NSFW: How do I have this type of orgasm (read details)?
I have heard that having an orgasm during sex without manually stimulating the clitoris is somewhat rare for women to be able to do. But it is possible, am I right? I want to know how I can achieve this type of orgasm. Or is it something that not every woman can have? I feel like when I’m having sex with my boyfriend, there is no chance that I’d have an orgasm if I weren’t touching myself at the same time. But am I just not concentrating hard enough, or what? I’m not extremely worried about it, though, either way. The sex is great even before the orgasm, but I am curious about this.
If it helps: I’m in my early twenties, so I’ve only been having sex regularly for several years and so maybe I just don’t know my body well enough yet?
Any tips, advice, or just simply input is greatly appreciated! :)
ps: I’m a regular Fluther user, but I felt more comfortable asking this question in disguise ;)
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14 Answers
Some women can orgasm without extra stimulation and some can’t. I have no idea what the difference is. Sometimes the woman on top works much better than missionary. I also heard from a woman that used missionary, but with the man’s legs outside of the womens legs. The other thing you could try is one of the cockrings that hit the woman’s clit with each stroke. Look on Adam and Eve or similar site.
Very few women get off from penetration… but personally (and I’m not easy to please), I have to be on top because the contact between his pelvis/lower stomach area and my clitoris is what will ignite my orgasm. Maybe you can try that instead of touching yourself and see if it works. Also, orgasms for women are VERY mental… so ya, it may be about concentration as well… or maybe less concentration on everything else.
edit: also, as the person who is above me mentioned, you should try one of those Trojan vibrating rings because OH MY GOD
Well when i’m on top, it feels GREAT, but i never feel anywhere near orgasming. I guess like you said, it’s so mental. Perhaps one of my problems is i’m not in the right state of mind?
do men realize how lucky they are when it comes to orgasming? no pun intended.
@michaelangelo Yeah we men have some upside. But it’s also why god invented ED, prostate exams, and male pattern baldness. He had to level the field a little.
i know exactly what you mean,on top definately works best for me but i also find if the guy is sitting up maybe at the end of the bed or on a sofa as that gets his body alot closer to ure clitoris. it is all in the mind, i find i enjoy things alot more after a few glasses of wine too. not cider or beer as they make u bloated and sleepy but the wine just lowers my inhibitions a bit and gives me a little alcoholic energy. but i mean my advice only makes it better for me, i still never quite get to that orgasm.
I dont know how, but i have managed to orgasm mentally in a half dreaming kinda sleep, kinda unintentionally, but the more i think about not orgasming the less close i am to orgasming if that makes any sense at all. Definately all in the mind and the more you think the harder it is. i can never switch off my mind when im with my bf.
I suggest that bringing your woman to an orgasm before entering her with your penis shows the greatest of consideration and love. Many women will have a second orgasm (or the continuation of the first orgasm) during intercourse that follows their (first) orgasm. Oral sex not only works well to induce orgasm but it overcomes any problems with insufficient lubrication that can make intercourse uncomfortable for her or for both partners.
Women, if you male lover does not care to pleasure you first, then why does he feel entitled to have sex with you where you don’t have much chance of having an orgasm?
For my wife, clitoral stimulation seems to work. However, in terms of penetrative sex, positions where my penis is pushed against the front wall of her vagina are also very effective, even if I do say so myself.
There’s a flip side to the facility that men have for arousal and orgasm though, as any teenage boy who’s ever had an inadvertent erection when he has to stand up in class will be able to confirm…
I have no idea. Personally, I’m not sure I even believe in a strictly vaginal orgasm, one that involves no clitoral stimulation at all. For me, it took several years of having sex to be able to have orgasms during it and the issue was me being comfortable enough to move my body against my partners without feeling self conscious. It also helps to have a more experienced partner who has an idea of how to move their body against yours too in different positions and who can recognize the way your body reacts to different pressure and intensity. I believe it’s all about getting to know one another’s bodies and then feeling at ease enough with each other to go for what feels good and to ask for things.
So from these responses it seems I’m not alone in this matter. @Neizvestnaya i agree. At this point I do not see how I will ever be able to orgasm without clitoral stimulation. I just got around to orgasms during penetration, too. We have to stop, and then I have to bring myself to where I’m riiiight about to orgasm, and then he enters. And it’s great. So that makes me think if there is a strictly vaginal orgasm it must be fantastic….but maybe I’ll never know :(
I’ll say this for getting reallly comfortable with a partner, vaginal penetration becomes more and more arousing and the orgasms more intense. Keep doing what you’re doing and see if you can get to the point of your body telling you where it wants to rub :) I don’t think I’m missing out by not having strictly vaginal orgasms because I’m multi orgasmic.
Ahh… I’ve found that to have an orgasm without clitoral stimulation, he has to be on top and my legs have to be above my head/over his shoulders. deep penetration This sometimes makes me get a little messy too… blushes. I think it just gives him the right angle to hit my g-spot. I’ve read that not all women have a g-spot, though. There are a lot of great forums on this website about sex tips and tricks. I find everyone there really helpful when I have questions. There are even a few gynecological doctors on that website that answer questions regularly.
Yes it is possible. Don’t think about it, don’t concentrate. If you are worried about it then try to stimulate yourself first, alone. Play with everything around and then go in, get used to your own body.
Good oral sex is one of the greatest gifts a man can give his lady. A lady can have many orgasms while a man can only have one every few hours at most. Combined with manual G-Spot stimulation, the effect can be explosive. My lady always had at least three “waves” before it was “my turn”. One tip, don’t go straight for the clitoris, go indirectly and slowly. Good communication is critical, learn what turns her on, experiment a bit.
We found that intercourse positions that stimulated the G-Spot were most enjoyable for my lady (Cowgirl, leaning backward was a good one; Rainbow Arch was great, but rather athletic). Any position that gives the lady control of rhythm, geometry and depth of penetration seems to work very well, especially in achieving simultaneous orgasm (the sexual Holy Grail, IMHO).
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