Meta Question

Kraigmo's avatar

What does Meta mean on Fluther?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) May 9th, 2010

Why is there no explanation of the Meta section until you actually begin the process of answering a question?

How would users who don’t ask questions know what it is? I sure didn’t know until I began to ask a question, and at that point, it tells you.

Edit: okay I see it now: “Questions about Fluther and the Community”. But I sure had no clue what that was for 2 days. I guess I didn’t know all the meanings of the word “meta”

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3 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

In general, the meaning of meta is “about” so Meta questions in Fluther means questions about Fluther.

augustlan's avatar

You do bring up a good point, though. The Meta section could potentially be a big help to new-comers, but they wouldn’t necessarily know to look there, unless they’ve read all the guidelines (and we all know that most people don’t do that).

jrpowell's avatar

Since this is here I will wax. Metadata is info that describes data. For example: that MP3 on your iPod has Metadata such as the name of the song and artist. It isn’t needed to play the song but it is nice to have. Your camera stores the same stuff. The type of camera and all sorts of info. And on cell phones with a GPS unit it adds where you are. If you take a picture on a iphone and post it I can grab your location from the XFIF metadata.

Kinda scary.

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