If you could have immortality would you take it?
If you could live for ever would you want to?
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33 Answers
Absolutely not. Things lose value once they are supplied in infinite quantities.
To put it succinctly: FUCK NO.
I have to agree with @xxii because the simple law of supply and demand as she explicitly stated. Also, population would become more of an issue and would it be someone’s right to live or someone’s right o give birth? A multitude of ethical questions would arise from such a incident and it comes to a point where prolonging life might not be as valuable as enhancing it.
no wayy, I already feel that life is so tiresome. AHh. haha.. I wouldn’t mind looking really young till death though.
Nah, better things to do.
Do I want the opportunity to experience several life times? To eventually, theoretically, travel to distant galaxies? To experience the heat death of the universe? Yes, sign me up. I think the last one is the most attractive to me.
Yes and no. I would want immortality if I could end my life, for whatever reason, if I eventually wanted to. Otherwise? I wouldn’t mind living for at least a few thousand years.
If I could stay healthy I would like to live quite a bit longer, though at some point I might think I had enough
And watch all those I love age and die around me…. the beauty replaced by the hand of man and a bulldozer… the egos and suffering of those under them… the struggle to take and dominate…
No thanks. I will take what was given to me. I am good.
On the other hand I would not mind seeing science cure cancer and Alzhiemers.
If one could change the nature of mankind to peace and love then I would not mind staying but it would be an agony to see my loved ones age.
would i age?
is no, maybe
if yes, no
If I could be in pure love, ecstasy, laughter, and comfort, then hell yeah. But the way life really is, fuck that.
G-d no, but I sure would love to have a healthy mind and body until I die.
Yes! I could use alittle extra time to reach my goal of world domination ;)
I think everyone saying no is out of their damn minds. Imagine everything you could do with an endless lifetime!
So long as I could maintain my mental and physical health then hell fucking yes!
I think everyone that is saying no must have something wrong with their lives, I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to experience something no one in the history of time has experienced, which is time itself!
I guess only the nerds are saying yes here.
Join the army – never die.. You’d be getting one hell of a paycheck ;)
Like an above answer, only if it was from outside cause, not killing myself.
And still age, that too.
heck just make it so I can’t die unless it is from old age, that would be sweet.
Hell no. I wouldn’t want to. How would I die when the ” second coming of Christ” happens? I don’t want to be living floating in the river Styx.
Hell yes. Life is getting better all the time, and I want to see what happens.
And I’m happy to see so many others saying no. I hope that sentiment is common so I don’t have to worry about a bunch of other immortals overpopulating the planet.
I wouldn’t mind having an extension, especially if some others around me were getting one too, but I wouldn’t want it to be infinite, no.
Yes @Jeruba, about 30 more after the next 30 wouldn’t be bad if they were healthy and reasonably wealthy and wise….
I would, not for the fact that I am afraid of death but just for the pure fact of seeing what the future will be like a let’s say in 4000 years. Would be a very cool thing for me to see. Eventually even the immortals would die when the sun itself starts to die and turns into a red giant and turns our planet into a giant red hot piece of cinder. I really wouldn’t be living “forever”, just a very (very very very very x 100) long time
Yes. I don’t want to die. I’m terrified of the pain, I’m terrified of what awaits afterward, or what doesn’t. The worst part would be watching everyone dying around me, but if I can have immortality, they could too, right? Besides, I really don’t want to die.
Nope. My egos in check enough to be happy with the spin I’ve been alloted.
Enjoy the time you have but don’t be greedy.
Everything is meant to die so that there is space for new life.
Nothing to fear…it’s gonna be a grand adventure!
Just wish I could come back and talk about it, maybe I will!
No way! I think every living thing has very wisely been given a life cycle to complete and that is exactly what I want to do. In fact the sooner the better(I mean not a long, drawn out life cycle). I really think this day in day out stay on our planet is colored by very few pleasures, a myriad of lessons to be learnt while we are here and once you’ve basically grabbed the essence of it all and fulfilled parts of the cycle as correctly as you possibly could, then I think it is time to log off. No point whatsoever in going on and on.
I would personally consider it a curse to possess immortality!
Well said…I would say I think the opposite though, plenty of pleasures, but…as you so humorously put it….when it’s time to log off, it’s just time!
If I could stay healthy, I’d take a huge extension. In fact, any finite extension on my life I’d take.
But immortality past the point pure entropy, and forever more, no thanks.
We already have it, after a fashion. The indestructable soul moves on after the hardware fails.
Noo. I couldn’t bear the idea that my loved ones would die and I would be left behind forever.
I, like @Jeruba would be delighted to have an extended but not infinite lifetime. I would accept it only if my wife and children and their children were afforded the same benefit.
Of course I want to live in a healthy body that allows me to enjoy the extra years. I met my beloved wife later in life than I wish I had. I would be delighted to stay married to her for 75 years or more.
My grandmother is 102 and my parents are in their eighties. So far to odds of a long life look pretty good. I’m 56 now and I’d be happy to have another seventy or so years with a healthy and comfortable quality of life.
Well, until our universe runs out of free energy.
Only if my favorite person had the opportunity as well.
And pay bills forever? Fuck all that shit for a laugh.
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