Do you think dogs are the potential perfect killing machines ?
Since I was young,I have always thought of dogs being the animal kingdom’s perfect killing machines!
(I am in no way badmouthing dogs,so dog lovers back off)
I know they are very loyal & loving animals but I have seen them engage predators ten fold their size and either scare them off and/or dominate them. e.g. Black Bears,Grizzly Bears,Wolves etc,,etc,,
There is video of an incident in Europe, a 1 ton Brahma bull was loose in the streets wrecking havoc,a neighborhood dog trained in handling cattle jumped a fence,chased it down and clamped its jaws on the bull’s mouth,dropped it and owned it!
My grandfather had 6 hunting dogs all but one were disemboweled by a Razorback because they all refused to back down even though they were being torn apart by the Razorback !
(*they were not protecting my grandfather as he was not in danger)
Do you think it is generics,training,courage,stupidity or a mixture of all ??
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43 Answers
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I don’t think so, I believe cats are more perfectly designed killing machines. If house cats were as big as dogs they would tear a dog up…oh wait, we do have those…they are called Lions, Tigers, Leopards, and Jaguars.
No. Yes dogs can do pretty amazing things when they are protecting people/their territory but they should not be used as “killing machines”. It is not how they operate. Training them to use them as such is a very dangerous, and confusing thing for them. They are very social animals – training them for the specific use of killing would corrupt their social nature.
No, sharks hold that title.
Dogs can be formidable, but I have to agree with @earthduzt that cats seem to fit the killing machine idea better. The big cats that hunt alone, in particular, are so suited to the job that they have fascinated people for eons. Tigers are about the coolest land predator I can think of.
In the water, I’d nominate sharks as perfect killing machines. Oh…I see @Captain_Fantasy just popped up with the same idea!
Everyone’s thinking of domestic pet dogs. What about wolves? They’re born aggressive and are pretty tough.
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It is genetics. They instinctively hunt in packs.
@MissAusten & @Captain_Fantasy I’ve heard of sharks being labeled the perfect killing machines and yes, I agree they are,,,, but a shark could never fight a predator 20~30 times its size (if there was such a thing)
I guess,I should have included in my question the following statement : How the F* is a dog physically able to engage a Grizzly bear !
It’s David and Goliath !
That would be like your house cat being able to fight a Lion !!
Wolves or other wild canines generally do not do well unless they are a part of a pack. A perfect killing machine would not need to have help. Tigers, mountain lions and jaguar fit that bill better.
Dogs are killing machines, they all come from wolves. they have just been demesticated. My dod kills anything that enters our yard. and is very protective of the family.Did you er see the bite force of a dog, rot german shepherds etc.
Dogs are love machines (along with james brown) Humans are killing machines. Squirrels are killers…
Dogs are not perfect killing machines just because 6 took on a boar.
The fact that 5 of those dogs died suggests failure.
@Captain_Fantasy I did not want to include details of that incident ! The reason for me to bring that up was their courage !
My point was the Razorback slit open their bellies and they kept attacking even though their guts were hanging out,they fought until they dropped,they never gave up nor retreated !!
How The F* can anything continue to fight after being disemboweled !
@Pretty_Lilly If it makes you feel any better acourding to your information I would defenatly say that dogs hold the Title as “One of the bravest animails.”
Since everyones talkin smack bout dogs.
Errr…I guess you already made that point.
Sorry. :P
Sharks > Dogs
The end
Dogs are good killing machines tho, as Michael Vick showed the world.
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@Captain_Fantasy Michael Vick created those killing machines, so in effect, he is the killing machine.
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The African Crowned Eagle is pound for pound a pretty bad boy…Weighs only 5 lbs but feeds on medium sized monkeys and small antelopes up 75 lbs.
Hyenas are also clever and devious pack hunters. Are they considered wild canines?
@gailcalled I would’ve thought you would have commented on a specially trait only female Hyenas possess !
If you don’t know what it is, I’ll tell you !!
I agree with @Captain_Fantasy. Not all dogs are all that bright, like your grandfather’s dogs. They didn’t do any killing, they just got killed. Foolhardy at best.
Dogs also need to be in groups to effectively kill anything. Not that perfect.
@Pretty_Lilly: Do you mean “a special trait that female hyenas possess”? Your wording is a bit muddled. (And I think you mean “wreaking havoc,” rather than “wrecking havoc.” )
If that is so, no, I don’t know what it is.
You asked if dogs were potentially perfect killing machines.
I don’t want a perfect killing machine in my home.
k thx bye!
edit: better to say are closer relatives to cats than they are dogs
That is a terrible use for an animal that is so loyal and loving. Training them to kill is abuse as bad as anyone that abuses their wife or kids. The punishment should be the same.
I don’t believe in souls but if people have them so must dogs. In fact, I bet the dogs soul would be the next step up from human’s.
Funny you should ask, DARPA is currently field testing its newly developed weaponized Chihuahua as we speak. :) [Come on, girls just want to have fun.] ;)
@lillycoyote my grandmother had a Chihuahua, it had deadly farts and a bad temper. I can see them as weapons.
@Ron_C That’s kind of what I was thinking. The value of dogs as weapons, I think, lies not in the powerful, steel trap, death grip jaws of the pit bull but in the deadly stealth farts of the Chihuahuas and the pound dogs. :)
@lillycoyote you have a point there. I have also learned not to feed my dog (a mutt) turkey. He can bring tears to your eyes 4 hours later.
@Ron_C Pupperoni’s do the same to my dog. My family thinks it’s hilarious to give them to her.
@Ron_C And it’s not just dogs. My dear Casper cat, and I adored him and he was the sweetest cat in the world but, occasionally something would just crawl up his ass and die (excuse my French) and I couldn’t be in the same room with him until it passed which sometimes took up to 24 hours. And then, there had to be remediation of the room. I never did figure out what it was that set him off.
@lillycoyote That was good for a laugh. Oh, the power of pet flatulence.
I think humans are the title holders and not dogs!
I am pretty positive that my innocent, brain dead little Mookie cat could out-fart all your dogs. It’s downright frightening
I applogize to all for starting the fart section of this thread.
@Ron_C Seriously, you did hijack this thread. :-)
@chyna didn’t mean to. You never know what will capture people’s attention.
Farts always capture people’s attention.
I fear humans and their aggression far more than even the scariest dog. Most dogs I know who have not been neglected or abused are gentle and trustworthy.
I hope you have the occasion to be loved and trusted my a dog and you develop a more favourably view of this noble creature.
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