Is your good name more important than who you are?
An awful lot of people protect their name very strongly. It’s as if their name is more important than who they are. They might fight to the death to protect their honor.
This extends to objects as well. Some religious people will fight to protect the honor of their holy documents. In some countries, it is illegal to besmirch the name of the country or of its leaders and so on. You can go to jail or even be put to death if you dishonor these things.
How far would you go to protect the honor of your name? How important is your reputation? Would you die rather than see your name or the name of someone or something you love dragged through the mud? Do you defend (but not to the death) yourself against every sleight, no matter how small? Do you not sweat the small stuff? Do you figure that fighting is really not worth it, even if you are wrongly accused. You’ll just let it go, and start over? Why do you think you behave this way?
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12 Answers
I cannot and will not stand to be falsely accused and that goes for each and every family member. It is not so much a desire to defend a namesake per se as much as the principal over what is right and pure BS!
I work hard at what I do and teach my kids the same work and moral ethic I live by so there is very little room and or opportunity to besmirch what we stand for, do or say. So when anyone drags my word or actions into the mud they are in for one hell of a fight!
My name and my reputation go hand in hand. If I ever felt a need to protect my name, then I would need to think really hard about how I was handling myself.
I probably should care about what other people say about me but i really dont. I gave up caring about that since i left high school. i probably take the micky out of myself more than other people do now. its all just a bit of fun in my eyes. someone wants to call me names to my face for no reason, I just let them think that they are better than me coz they can come up with lies like that whereas I know and my closest friends and family know that I am a good person who tries her best to please other people and herself and work hard.
If i was wrongly accused of something of importance say I was wrongly identified as someone who did something illegal then obviously I would stand up for myself. I just dont see why I should bother dignifying other peoples lies with a response.
I am more concerned about comfort. I am not some saint, I haven’t done anything great, never saved anyone, and I haven’t done anything extremely immoral either. People might not even talk about me, other than how eccentric I am, they might see me just as spoiled and self absorbed.
I’m not running for a political or religious office.
I wouldn’t want to have a scandal, and I wouldn’t want to fight.
Should I care more about what peoples opinion of me is good? I am not out to impress.
I just want to be comfortable, I guess.
and I want comfort for all people too.
I don’t really see them as separate. Though how I handle it in personal and professional life are a little different.
In my personal life, the handful of people who’s opinions matter to me know well enough to speak to me directly. For everyone else, so long as it doesn’t directly impact me, I really couldn’t care less about what they think, good, bad, or otherwise. I never have and don’t imagine I ever will.
In business, I let my work speak for itself. If people want to challenge it, I point them to the body of work I’ve amassed. So long as what they claim is the truth, even cast in a bad light, so be it. However if they’re being disingenuous in an effort to appear better themselves, if I’m feeling particularly spiteful, I’ll put a stop to it.
I’m not as bad as people say, I’m much, much worse!
I don’t get that either. I guess if one feels that something has no substance, then create a sense thereof.
I thought names, whether for gods or people, were for the sake of recognition, a polite way to categorize things so we can point em out and know what, specifically, we’re on about.
I guess names all have meanings, can sound pretty and do hold some importance, but I’d say that ultimately what one is and what one does or stands for is a lot more important than what you’re called.
Maybe I just resent my own name, because at its root it means slave, or sacrifice. Fuck that.
Generally, my reputation (if that’s what you mean by good name) is who I am, and very important to me.
I think my reputation is going to go downhill fast under this new system. I rely largely on silliness and that isn’t allowed so much, any more, despite the protests of the founders that this isn’t the case.
Death befor dishonor? Heck no, my inner person is way more important than what rumors/words can do. In most cases, I can just let it go, and besides I don’t see how someone can “dishonor” me so much without contradicting themselves; who I am (usually) speaks for itself.
I don’t see a logical basis to separate who I am from my reputation. I have made terrible mistakes in the past and I have learned from those mistakes. My reputation should take into account my past failures and my past and current conduct. I believe I deserve both respect for how I now live and forgiveness for the consequences of my past mistakes. Who I am is a combination of my positive and negative reputation from my past conduct and how I have and continuing to conduct myself as a moral and ethical person in the present. My willingness to accept responsibility for both is what makes me authentic as a person.
What’s important to me is my family. My name is not who I am, my reputation is what others think of me and I don’t generally give a fig what others think of me. I care about what kind of person I am, I care about living my life with integrity and courage. With courage comes the ability to ignore all but the most heinous of slights. I save myself for the big battles.
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