Meta Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is there a quick way to clear all "Questions for you" "Activity for you"?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) May 5th, 2010

Doing it line by line is irritating. I tend to just forget about it and never look. I have over 400 “Activity for you” so I ignore it completely.
Is there a “Clear All” button that I have missed?

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19 Answers

Fred931's avatar

There is a Clear All button for questions, as far as I know. It’s directly above the virtual column made up of Not Interested buttons.

As for the activity, you’ll just have to pay a child $5 to click “Stop Following” 400 times for you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Fred931 i just cleared the questions . “All gone”
As for the “Activity for me” I’ll just wait until that Clear all app is implemented.

@Mods are you listening?. Can I pass this upstairs?
@richardhenry Can you do it?

gemiwing's avatar

@Mods=Please let me know when this is available. It drives me nuts and is why (okay, that plus laziness) I have 1400 Questions for You.

janbb's avatar

@gemiwing As stated above, you can remove all questions for you, just not the activity.

gemiwing's avatar

@janbb thanks, I meant to type activity for you and not questions for you. i should know by now to have coffee first, then fluther.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@gemiwing I knew what you meant.

richardhenry's avatar

You can clear all Questions for You by clicking “Clear Inbox”.

richardhenry's avatar

Sorry this isn’t clear. It’s on my todos!

andrew's avatar

@gemiwing Would you rather just clear out your new activity (so the counter resets and is more easily managed) or stop following every question you’ve ever participated in?

gemiwing's avatar

@andrew I’d really like a check box next to each question. Like how gmail allows you to delete multiple emails at once. That way most of the questions that I don’t wish to directly follow anymore can all be gotten rid of, while keeping the few I do wish to keep tight tabs on. Does that make sense?

RedPowerLady's avatar

I was just about to ask this Exact same question. I’ve been desperate for ages now to get this section cleared. I tried clicking and got so tired of it. I clicked for a couple hours once and still didn’t get them all wiped.

I like @gemiwing idea on how to handle this. But would appreciate anything done in this regard.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@andrew. With 430 in my box I’d be happy to just wipe it clean and start over.
Then I like @gemiwing ‘s proposal.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I agree also with @worriedguy . If the only option at this point is to just wipe it clean I am good with that. It would at least be easier to manage at that point.

Still like @gemiwing idea but I expect that will take a bit longer to implement.

Fred931's avatar

@worriedguy ‘s first post: Do you mean that you cleared all your activity and still had all of those questions? Rather than the other way around, maybe?

augustlan's avatar

I’d love to have checkboxes, as @gemiwing suggests.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Fred931 In my first post I mentioned I cleared all the questions – like you suggested.
I would not bother to clear the Activities until there was a better app to do it.

Fred931's avatar

@worriedguy I saw what you said backwards. Sorry. I tried flagging it, but that apparently got ignored.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I keep checking back here hoping there is a way to do it,lol.

RedPowerLady's avatar

just checking, lol

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