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Pandora's avatar

What would smell like lit matches that could be in the air for a few hundred square feet?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) May 4th, 2010

I just went out the door to walk my dog when I noticed the smell of lit matches. Only it was all around my home for a at least 50 feet all around. My husband thinks it was firecrackers but I would’ve heard that many being set off so close to my home. So what else could make the same smell?

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20 Answers

Fly's avatar

Burning leaves often puts off a match-like smell, which can travel for miles.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Sometimes hardwood charcoal in a chimney has the same scent when it first gets going.

Cupcake's avatar

Do you live in my neighborhood? My husband just went out to investigate the smell of burning.

Pandora's avatar

@Fly I guess its possible that someone near by is burning leaves.
@wonderingwhy Thanks, but it would really be too warm to burn coal. But its always good to know.
@cupcake, Depends if you live in Northern Virginia??

wonderingwhy's avatar

@Pandora oops, should have been clearer, I meant for a bbq.

Cupcake's avatar

@pandora Nope. Apparently he drove by a neighbor’s house across the street and they were lighting their grill (at 9:15pm). So as not to appear suspicious, he continued driving and went to the store to buy me a dessert I was wanting earlier tonight. :)

Pandora's avatar

@Cupcake Sounds like a win for you! :D
Funny smell = dessert.
My hubby was a sweety today. He bought me some tiramasu. Yum! Funny how we had stange smells and dessert in common tonight. LOL

Pandora's avatar

@wonderingwhy Probably was a bbq then. Since I haven’t noticed any brush fires. Plus the ground is pretty moist still.

poofandmook's avatar

I smelled cat poop and got no dessert. WTF?

Pandora's avatar

@poofandmook Because it was poop. :( Sorry. Maybe next time.

Jude's avatar

I’m at my Dad’s right now and it reeks of man smell. Sans dessert. :(

Pandora's avatar

@lillycoyote Don’t remember Delaware smelling that bad, but things do change. :)

Draconess25's avatar

I smell that all the time, but I live between a steel mill & a railroad station. And the sewers are horrible.

Pandora's avatar

@Draconess25 Yeah, but its the first time in 2 years since living here, have I smell it before. So its not a common smell around here.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Pandora I think it depends on where you were before you got here, I think. I grew up in Delaware and then moved back after 11 years in Portland, OR and then 7 years in Austin, TX. It took about a month after moving back before it stopped smelling, to me, like a gas leak filtered through a rotten egg and an ashtray. I’ve been back here 15 years and I will never forget that. I still think, what the hell am I breathing in here? I can’t smell it anymore, but I know it’s there. Though in southern Delaware it smells more like rotten algea, clams and chicken manure.

Pandora's avatar

@lillycoyote I lived in northern Delaware for two years. Near Wilmington. If you were close to the river, that would explain a lot of the rotten egg smell. But what I smelled tonight, didn’t smell like rotten eggs, just that sulfur smell that you get from matches.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I had been working on the yard getting rid of brush. A while later I went to the store and as I was cashing out the cashier said “Mmm, you smell like my husband.” I replied, “Excuse me?” She said: “He was burning brush too.”

njnyjobs's avatar

@worriedguy…that means you probably smell like a smoked salami

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