Social Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Do Canada geese ever fly other than to migrate?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) May 5th, 2010

I saw one this morning in the process of crossing a busy highway. It had made it to the dividing strip and was patiently testing the traffic, going forward a few steps and then stepping back when a car approached. I am sure that it would eventually be able to cross once the traffic light changed.

It seems that it would have been so much simpler and safer to just fly across the highway. I have never seen a Canada goose in flight except for the large migration flocks. Due to their size and shape they may not be the most agile of fliers. Have you ever seen a solitary one in flight?

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4 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Here’s a picture of one flying solo.

Yes, they do fly when not migrating.

janbb's avatar

Yes, we have several year-round residents on our lake and I have seen then flying along the lake. You’re right though, they do seem to like to waddle across the road.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Yes. They fly to fields (usually corn, winter wheat, or just plain grass) to eat, and then they fly back to water, to get a drink and rest for a bit. This usually happens several times a day, even in non-migrating seasons.

gailcalled's avatar

Yes, here they buzz around from small pond to small pond although it is usually a pair rather that a noisy flock.

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