Does anyone know good home care for spider bites?
Got a spider bite on my hand and my hand is having an allergic reaction… swollen and painful. No sign of infection (have had bites that have gotten infected before). Besides Benedryl and Tylenol, I tried Epson Salt. Anyone have any other home care that has helped with the swelling & pain so I can get some sleep?
Thanks very much!
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15 Answers
Poison Control??
I’m a little concerned it may be a more dangerous spider this time.. you should try to act fast!
It was a small black spider with yellow (found it between my sheets when making the bed). Looked it up online & it is a non-poisonous common “garden” spider. This is the 4th time I’ve had a spider bite & had the same reaction (went to the doctor for 2 out of the last 3 when they became infected). Hoping to avoid infection (as well as get relief) with a home remedy since I’m hoping for pregnancy and the steriods & antibiotics are something I hope to avoid.
Just found 1 interesting care tip online:
“Rub the bite area with a cotton ball soaked in a meat tenderizer solution for 20 minutes (Exception: avoid if near the eye). If not available, apply an ice cube for 20 minutes.”
Too bad I don’t have any meat tenderizer in the house. Tried the ice already – helps only while on & can’t have it on continually :(
Hmm….in that case, I would try icing it down for a bit til it goes numb maybe? Also, after icing it maybe a warm compress could help the swelling go down…I’m no expert, though. Try itch relief cream (obviously lol) if it’s itching.
Just read your response…oops! (about the ice)
Uhm… for the ice…if you have an icepack maybe you could apply it to the bite with a thin towel between your skin and the ice so it doesn’t get too cold, and strap it there with maybe some tape so you can sleep and still have relief…
@Chongalicious I’m actually putting ice cubes under a layer of a “Sham-Wow.” Not sure if it is good to strap on since you’re not supposed to apply ice for more than 20 mins tops at a time.
Was really hoping the Epson Salt would work… tried keeping my hand/arm in a vase with warm water & 1 cup of Espson Salt as well as trying to do the paste/warm compress but only felt good when in the water – not a good way to sleep, though – LOL!
Have you tried baking soda/water paste? It crumbles off, but it feels reallllly good while it’s on. Maybe you can fall asleep before it crumbles…
@BraveWarrior haha yeah…I’m definitely not an expert then xD I didn’t even know about the 20 minute rule >.< Glad you knew it lol
Hmmm you’re in a bit of a predicament! I would follow susanc’s advice, sounds way better than mine :)
I have heard that making a oatmeal paste works. I’m sure that if it can work with chicken pox, then it might be able to work on your bite.
Just a curiosity… where do you live that you’ve been bitten by a spider four times?
Please tell me so I know never to move there :x I’ve been bitten by a spider once, and I have arachnophobia, and the boyfriend I had at the time said I cried and whimpered in my sleep all night
When I was bitten, it got so infected and swollen that clothing touching it hurt, even loose clothing. What sucked more was it was on my knee, so bending my knee killed, and my pants always touched it when I sat down. I ended up having to open it and drain it, and we just dumped peroxide on it and cleaned it really well and let it dry heal.
The many uses of ShamWow, who knew? Hope you feel better. I used to have the same problems with these nasty mosquitoes in Europe.The whole area would swell so much it would hurt really bad. Any anti inflammatory/anti itch cream will help, but unfortunately this thing will just have to work itself out. Keep it clean so it won’t get infected and in a few days it should be better.
Hydrogen peroxide is a good cleaner of cuts and bites. It stings, but it’s a good sting, if you know what I mean. And my mother would put baking soda paste on our bites to help take the sting out. But, yeah, your system is just going to have to work it’s way through it. Antihistamines if you’re slightly allergic, something for the pain, and if you can’t sleep, maybe the kind of antihistamine that helps you sleep? If you can get it where you live. Sometimes it’s in a cough syrup form. I hope you feel better soon.
@primigravida I’ve had a few ‘holidays’ wayyy up above the Arctic Circle in the summer time and the mosquitoes are a thick fog up there. It’s horrible. Most days, you couldn’t leave any skin exposed. I bought an anti-itch pen, used it liberally, and it worked pretty well.
I might just pop some Nyquil. Pain relief, antihistamine, and you’ll sleep. Done and done, at least for tonight.
Shit why didn’t I think about this before!! (oh yeah, I was tiredd) but yeah, I know vinegar works for jellyfish stings, maybe it could be of some help on your spider bite? Well, if it happens again anyways… sorry I couldn’t be useful earlier lol
Thanks to everyone for your great suggestions! When I posted on Sat, I had no sign of infection, but on Sunday I ended up in the Hosp E/R with full-blown cellulitis & lymphangitis with a lovely red band of infection from my unbelieveably swollen (as in, I can’t believe my skin could stretch so much, it looked like a boxing glove) hand up to ½ way between my elbow & shoulder. Had I.V. Clindamyacin & then discharged with a week’s prescription for the antibiotic. Praise God the infection is responding very well to the antibiotic. At least today the swelling is down enough for me to type – smiles!
I was told by the E/R doc not to put ice for the swelling because it will “crystalize” the infection but just to keep it elevated for the swelling. Was told to continue taking 25mg Benedryl for the itching & Tylenol for the pain. Thought maybe I’m allergic to spider bites but was told that major swelling & infections are common with spider bites.
@poofandmook – I live in NY, USA in a suburban area. The weird thing is each time I’ve gotten bitten while I was sleeping & my hubby right next to me in our bed has not gotten bitten at all.
Thanks again, everyone, for your responses. Have a great day! :)
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