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Draconess25's avatar

How long until frozen spaghetti thawed?

Asked by Draconess25 (4464points) May 3rd, 2010

I took some spaghetti out of the freezer (it was in there for about a week). How long until it’s thawed?

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19 Answers

tranquilsea's avatar

All depends on how it is frozen. Thick, thin, with sauce, without sauce…

marinelife's avatar

At room temperature or thawed in the frig?

Aster's avatar

I’d give it an hr and fifteen minutes.

Draconess25's avatar

@tranquilsea With meat sauce.
@marinelife Room temperature.
@Aster It’s been out for 2 hours.

marinelife's avatar

OK it’s done.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Why are waiting for it to be thawed ? ,,,,,do you plan on eating it at room temp ?
Wouldn’t you have to reheat it anyway?

tranquilsea's avatar

Put it in the microwave, if you have one. If you don’t put it in a pot and turn the temperature on low to medium. Should be hot enough to eat in 15 minutes.

Nullo's avatar

Place the container in a tub of hot water.

Draconess25's avatar

@poofandmook & @tranquilsea Microwaves make me sick. I can’t stand being near them.
@Pretty_Lilly I’ve done it before, & I’ll do it again. I can’t even boil water, & neither of my girlfriends are here right now. I’m hungry, & I wants mah spaghetti! XD

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

@Draconess25 Take an Iron ,,set it at mid temp,,turn it upside down,,,place spaghetti container on top for 10~15 min.,,,,,,enjoy !!!! : D

Draconess25's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly I would’ve, but I already ate it a bit….slushy.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

@Draconess25 OK,then !!! Next time I’ll tell you how to cook a great meal using your Curling Iron ! !

Draconess25's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly I don’t have a curling iron….

poofandmook's avatar

cold, half frozen spaghetti? eeeeeeew

gailcalled's avatar

Boiling Water 101; Fill large pot with cold water. Place on burner. Turn burner to medium-high until water starts to bubble. Turn heat down until bubbles pop slightly around the edge of pan. It’s called simmering.

Cooking 101: Add some olive oil and salt; toss uncooked pasta in. Don’t stir. Check for doneness by tasting some. Rinse in colander with cold water to prevent gluiness.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

@gailcalled As Anal as you are and you misread the question !!??
She asked how long it would take to thaw, already cooked. frozen spaghetti “NOT” how to cook pasta !!

gailcalled's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly: @Draconess25 said this: I can’t even boil water : and I responded to that.

And nowhere does he mention that the spaghetti is cooked, although that is a reasonable assumption. (Small case “a” in anal. If you want to insult someone, do it with class.)

And weren’t you suggesting a curling iron as a solution?

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