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trailsillustrated's avatar

Jellies located in the Pacific NW: What the hell is up with the weather?

Asked by trailsillustrated (16804points) May 4th, 2010

Is there going to be a summer??

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20 Answers

lilikoi's avatar

I hope so! I don’t live up there, but I am going to WA in the summer to eat berries and I sure hope they are ripe when I get there!

AstroChuck's avatar

If you want some nice weather than hop on I-5 and head down here to Sacramento.

lillycoyote's avatar

Maybe not. I used to live in Portland, a long time ago and there was one year we referred to as “The Year Without a Summer.” I don’t remember when it was, but it would have in the late 70s or early 80s.

judochop's avatar

Oh sister…..I am hating on this weather like nobody’s business. When will summer get here? Hell, when will spring get here? I was on my bike last night in two jackets and today it hailed and then freezing rain at 1300’, WTF? I wanna run naked in the sun dammit! I wanna lay in the shade and see girls in mini skirts and hear people bitching about the heat…..I wanna feel the burn!

trailsillustrated's avatar

the springs have been nice and the summers hot since I have been here and I just dont get it

Jeruba's avatar

Beautiful where I am—South Bay. It’s like summer already.

Coloma's avatar


Tis the season up here in Coloma, the kayakers & rafters are out in throngs, just awesome this week!

DominicX's avatar


Same. It took a long time, though. It seems like it was raining here (Palo Alto) much later into the year than usual.

Also, to the OP: This is why I could never live in the Pacific Northwest. I love to visit, but it’s just too damn dreary. No offense. :)

Brenna_o's avatar

This weather is awful! I agree.. This weather even sucks for aberdeen wa! And we always have crappy weather..

judochop's avatar

I am in Portland. The weather here is nice for one and a half months.

trailsillustrated's avatar

! I have always thought it’s pretty nice! but this not so much

Haleth's avatar

Ugh, you lucky bastards! Summer is already here in the DC area. It’s over 80 and humid all week. As soon as you go outside you start sweating. :(

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I don’t know, but I’m sad – the low is supposed to be around 38 tonight. What the hell?? :(

tinyfaery's avatar

At least you aren’t in a drought.

faye's avatar

Here in Alberta we have about 3 inches of snow! It’s melting already but this is the 3rd storm in a week- roads closed, wind warnings!! My flowering bushes are budding but scared to open!!

jrpowell's avatar

This seems about normal. I’m in Portland.

Coloma's avatar

Well it may be beautiful in northern Ca. but…the allegies are killer right, everythings covered in Oak pollen, my head, my head…;-/

boffin's avatar

@Coloma Define the Pacific Northwest…
It’s sunny here today. And the same for the rest of the week..
Corner of California and Oregon on the Pacific Ocean.

Coloma's avatar


Oh..talking about my area poer AstroChocks comment.

—I am not in the PNW exactly..I am about an hour from Lake Tahoe Ca.

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