Social Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever done the nude picture thing for your SO., then afterward, worry that it'll come back to haunt you?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 3rd, 2010

Meaning, say, if you and the SO were no longer and they had your nudie (or a copy of it) in their possession?

Is it a bad move to do the nude pic for your sig.

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25 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

Nope – I have many of various girlfriends over the years but none of me. (Bar one when I was three years old that my mother would flash around.) I have some really good ones of my ex-wife, but nothing too naughty of my current wife. She (my ex) has been trying to get them back for years. I keep telling her that if she really wants them to download them from the internet – she remains unamused.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t worry about it ;)

loser's avatar

Yeah, I’ve done that a few times. I just didn’t show my face or tattoos so I could deny it was me if I needed to.

Fernspider's avatar

I totally have and seriously regret it. Old boyfriend was ok, although we are no longer together, I trust him with the shots.

I am regretful about a guy I had a fling with though. He took pics of me a couple of years back when I wasn’t really considering the possible repercussions of allowing it at the time. I think about possible political career moves or as a teacher and worry that these photos will prohibit me from reaching goals I may set for myself one day if exposed.

Admittedly, I feel it is unfortunate that a large portion of our society would shun a teacher or politician over nude photos taken in their youth. (Nude not pornographic btw).

The thing that also makes me cringe is that I was all naturale downstairs at the time and I really dislike that look on me nowadays! lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Anything I do with a face has no total nudity to worry about and anything with the rest of my body has nothing above the neck so no real worries.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

If I don’t 100% trust the guy or I don’t think I’ll end up with him in the long run, I take the pictures with my face not showing (from the shoulders down). Then he can do whatever he wants with them and never be able to prove it’s me.

lostman's avatar

I think taking nude pictures with your SO shows a great sign of trust in one another but there always is that chance that things wont work out and this could backfire. For the most part though I believe that the internet has made us more weary of doing these things for the simple fact that if things do not work out or the other person with the pics gets mad one night, they can post them on the internet and have millions of people looking at them in minutes.

rebbel's avatar

I honoustly can not understand why things like nude photos that a couple took from each other could backfire when the relationship has ended or when there is a fight between the two.
What was that relationship worth to begin with when one of the two decides to put them online for all to see just to shame or annoy or destroy the other?
Is that not extremely immature and disrespectful?

LuckyGuy's avatar

When we broke up I took the high road and returned everything. She appreciated that and I felt I had closure. It was Win – win.

MissAnthrope's avatar

There are people in this world that were in possession of nudie pics of yours truly, at least at the time of the breakup (what the people did with them after, I have no idea). Oddly, I have never really worried that they would be used against me. I think I also am somewhat cautious in regards to who I allow to have access to that sort of thing, so the people who had the pics were people I had a lot of trust in, people I knew would never misuse that type of sensitive material.

LuckyGuy's avatar

She trusted me enough to let me take pictures. That is a trust that should never to be broken – even after a break up. I figure anyone who holds on to the pictures is either a blackmailer or a pathetic loser trying to hang on to the past.
Always take the high road.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have never taken a nude photo of myself. Yikes. My wife can see me naked anytime she wants.

Ponderer983's avatar

I have only done it with one boyfriend (my current one) and it’s because I trust him. I can’t imagine him doing something spiteful like that even if we were too break up.

escapedone7's avatar

Yes, and one guy used everything he had against me to hurt me after I walked away. He was the most manipulative vindictive person I’ve ever known. I consider it a lesson in life. I won’t ever trust anyone like that again.

Allie's avatar

I have, and I’m a little nervous about them. I’d never done anything like that before, so having them out there in any hands other than my own is a bit unnerving. I’m hoping for the best though.

Facade's avatar

If I need to worry about what my man will do with the nude photos in the future, then I have chosen the wrong man. Integrity is integrity whether a couple breaks up or not.

So no, I don’t worry about that.

Fernspider's avatar

@escapedone7 – your ex sounds like a complete douche-burger. I have read several posts about the nasty stuff he has done. How horrible.

wundayatta's avatar

I have never shared any of the nude photos that I have of any girlfriend, going back thirty years, now. In the old days, I guess you could return the photos (if you could find them), but these days, it doesn’t mean anything to “return” an electronic file. You can ask people to delete pictures, but just because they say they did it, doesn’t mean they did. I think it’s sort of pointless to even ask.

Every person I’ve ever been with I would still trust. Maybe I’m foolish, but I have good feelings about all of them, and I think that, for the most part, those feelings are reciprocal. Life is too short to get all petty with anger about relationships that fall apart. Sure, it’s disappointing, but there is so much more to do than to try to get even with someone you think hurt you.

The thing I worry about is that I might look at a photo some time from now and kick myself for ever letting them get away. So far, it has brought back a rush of memories, but not a real desire to change the past. And they are all so beautiful! There is nothing more pure and elegant than a body with no clothes to hide its true nature.

CrazyRedHead's avatar

I don’t worry about it, because I fully trust my boyfriend and he’s a decent person so I know I don’t have to.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Eh, life’s too short for that kind of worry. I remember being 15 or so and giving this boyfriend of mine a naked pic – well it’s years later and he still shows it to whomever cares, like anyone does. At this point, all they’re doing is staring at a 15 year old which is just stupid.

Sophief's avatar

Yes I have, and the videos too. I have also in the past found pics of an ex.

Cruiser's avatar

I do it knowing full well it will be out there for her to do whatever she chooses with it! ;)

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend has a few photos of me in the nude and I can honestly say that I have never worried about him betraying my trust with them. Even if we were no longer together heaven forbid I know that he would never use them against me. That’s why I let him take the pictures in the first place.

Jude's avatar

Mine are in good hands, I know.

I trust her and I know that she wouldn’t get all crazy and do something stupid if we were ever to break up.

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