Who's a famous historical figure that nobody's made a movie about yet, but should?
Who is it, alive or dead, and why do you think a movie wasn’t made of them? And why should it, if it should?
It can be a famous historical figure, but don’t be limited to that, it can be someone modern, like an actor or something. I pick Stephen King lulz
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54 Answers
How about George Bush – the world’s greatest known failure as a leader? He practiced running a country into the ground by first running companies into the ground. Have to give him marks for trying.
King Tut?
I can’t think of anyone else….
Carl Sagan? Or George Carlin?
Clint Eastwood
Vivien Leigh
@Vunessuh Lol Clint Eastwood. They totally should, and for some reason, because he’s so famous it strikes me as comical.
@Akiora DarkScribe Done
Hmmm. It didn’t make it here (Australia) as far as I know. (Not hard to understand why I suppose – theatres are hoping for profit.)
In that case how about the previous President’s cigar? It led an interesting life – at least in as far as selecting a rather different humidor.
I kind of a fan of Paul Volcker since I recently read his biography. Might make a good made-for-TV movie.
Bill Gates and the beginnings of Microsoft.
Oh, and I’d also like to see one about the upbringing and life as a doctor of Joseph Mengele.
Kwame Kilpatrick. Ex detroit Mayor
How about one about Mel Gibson’s descent into ultra-violence and madness?
Porfirio Diaz, Henry Darger
@Vunessuh -I second the Clint Eastwood idea :)
Boss Tweed (of 19th century New York politics). I think it would be fascinating to look at the politics of Tammany Hall and compare it to politics today.
I know of a really famous minister during the late 1700’s who played a major role in shaping American Christianity. Not that this has to do with anything, but, his grandson shot and killed a vice president. I think it would be interesting to make a movie on the minister and the generations that followed, and how his legacy impacted others.
Frank Lloyd Wright
He had a very interesting life.
@marinelife I think I saw the Bill Gates and beginning of Microsoft movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley link
I have become fascinated reading the Immortal Life Story of HEnrietta LAcks (after whom the HELA cell lines are named). This was a poor African American woman from rural Virginia whose cells (taken without her knowledge) proved that human cell lines could be grown in a laboratory. Most medical miracles in the past 50 years can be directly attributed to scientists working with HELA (pronounced Hee-La) cell lines.
In history, she has alternately been referred to as Helen Lane, but the real woman was Henrietta and her story and that of her family since is amazing . . .
@prolificus Do you happen to know the minister’s name by any chance?
Albert Camus
Jean Paul Sartre
Johann Sebastian Bach
Nicolas Copernicus
Rene Descartes
@eden2eve I’m going to have to disagree with you on Bach. I once wrote a report about him, and learned that he was well-off, had little to no controversy in his life, and just wrote tons and tons of music. Despite being a genius, I fear his life may be too dull for film. Unless you added zombies or explosions of something.
Edwrd Teller. “Father of the Hydrogen Bomb”
Read his biography in wiki. He was an interesting guy and there are so many photo ops.
@Dr_Dredd Didn’t Gangs of New York get into that a bit? I don’t remember the movie all that well, so I could be wrong.
Paul Revere.
William the Conqueror.
that’s all i could think of for now. Might post more later.
Catherine de’Medici certainly lead an eventful life…it doesn’t get much more interesting than chasing off Henry II’s mistress and using and killing her sons to gain political power.
The great silent comedian Harold Lloyd
He was one of the three greatest silent comedians, with Chaplin and Keaton. Look at the picture in the link, and keep in mind he did this stunt, and many more AFTER having half his hand blown off in a publicity photo accident. His right hand is actually a glove made to look real.
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich. He had a fascinating life, met and wrote about many of the people who shaped the world we live in today. His book is as relevant today as it ever was.
Frederick Douglass
Sojourner Truth
Susan B. Anthony
Emma Goldman
Thomas Hardy
James Joyce
Sounds like a very geeky movie coming out of this.
Anyways….hmm. Good question. I really think there are quite a few people I know right now (they’re in high school right now) that will be famous soon. Like, amazing singing/acting/directing skills. The director kid is writing a movie right now that I’m helping him with, and I’m going to get it out to as many people as possible so he gets discovered. A movie about his life would be interesting, in a few years.
—wayne brady presents wayne brady’s “wayne brady”, starring wayne brady?”
Canadian Jim Garrow who has rescued 31,000 Chinese baby girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy. Also the story of Mamitu Gashe who went from victim to an illiterate surgeon in Ethiopia. Both remarkable and inspiring individuals.
2 Swedes:
Count Axel von Fersen
Raoul Wallenberg
Wallenberg would be great, but much of his life was a mystery
Mother Teresa. I am not catholic but admired the founding of the orphanage in India.
John McCain
Ida B. Wells.
Bernard Shaw.
Andrew Jackson (although they’d need a lot of extras for the Inaugural party scene. In real life, the public was invited and pretty much rampaged the White House with all the carousing and carrying on).
Louie Armstrong.
Hannibal. He led an audacious winter attack on Rome, and defeated several legions in the process. I would love to see that in a movie.
@DarkScribe Oliver Stone already made that movie in 2008 on Bush called “W”. The trailers looked hilarious!
Barbara Bush: Is he imbibing something I don’t know about?
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George W. Bush: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me… and won’t get fooled again.
I would also love to see a movie about William the Conqueror and the Norman invasion of England.
@Cruiser “W” actually got pretty bad reviews. Yes, the trailers made it look hilarious, but in reality it was kind of a strange movie, neither pro- or anti-Bush in nature.
I saw W and enjoyed it and I am as anti-Bush as they come. It was a somewhat light-hearted biopic but certainly didn’t paint him in rosy colors.
Oliver Stone really let W off the hook on so many issues, I didn’t like the movie.
I really expected something harsh, and got a puff piece on a retard.
@ParaParaYukiko Now why would anyone expect a movie to do any better than the real deal?? One of the reasons I haven’t rented it yet! I do think the movie portrayal of his younger years would be a riot to watch! It should have been titled “Silver Spoons Gone Wild”!!
@FutureMemory I watched a documentary once called “E=mc^2” that you might find interesting. It included quite a few anecdotes from his life.
The lives of the last Sikh Maharajah, Duleep Singh 1838 – 1893, his two wives and his progeny.
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