is a false statement.
Actually, 9 times out of 10 when you come into chat you’ll be greeted by more than one person. Not only greeted, but probably asked “What’s up?!”.
Hop on in, you’ll see.

Sarcasm's avatar

@lillycoyote Being asked to go to the chat room isn’t a punishment like going to the principal’s office is.
Some questions only really need short one-sentence answers, and those aren’t the kind of questions that Bendrim wants on the front page. Chat room is where you can go to get lots of quick answers to some simpler questions.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

When I first joined fluther (different username) I used the chat a lot to get help to navigate the site and get a feel for what kinds of questions were acceptable, I really liked the chat.

Dog's avatar

I just want to add that Mods are only following current guidelines. We are not saying “piss off” or that we do not like the question- in fact I will lurve some questions before removal.

As @richardhenry says things will be changing a bit soon. The guidelines are being refined and there will be an area where users can ask a broader variety of questions.

Oh- And chat is no longer Siberia. It can be a lot of fun! But it used to be before it was integrated into Fluther.


toomuchcoffee911's avatar

When I go into a chatroom, people are talking about something else. Honest question: should I just ask the question as soon as I get there?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@richardhenry I hope that other little issue I talked with Ben about will be addressed, too!

Dog's avatar

@toomuchcoffee911 Come on in, say “HI” and then post “Hey I have a Question:”
Usually folks will then say “go ahead” or the like and you can post :)

jonsblond's avatar

Never. I go fly a kite instead.

Sophief's avatar

@gailcalled Milo is a cat and he writes on Fluther?!

janbb's avatar

@Sophief Yes, just not on the NSFW questions!

Jude's avatar


gemiwing's avatar

I’ll either reword the question or let it die. I go to the chat to ask a quick question every once in a while- usually I’ll get an answer in a second or two.

Dog's avatar

Look Everyone!

We have Social! YAY!

Be sure to read up on our new guidelines what are more specific.

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