Meta Question

RedPowerLady's avatar

Can we fix the new "Great Answer" response?

Asked by RedPowerLady (12638points) May 6th, 2010

When I hit great answer I am immediately taken to the top of the page. It says at the top “marked great answer”. Is there anyway to fix this?

If not I would encourage the Fluther Gods to consider it. It’s really hard to read through a thread and mark great answers when it keeps pulling me to the top. But that is not a complaint, just a suggestion. Thanks for all the hard work!!!

Please though if I can fix it via my own computer let me know.

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12 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

That happens periodically with my Firefox too. I just clear the cache and reopen the program.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay let me try…

RedPowerLady's avatar

Woohoo it worked! You are awesome!

Okay so now I hate it when I ask a question and it gets answered in one response. I feel like a dolt! I could have just PM’d you (not that I would have known to) and got this resolved. Sorry Fluther Gods! :)

rebbel's avatar

It is after all a Question & Answer site, this.~
So, there is not really a reason to apologies, i would think.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@rebbel Thanx! I guess I apologize b/c I feel like a dolt.

rebbel's avatar

I recognize the feeling :-)

susanc's avatar

@RedPowerLady You, a dolt?!? That’s the first silly thing you’ve ever written here….

YARNLADY's avatar

I think it’s a good complaint. I don’t like it when that happens, and I don’t even know what “clear the cache and reopen the program” means. Could someone elaborate, please.

Edit: Here’s how I get on Fluther. When my computer gets turned on – it starts itself, and I enter my password – then I click on the little Firefox at the bottom of my screen – and after that I click on the arrow on the URL box, then click on the Fluther line that is there.

chels's avatar

@YARNLADY There’s a step by step guide here! Hope that helps :)

andrew's avatar

Sometimes this happens because you’re super-human and really fast and the page hasn’t had time to catch up loading (or more likely one of the support files for the website hasn’t loaded from google or yahoo).

OR, maybe we were changing code in the middle of you doing something on the site, and you got into a strange state.

You see that stuff when Javascript (the stuff that makes everything happen in real time) isn’t working—fortunately we’ve written the site so that even if javascript is broken, the site still works.

YARNLADY's avatar

@chels Thank you so much. I was able to work out what refresh cache means.

chels's avatar

@YARNLADY You’re very welcome. I’m happy that helped!

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