General Question

john65pennington's avatar

Whats in the future for man and the automobile?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 6th, 2010

What happens next, when oil is depleted from the earth and there is no gasoline for autmobiles? this may not happen in our lifetime, but what does the future hold for our childrens children children? will “air cars” be developed for travel above ground, like the Jetsons? is the government making future plans for human travel, if this occurs? this may sound like a fantasy to you and i today, but this may be future reality more than we think. i can just visualize the interstates piled high with useless automobiles, because of no fuel. Question: what happens next, when oil supplies are depleted from the earth and there is no gasoline for automobiles?

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8 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Biofuels…Solar power…they did a documentary on this on the Discovery Civilization channel and History channel about what would happen if when the oil runs out

ragingloli's avatar

It will happen in our lifetime. They will be superceded by electric and hydrogen powered cars.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I think biofuels will be our next step.

talljasperman's avatar

@talljasperman I think it might be National Geographic channel instead of Discovery Civ

Kiev749's avatar

flying cars. that George Jetson had it right….

Seaofclouds's avatar

Even flying cars would need an energy source.

CMaz's avatar

As much as what @ragingloli said, I believe is true. Society will also plummet into poverty and disparage. These “alternate” fuel sources not producing enough wealth to support our over populated society.

marinelife's avatar

The automobile will be powered by a different system, possibly hydrogen fuel cells.

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