General Question

susanc's avatar

Where would I look for a good website to learn about and then sell a vintage motorcycle?

Asked by susanc (16144points) May 5th, 2010

This is a 1972 Yankee trail bike made in Schenectady. Most people have never heard of them but I think they have a following. I did google “Yankee motorcycles” – the company has been out of business for years – but I’m not finding the big enthusiastic fan club I’m looking for. Any ideas?

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5 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

Haul it to Daytona, Sturgis or other biker rally. If you can’t find someone at one of those that is interested in it, it isn’t worth the effort of fixing.

DarkScribe's avatar

A 1972 Yankee is not a “vintage” bike. It is either usable or junk. There is no enthusiastic fan club for them – they were never regarded as a high end bike even when new.

susanc's avatar

Thank you all very much. I have a lot to learn.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yankee Mags
The Motorbike Archives
These are just two I found by typing 1972 Yankee Trail Bike in my Goodsearch search box. Every search results in a donation to my favorite charity.

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