Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Are you aware that today is national Wear No Pants Day?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 7th, 2010

I did not make this up. its national Wear No Pants Day. so, what exactly does this mean? that you should only wear shorts today and no long pants or does it mean to walk around with your boxers, g-string, or thongs showing? i am going to celebrate by wearing nothing but my “long johns” my house of course. so, what are your plans to celebrate national Wear No Pants Day?

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17 Answers

hearkat's avatar

What is your source? Doesn’t it tell you the reason for the observance, or give a reference?
runs off to check wikipedia

Hmmm… it’s not listed there, which makes me more inclined to think that it’s commercially motivated. Doesn’t someone have an ad campaign about men wearing no pants? Dockers, perhaps?

partyparty's avatar

@john65pennington Think you should wear your tutu today. I have never seen a law enforcement officer in anything remotely feminine. A pink one please LOLL

aprilsimnel's avatar

Too late. Just got in from the morning exercise, and I wore pants – both in the US and UK meanings of the word.

@hearkat – Here’s the source.

hearkat's avatar

@aprilsimnel: Thanks!

Yeah, I get the point of wanting people to lighten-up; however, not everyone has legs as attractive as those on the people in the photo on that site. I don’t even like to go out in public in a bathing suit.

So my answer is: No, I won’t be celebrating this one with anyone but my sweetie ;-)

wonderingwhy's avatar

Now what did I do with my kilt…

hearkat's avatar

@wonderingwhy: Kilts and skirts are against the rules… check @aprilsimnel‘s link.

jrpowell's avatar

It is actually “hug the guy that picks the lettuce that you got on your Whopper” day.

filmfann's avatar

I’ve gotta wear pants. sorry.
It’s just cheaper than losing my job, lawyer fees, bail, and psychotherapy for my kids.

john65pennington's avatar

Source is Yahoo News. Net Holiday Blog. its for real.

No tutu here.

Hearkat, check it out.

marinelife's avatar

Well, totally accidentally, I am sitting at my computer without pants on (I do have on underwear) so I complied with National No Pants Day, but I am going to put some on if I go out!

roundsquare's avatar

History: One day George Washington was supposed to meet with an important dignitary. However, all his pants were dirty and so he went in his undies and told the dignitary, “my deepest apologies, but I must respect my culture, and today is ‘National Day Thou Wearest No Pants’” later changed to “Nation Wear No Pants Day.”

Side note: The above is not history.

free_fallin's avatar

Apparently it’s actually “National Prayer Day,” but atheists decided to change it to National Masturbation Day.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

Everybody, take yer pants off and dance off!

bob_'s avatar

I wasn’t. I’d be happy to join, but as others have said, I don’t want it to be National Get Your Ass Fired for me.

noodlehead710's avatar

Hmm, I was always under the impression that no-pants day just involved not wearing traditional pants-wear (dresses, etc. included). For example, walking around with only a towel as if you just got out of a shower…perfectly acceptable. By the holiday’s standards, perhaps not society’s.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Great! I wasn’t wearing any and now I have an excuse to not get dressed all day! ~

xb12x's avatar

April 06 is Canada’s national Kilt day

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