Social Question

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

How do you feel when you are surrounded by people of a different persuasion to yourself?

Asked by FireMadeFlesh (16613points) May 7th, 2010

When you are surrounded by good, amicable people with ideas starkly different to your own, how do you feel? Do you tend to feel isolated, ignore the differences and avoid drawing attention to them, or see it as an opportunity to promote diversity?

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27 Answers

JeffVader's avatar

I always like to have my thoughts & beliefs challenged, so I enjoy these opportunities.

BoBo1946's avatar

poor souls, everyone should think like i do!

lmao…just kidding…there is room for all us down here!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I try to avoid voicing my opinion on certain topics when I am in a group of nice, different-minded people. I go to a Christian youth group in the summer and I am very much not Christian and very liberal and these are good, nice people so when topics like abortion come up, I keep my lips zipped and wait for the conversation to turn to more neutral topics.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Isolated. That’s the way I normally feel, my combination of beliefs is bound to upset somebody. I usually avoid purely social situations and at work don’t discuss anything but business. It may not sound like much fun, but I’m used to it.

netgrrl's avatar

It depends. In a professional setting I might very well keep my opinions to myself, or at least temper them. I’m very familiar with being a liberal democrat in the middle of a bunch of right-wing conservatives.

In a social setting, however discussion can be fun when both sides can discuss it in a friendly manner.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever felt isolated. How much I voiced my opinions on things would depend on the mood I was in. If I felt that voicing my opinion would lead to a debate I would only voice my opinion if I was up for the debate at that time. If not, I would either ignore the conversation until it changed to something I wanted to talk about or attempt to change the subject myself. Most of the time, I’m up for some intellectual bantering.

stratman37's avatar

Paydirt! What a great opportunity to share information and learn about another person’s POV.

partyparty's avatar

No I would never feel isolated. I would use it as an opportunity to put my views forward, in a friendly manner.
We are all different, and should be accepted for our differences.

slick44's avatar

It dosn’t bother me at all. But i tend to just mind my own business, unless i am approched.

marinelife's avatar

I tried to relate to what was going on in terms of conversation. I had a very interesting time actually.

wundayatta's avatar

I try not to be in such situations. Of course, where I live, people who think the wrong way get pelted with snowballs and batteries. So I take off my shirt and try to make like a local. Then I try to get away as soon as I can.

On rare occasions I might try to stand up for what is true and right, but I have to decide before hand if I’m will to take the snowballs and batteries. Those usually lead to an early departure, which saddens me, but is necessary to protect my hide. It’s only so thick. But the people left behind didn’t appreciate my comments anyway, so they’re glad to see the back of me.

Draconess25's avatar

I usually leave.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

As @Draconess25 does, although I’m unlikely to be there in the first place.

Draconess25's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Seeing as I work in an accessory shop next to a pharmacy, & I live between 2 churches, I always have to deal with people like that. I can’t leave at work, obviously. But if a church service is going on next door, I try to leave.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Draconess25 I see what you mean. I own a 650 acre farm and pretty much control whatever goes on around me.

Draconess25's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Where I live, it’s too small to be considered a city, but too big to be a town. The perfect mix of gangsters & rednecks.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Draconess25 If I can see another person, it’s too crowded for me.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I have a problem controlling my opinions. I am learning to keep my mouth shut but if these people all believe in something I feel is wrong or ignorant you can be sure I’ll stick my foot in my mouth. That doesn’t mean I still won’t appreciate them as a kind individual though and try my best to make that clear as well.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I just try not to get into conversation that is likely to cause a heated debate that could lead to animosity. I don’t force my opinions on others and I expect them not to do so to me.

faye's avatar

Say hello, and try very hard to stay polite and civil.

tranquilsea's avatar

I enjoy learning about other people. Having a room of divergent thinking is great for understanding where people get their thoughts and ideas from. I would prefer a room full of people who thought contrary to what I do every now and then. Keeps me on my toes lol.

YARNLADY's avatar

I find that happens every time I take a child to a sporting event. I have no interest in sports and very little in common with sports fans, but I do enjoy watching people have fun.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@YARNLADY I’m very similar to you here. I am not a sports fan at all and yet I work in a sports centre where I am surrounded by sports fanatics all day hey! It pays the bills!

BoBo1946's avatar

—happens everyday….that what makes life interesting…if we all thought the same, would be a very boring World…......

mattbrowne's avatar

Happens on Fluther all the time. It makes life interesting.

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