Do you get drunk and sing songs?
I was watching Frida last night and there was a scene in the movie where lots of people were drunk and singing the same song. I see this a lot in movies, especially movies about the Irish. I’m not sure these songs are exclusively drinking songs, but some seem to be.
Do you know any people who sing songs when they get drunk? Do you know any specific drinking songs? Maybe your family used to do it?
It seems like fun.
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53 Answers
My family used to break out into Piano Man when certain members had imbibed too much.
I’m usually too busy wallowing in self-pity or acting like a fool celebrating for the Bruins or Red Sox.
I enjoy singing when I am drunk. I’m too self-conscious to do it otherwise. Usually Disney songs.
Yesh. Yesh I hash. ::hic!:: Dooonnnn’t stop! Bel-eeee-van! Holdontothat feeeaaay-eeee-aylin!
That’s the only time that I’ll get my girlfriend to sing. Actually, I don’t get her to do it. She just starts belting it out when she’s had a few.
I don’t need booze to sing. But, when we’re both having a few, we sing together. And, I play air drums.. Yeah, that’s right.
What did you think of the movie? It’s favorite of mine.
Yeah, if I’m in a good mood. Sometimes I play guitar, too.
I’ve never managed to get drunk, no matter how much I drink. But I still sing anyways.
Absolutely! I did karaoke for a few jellies on webcam the other night. I sang Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, and I don’t remember what else.
My friend Shannon and I frequently stood outside of bars, plastered, singing Master of Puppets, and my friend Lauren and I usually sang Black No. 1.
Once in a bar with my actor friend and, um, Lauren? I was drunk, and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road came on and I was singing, and I turned around and my friend, who is Juilliard trained, had his thumb up to my face like a microphone. I was mortified. I am as tone deaf as they come and it was so loud that I didn’t even realize he could hear me singing. I still, to this day, cringe when I remember it, and hope he was too drunk to remember that now.
Absolutely my favourite part of any drunken get together! If it’s a family party then the songs usually follow and Irish theme, The Dubliners, The Fureys, Big Tom or maybe The Pogues. Then when we get in, I put my iPod in it’s dock, and make my wife play name that tune till we fall asleep :-)
@jjmah It’s not the first time I’ve seen it. It’s a great movie.
One time I did sing “Amazing Grace” in an Elmer Fudd voice.
If Santeria or Tiny Dancer comes on when my friends and I are drinking, it will be sung. Loudly. But we don’t just bust out with it on our own.
And it is fun.
Let’s not even talk about the dance routine that took place in the middle of the crowded bar when “Alabama Song” by the Doors came on :x Only on the lower east side, folks.
I sometimes sing “Tiny Dancer”; alone, tearfully and with great reverence. It was “our song”.
Of course, what’s drinking without singing? My best friend and I take it one step futher and get money to shut up, and to get off the table. It doesn’t matter if we know the song or not, we just sing, cause were drunk.
Well, generally what happens in terms of singing while drunk is that my friends and I will sing along with a song when it comes on the radio or starts playing at a party. Sometimes people will sing without any music, but that’s rare. Usually it’s sparked by the song playing and then people will start singing along with it. Just did that with “I Love College” by Asher Roth. :)
i like to sing when i’m drunk but i’d much prefer to be so caught up in my dancing that i have no time to sing. lol.
Total Eclipse of the Heart. That’s all that needs to be said.
Definitely, ever time I start drinking I lose fear of my terrible singing voice and feel like I could be on american idol… Theres just something about singing and drinking that really go together.
No, I don’t get drunk. If I did my guess is that I would become quite the singer.
I don’t get drunk very often but occasionally drinking will lead to singing.
@deni Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you’re never comin’ round
The only time is I sing is when I am the car alone and listening to 1950’s rock.
me and my fraternity brothers sang the fraternity songs when we got drunk. it was fun, especially b/c we all knew the words to the songs, and no one else did.
I sang Total Eclipse last week. It was on Glee:)
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I thing it commin round.
Street lights. People. Oh uh woaaa ah aaaaah!!!
So goodbye yellow brick road. Where the debts of society howl…
you can’t have me in your penthouse. I’m goin back to my prowl.
Yeah. I like to make a fool of myself.
Oh lordy yes. As a family (once, we spent an entire evening trying to learn all the words to Johnny Cash’s I’ve Been Everywhere… loudly!). In a group of friends. Wherever, with whoever. My ex-husband was a drummer in a band, and at gigs in bars, I have been known to stand up on my chair and dance. <slinks away, image tarnished>
@breedmitch i like all of yours. i can see myself belting out each one.
billy joel is a favorite of mine to sing intoxicated as well. Especially “scenes from an italian restaurant”. and any boston song.
@breedmitch: I really hope I’m not going to feel stupid after this. Isn’t it “dogs of society”?
“You can’t plant me in your penthouse, I’m going back to my plow”. How “me” that is…
Hold me closer, tiny dancer. Count the headlights on the hiiiiiiighwaaaaay…!
Don’t stop believin’ and Sweet Caroline are always big hits as well. Does that say something about my high school graduation class that Sweet Caroline was our class song? haha
My grandfather has a lot of Irish drinking song albums, and my favorite goes like this:
There was a little fly, and he flew into a store,
He shh on the ceiling and he shh on the floor
He shh on the bacon and he shh on the ham,
and he shh on the head of the little grocery man!
Best. Drinking. Song. __EVAR.__
Yeah poof. I get drunk and mess up all the lyrics.
“Hold me closer, tiny dancer. ”
No, it’s hold me closer, Tony Danza….=)
@jjmah My friends and I agree after a few drinks :)
No when I get drunk recite a few dirty limericks, when that starts I know it’s time to go to bed.
There once was a fellow O’Doole
Who found little red spots on his tool
His Doctor a cynic
said Get out of me clinic,
And wipe off that lipstick you fool!
Ahhh, one of my favourite songs from when I was a kid, “Total eclipse of the heart“, sung by Bonnie Tyler, as we know her :-)
What a voice!!
@Scooby Oh yes! Definitely had fun singing that one this past weekend!! haha
The song was written by Jim Steinman incidentally, one of my all time favourite song writers, he did a bit of stuff for MeatLoaf, ‘Bat out of Hell’ for one, this really gets my blood pumping, Lol I love this Album… ;-)
This was a strong tradition in my family growing up. When two or more are gathered together, serve drinks and break out in song!
Why wait until you’re drunk?
@Nullo In my family, as I said, it was usually sing and drink until you’re drunk!~
I don’t sing…..first thing I do when I get drunk is take my clothes off!
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