Social Question

RexCredo's avatar

Why is it that dogs and their owners look alike?

Asked by RexCredo (142points) May 5th, 2010

I’ve seen amazing resemblances among dogs and owners and I was wondering if thats just me or people really unconsciously buy dogs who look like them.

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7 Answers

CMaz's avatar

Don’t know if he looks like me. But sure acts like me.
Totally off the wall but all business when needs to be.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

People are attracted to familiar things. I suspect many people choose a dog that looks like them without really being conscious of it.

chyna's avatar

<—-Doesn’t look like me. But I have also noticed that people seem to choose dogs that look like them. I have noticed it is usually older people that do that.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

This question is just ‘begging’ for a “One-liner and off-topic response”, but I will submit to the Fluther overlord & just say, my Golden doesn’t look like me at all. My next dog will be a Dachshund, which, with me standing over 6 feet, he will definitely not look like me.

syz's avatar

They don’t, generally. But it’s mentioned often enough, people look for it now, and so think they see this “phenomenon” when it’s actually just coincidence.

ucme's avatar

Well other than in the opening scene in 101 Dalmations I can’t say that i’ve ever seen this.

Jack3090's avatar

Like they say: “all thing look like their owner”.
I’ve seen this a lot as well, but I have three dogs and they don’t look like anyone in my house.
Funny, though, they sometimes act like one of the family members; I mean, they do things that resemble stuff done by us and that is fun to watch.

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