Do you ever feel invisible on Fluther?
Well, do you? For whatever reason? You tell me why you sometimes feel invisible. Sometimes I do.
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37 Answers
I have felt invisible but in my case I feel it is because I read a lot more than I post. I used to contribute a lot more but other things get in the way.
It seems those who post more frequently are more visible.
I used to but not so much anymore.
I know who you are if that makes you feel any better.
If I ever feel obscure I just change the avatar! Poof! All better! ;)
loll..good question! Sometimes, you feel that way! You will make several comments to a member and never get a response.
@johnpowell As long as you don’t know what I did last summer….
Not Really. I make my presence known. Whether the flutherites like me or not, makes no difference to me.
Yep, quite a bit. I’ve been here about 2½ years and don’t feel like part of the “in” crowd. I’m not one of the big names, either. I go through periods of debating whether to leave, when it gets me down. I can’t really ask people what’s up, so I go by lurve as an appreciation of my participation, and the small amounts I receive compared to others, for what I judge to be flippant or equal (or less) quality answers, leads me to think my input isn’t as appreciated. I probably had the slowest rise to 10k of anyone, but then again, I do lurk/read/lurve more than I post questions and answers. It just kind of hurts, considering how long I’ve been here and that I think I’m a good member of the community, that I never, ever get remembered when someone needs an expert opinion on something, when they’re making a list of jellies to do X, etc.
@MissAnthrope You were the first jelly to be nice to me and not make me feel like a newbie. I’ll never forget you :)
Sometimes I do feel invisible. It’s usually when I feel I’ve given tons of good answers, well thought out and articulated, but they are passed over for some reason. Then I wonder if I’ve offended anyone lately and if I should apologize. Then I remember that “Internetz Are Srs Bsns” and I relax, unplug for a day and come back with a new viewpoint.
I’ve also found that there are waves to my lurve. I think there is a time zone of people who I lurve and who lurve me- unfortunately for my bad days- we are about six hours apart. So I wake up, give them lurve and then respond or post new. Then nothing. Until six hours later I’ll see some trickle in.
I try to remember that lurve doesn’t mean anything. Yet, in a way it does. It’s an attaboy, an ‘I agree’ of sorts. I wouldn’t care if the points stopped accumulating but I do like knowing I’m appreciated.
@gemiwing – Awwww, thanks for telling me that. I’m so glad I made a difference to someone! My instincts are pretty good, I have to say.. I ended up liking you quite a lot. :)
Nah. There are people on here who I’m sure have no idea who I am, or ignore me, or don’t like me or just haven’t noticed me yet. But it doesn’t bother me because there are plenty of users who do notice me and like me and who I would consider my friends, some of which I’ve even spoken to on the phone. Because of them, I never feel invisible and they make it all worthwhile for me.
While I don’t keep track of my lurve, the points that I do accumulate also tells me that someone or several people appreciation a contribute I have made whether it be on a question or an answer. Not to mention the PM’s you receive every once in a while from someone thanking you for an answer or complimenting you on an idea/opinion/suggestion/story you’ve shared. These things don’t need to happen all the time in order for one to feel a part of the community and I feel bad for people who think it does. Just continue to share your personality and knowledge with everyone and there will be those who notice and appreciate it, whether you realize it or not, and those who won’t. It’s all a part of life.
Sometimes. But I’m still fairly new so it doesn’t bother me.
No, I feel like I get an adequate amount of attention. :)
No, I can’t say that I do. I have a good relationship with many flutherites whether we often agree or not. Try going to chat sometimes. That is not to say I never get frustrated though ;).
Now there was one time I felt invisible. It is when @chels made a Fluther cast and left me out of it. I had to resign myself to simply being a one-word walk on :(. Oh wait that was on Facebook…. just giving you a hard time chica don’t take it seriously,lol
Pretty much the same as @Vunessuh said.
And if it weren’t for that…well if you just keep looking at yourself and concentrating on whatever attention you don’t get, everyone else will be invisible to you too, so you may not notice when someone does pay attention? It’s a two way thing I suppose.
At least until they implement a block feature, I’ll then be talking to walls, I’m sure. :D
@MissAnthrope I daresay, just cuz you’re not part of the in crowd, it doesn’t mean you don’t matter. That doesn’t validate someone’s worth, wisdom or intelligence, which from what I’ve seen of you, you obviously posses.
I often feel invisible, but that’s fine with me. I am shy and so invisibility is kind of a good thing.
I sure wish I sometimes could be invisible in real life.
I don’t feel invisible on Fluther on in life – I feel vulnerable rather than invisible.
At times. It’s probably because I do more lurking than actual answering.
@toomuchcoffee911 I went through a short hearts playing phase and my username on the website where I played was “toomuchmerlot.” Either way one’s had too much and there are repercussions. :)
@tinyfaery I see you too, tinyfaery. I guess neither one of us is invisible right now.
All the time. I think part of why I am on fluther is to search for part of myself, or rather find my voice on some things. Maybe it is more about me not seeing me very clearly, rather than others not noticing me.
There are times when I feel like I am surfing this site perfectly, and other times, like now, where I am drowning while clawing at the water.
I don’t need attention, or lurve, but I do want to feel like I am contributing something here.
FWIW, I know all of you! :D
@MissAnthrope If it’s any consolation, when I think of Fluther members, you are one of the first that springs to mind!
@everyone – Thanks, guys. :)
@augustlan that is sweet. @filmfann even though my first encounter with you was a bit heated I appreciate your contribution here.
Of course I feel invisable, I AM invisible!
What am I?
A micro faced avatar and a few typewritten words on a page. haha
Short of having fun participating for amusements sake, unless one is a raging narcissist that NEEDS constant recognition I can’t fathom taking to heart, or feeling personally rejected if I do not receive some sort of constant stream of attention.
The invisibility factor never even crosses my mind.
I play and if someone plays back, cool, if not, I certainly am not going to feel slighted. ;-)
@liminal I am proud to say I don’t remember the heated exchange. That makes me think I am successfully not carrying grudges.
Thanks so much, and I value your imput here.
I’ve always been invisible (figuratively of course) in real life so this sort of question has never really crossed my mind. Considering my sporadic posting habits as well as my sometimes unpopular viewpoints I would actually be surprised if many people noticed me at all.
Don’t feel the need to be validated here. If you enjoy the questions and jumping in to answer here and there, that’s good enough.
I feel invisible and unlurved approximately every 28 days. Can’t think why that might be!
In the real world I have moved about a bit, and have found it takes at least a year in a place to feel established, and longer still to feel at home and make good friends. How you spend your time makes a big difference too: take an active approach and PM some folk. If they never get back to you, it’s no great loss.
Sometimes being invisible really isn’t that bad: he who watches, sees more.
who said that!?
no, im sure you’re lovely AND i can’t believe no-one made that joke yet.
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