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charliecompany34's avatar

What is the perfect hot dog? wiener?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) May 3rd, 2010

depending on where you live, it may vary. but where i come from ain’t no ketchup on that dog. it has to have mustard and of course, what we call “the garden” along with celery salt.

what does your regional hot dog taste and/or look like? is chili, onions and cheese a must-have? or maybe not…

what do you put on your hot dog?

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39 Answers

Trillian's avatar

Lots of mustard and onions.

charliecompany34's avatar

@oh my God, yes! with sport peppers. who knows about sport peppers? not many these days…

WestRiverrat's avatar

First I make my own dogs out of venison, bison, or elk. Steamed in beer, then smothered in onions with NC style BBQ sauce or sauerkraut with sour dill pickle slices.

rangerr's avatar

I don’t know if we have a regional hot dog, but mine is a veggie dog with ketchup, mustard and relish.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Well,first you need to start with a nice Vegan,Tofu & Soy Hot Dog !!! XD

charliecompany34's avatar

@WestRiverrat wow, that seems really gamey, but i sure would try it. almost BRATWURST like i presume… cooked down with onions maybe?

poofandmook's avatar

I don’t know about regional, but except for the butcher hot dogs we used to get before the poor guy got too old to run the shop (we used to fry them in butter which is horrible but it was literally the best thing you’d EVER eaten in your life).. It doesn’t get much better than a nice “dirty water” Sabrett with cheese sauce and raw onion. I love it more’n my luggage.

Though, on the other hand, my grandmother used to split them open like a hinge, lay them flat, put a slice of bacon and a slice of cheese on it and stick it in the rotisserie. [faint]

cyn's avatar

wiener wrapped in bacon. ooooouf.

poofandmook's avatar

@cyndihugs: those were family favorites… and really, my family was mostly German, so, ya know, MEAT.

or were you adding your two cents, not commenting on my post? :x lol

charliecompany34's avatar

@poofandmook OMG, uh, heart attack hot dog, but yeah, that sounds like the shiz-nick, bro. butter and onions? the best marriage of flavor hands down. they say pork fat rules.

poofandmook's avatar

@charliecompany34: hey, it’s better than a deep fried twinkie.

charliecompany34's avatar

@poofandmook probably something i’d only eat and try once but i would cherish it…

WestRiverrat's avatar

@charliecompany34 I add pig fat to the grind, and process my own meat so my dogs usually don’t get gamey.

lillycoyote's avatar

Personally? Mustard, ketchup, diced onions and sauerkraut on an all beef frank. That’s the perfect dog to me. Of course, after eating said perfect dog, I sequester myself until I am fit to breath near other humans, or animals for that matter.

poofandmook's avatar

@lillycoyote: My cat would love you. She loves to sniff people’s breath, and the nastier the better.

filmfann's avatar

My favorite is a Top Dog New York dog, with yellow mustard, tomatoes, and onions.
Second is a Kaspers with no relish.

Home made? A polish dog on a french roll, with the aforementioned condimints.
Second is a Hebrew National, and I will add mayonese and katsup with the rest.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Ball Park Franks with cheese. Mustard & sweet relish or onions. Grilled to almost black. ooohhhhhh

lillycoyote's avatar

@poofandmook I’m a cat lover. You want me to send your kitty a jar of “Lillycoyote’s Private Reserve Hot Dog Breath?”

poofandmook's avatar

@lillycoyote: it has to be administered directly from your mouth to her nose and very gently. She’s a picky sniffer. Wench.

charliecompany34's avatar

i can be a bisexual hot dog lover:

1. i love the chicago hot dog with sport peppers, mustard, onions, relish, tomatoes, celery salt, boiled not grilled, but then again i could love it grilled…


2. with chili, onions, cheese and peppers…

lillycoyote's avatar

@poofandmook I understand. It’s like beer. I prefer mine on tap rather than in a bottle too

poofandmook's avatar

when I was a kid, my dad used to buy Wampler & Longacre brand turkey dogs, and at least up until the last time I was able to buy them, I adored them. And those? Well, those are best nuked just until the ends blow up a little bit. And then it’s no bun, just straight ketchup.

Why, oh why don’t they sell them in New Jersey? :(

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The perfect hotdog?? One that dusts and vacuums.

charliecompany34's avatar

ketchup should never go on a hot dog.

chyna's avatar

Chilli dog. I like mine with ketchup, mustard and chilli. No beans in the chilli!!

Coloma's avatar

I had an amazing sausage ( hot dog ) in Taiwan last month at a night market. I am usually not a hot doggy kinda gal, but..was starving and chose between fried duck heads, squid on a stick and various bizarre fish/sushi type delacacies….I was totally paranoid about getting sick..but never happened, and it was GOOD! lol

Later I was talking to an american speaking Taiwanese man and come to find out that the Taiwanese make some really good sausages. And no….it was NOT DOG/CAT MEAT, so a forewarning to not go down that path! hahaha

It was beef, imported from Canada.

ragingloli's avatar

Wiener, a freshly baked breadroll, and Bautz’ner senf, served separately on a plate, so you can hold the sausage in one hand, the roll in the other, and dip the sausage in the mustard.. There really is no better mustard brand on this planet.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Coloma a hot dog in china? yeah, sounds suspect fer sure, but i am sure what you ate was the beefy best. sometimes it tastes better somewhere else.

ragingloli's avatar

So what if it is dog meat? As long as it is tasty…

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s gotta have cheese!

Coloma's avatar

Taiwan is not part of the Peoples republic of China!
It is an island off of mainland China and the Taiwanese want no association with the peoples republic which has been trying to overtake Taiwan forever.

Taiwan used to be called Formosa, it is a VERY PROGRESSIVE country and while culture has it’s particular dietary quirks I can assure you that Taiwan has a huge humane movement and many keep cats and dogs as pets.

I am so freakin’ SICK of the Asian countries stereotypes…if you have not traveled in Asia, speak not! Grrr!

charliecompany34's avatar

@Coloma i stand corrected. meant to write taiwan in the first place. my bad. believe me, i do understand your point. after i wrote china i was like, DAG, did i offend a region? but sent my response too early in the heat of the moment. for give me..

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I could give a big fuck about those “purists” who say no Ketchup. I love Ketchup, onion, mustard. In that order. Hot off the grill. Eat me you catsup hating fart heads.

Coloma's avatar


You are pardoned. lol

Taiwan rocks!

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I do eat them, I prefer mine Chicago-style, but without the hot peppers. One can get them at Shake Shack in NYC, if one is inclined. I haven’t had a hot dog from a street vendor or one of the cheapie hot dog joints here in many, many years.

Once a year though, when I’m at Coney Island, I have a Nathan’s. Otherwise, I don’t eat them at all, not even at picnics. I’d rather have a bratwurst.

Coloma's avatar

When I was in my early 20’s and a starving student I used to make a mac-n-cheese bake with sliced hot was a loaves and fishes moment..could feed an army with the Macweenies & cheese! lol

Supacase's avatar

Mine are still what I ate as a child – Oscar Mayer wiener with ketchup. My adult concession has been to add the tiniest smidge of mustard visible to the naked eye.

mrentropy's avatar

Rutt’s Hut deep fried hot dog with mustard and relish.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I buy a box of corn dogs and store in my freezer. Lasts longer than hot dogs in the fridge.

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