Has anybody had a close encounter of the third kind?
Ive had four close encounters of the third kind. Two Bloecher subtype E’s and two Bloecher subtype F’s. I wonder if anybody else has had these kind of experieces and if so, please describe them.
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@ dpworkin Yeah, I know. I never believed in them till I actually saw them for myself. Does kinda make you doubt your sanity. None of these experiences happened while I was in bed or dreaming. And they didnt try to probe me or anything. Actually, they werent even interested in me at all. They were just there. I know it sounds crazy, but youd have to experience it first hand to understand what Im talking about.
Could you explain it more
@Guy I saw aliens on two occasions and I felt their presence on two others. The first time I saw one was from a distance. It was very ugly. Abnormally tall, like seven feet or more, and very skinny. Its skin hung off of its body in flaps and it had no facial features besides two, big, black eyes. The second one I saw, I passed right by it on the edge of the road. It looked completely human in all respects to size, proportion and skin color. It was wearing human clothes and a baseball cap. At first, as I approaced it, I thought it was just a person, but then I noticed that it had no face. No face at all. Just a smooth uniform skin-covered skull. I was able to get a good long look at it as we came closer to each other and I seriously saw no facial features at all. I passed within three feet of it and it continued on. Both of these creatures seemed to have no interest in me. They were just there. The other two times were less in-your-face because I didnt actually see anything. It was just this very eeiry feeling that made me break out in goosebumps. I dont know why I thought it was aliens. I just knew somehow. All of these experiences were very creepy and disturbing. I just wanted to know if it was common or not.
You mentioned in a previous question that you have very vivid dreams. It is possible for a dream to cross into waking memory, so that you remember it as a real event.
Do you know the odds of evolution creating eyes or a human form on a distant planet? Absolutely impossible beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you saw was alien. Just could not have happened, if I am to credit your own description.
@dpworkin There are billions of stars, & each star can have planets like our own. Our solar system is not the newest.
@DrasticDreamer Actually, from what I’ve heard, the Bible does mention aliens. I’m no Bible expert, though.
The faceless man is probably a demon.
@Draconess25 Find where in the bible it ever mentions aliens, ‘cause no offense, I’m not going to take your word for it.
@DrasticDreamer Like I said, I’m no expert. I don’t even have a Bible. But I’ll look it up & see if it’s true.
@FireMadeFlesh Ive often wondered the same thing. I think it may have to do with some form of manifesting thoughts and feelings. Im not sure how this is possible. These experiences do have a dream-like quality as I remember them, but at the time they seemed very real. I can only say that I know I was wide awake at the time I saw them. Ive never had a problem distinguishing a dream from my waking life, and I dont know how these apparitions could be considered a dream. However, at this point, Im not willing to throw out the idea just because I dont understand how it could be possible.
@dpworkin Youre probably right. And generally I dont believe in aliens. Its just the only way I could describe it. I think maybe it could have been some kind of demon, but Ive seen demons and they by nature, are usually found in the blurry parts of the world. That is, though they have some kind of distingiushable form, they give the impression of being less real than the world around them. These “aliens” looked just as solid and a part of the natural world as any human Ive ever encountered.
@Draconess I was gonna say something to that effect, but this whole conversation is just so fantastical that I couldnt bring myself to do it.
@DrasticDreamer No relation. This is one of those instances where I just cant explain what happened and can only rationalize it in terms that I understand. Maybe I could say that what I saw was some kind of demon or even some kind of angel, but I just feel differently about these apparitions than I do about demons and angels. This whole thing is completely out of my realm of understanding and stands alone as its own unique experience.
@Draconess25 You are absolutely right. That’s exactly what makes it so very, very unlikely that evolution, which is, after all, all chance and contingency, could possibly have produced earth-like forms on any of them. Get the logic now?
Well, darling, it believes in you.
@KeithWilson So you’ve seen demons, too?
Listen, the chances of human beings being completely alone in the universe is highly unlikely. However, seeing something that you can’t explain doesn’t automatically mean you saw an alien. Same goes for seeing a “demon”.
@dpworkin If evolution is correct, then weve developed the best possible biologically functioning features that evolution has to offer. Why would so many animal develope the same kind of features like eyes, ears, legs, mouths, brains, etc.? And is it so unlikely that evolution would take essentially the same route it has taken here on other planets?
@DrasticDreamer Yes I’ve seen demons too. But I am way more capable of understanding that sort of phenomenon than I am the these other apparitions. And I agree that I cant explain what I saw and dont know what it is I really saw, but if it wasnt a demon and it wasnt an alien, then what the heck was it?
@KeithWilson Something far worse. And much more powerful. Or it was masking it’s aura.
For the alien with no face (in my science fiction opinion) I would say that it would just be an alien trying to fit in with humans, but didn’t get the details quite right. As for aliens in the bible, i have read something like that where it says that god created two other worlds before ours, one with too many laws and one without laws, but they were destroyed.
@Guy Yeah it could have been trying to disguise itself in some way. Maybe by directly interefering with my mind. But maybe it made a mistake or I wasnt fully fooled by it. It is science fictiony and I feel like sort of an idiot, but whatever happened happened and I just cant explain it. Id just as soon not think about it at all or try to apply any kind of reason to it, but Im just not the sort of person to hide from my fears or lack of understanding.
@Draconess I just cant imagine what it could have been. Something far worse? For the love of Pete, what?
@KeithWilson You have some misunderstandings about evolution. All those creatures have the same features because they all have common ancestors, not because those features are the best they can be. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to choke on food. Chimps can’t. But your big pharynx that you use for language fucked up your epiglottis.Evolution is conservative, but imperfect, and could have gone any of billions and billions of ways.
If the OP had seen something the like of which he had never, ever seen before, or even thought of. Something so strange and unusual it didn’t seem possible, it would have been more likely to have been an alien.
While aliens would most probably not look anything like an earthlings, I would think that they might have the ability to change their form to fit in, kind of like a chameleon.
“I never change Liz Lemon! I’m like a chameleon… ALWAYS A LIZARD” -Tracy Jordan
@dpworkin Good point. On the other hand there could be many sci-fi ways that an alien might take on the essential form of a human no matter what they originally looked like.
before you talked about finding god – so you’ve experienced both god and aliens? cool
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yeah. And telepathy, thought projection, precognition, physical manifestations of spirtual or mental energys, and divine revelation.
@dpworkin I suppose you don’t believe in those either?
@dpworkin Oh yeah. And Ive also been diagnosed with schizophrenia and agoraphobia. And I am currently on meds.
@KeithWilson Well as long as you believe in all those equally, you should be fine. To answer your question, no I haven’t had any such meetings because I don’t know who Bloecher is.
Agoraphobia is really hard to live with, but people know how to help fix it, and without medication, too. If I were you I would try someone with a Cognitive-Behavioral orientation. Schizophrenia hasn’t any cure, but just because someone says you are schizophrenic doesn’t mean you are. If it turns out you really are, the meds will help.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I didnt know who Bloecher was either until I looked up close encounters on wikipedia for this question a few minutes ago and found out that hes a person who classified subsets of close encounters of the third kind.
@dpworkin I was expecting you to say something like “well that explains a lot.” lol Insead I was pleasantly surprised with your helpful and understanding advice. Thank you. Ive been diagnosed as schizophrenic many different times by many different doctors in many different parts of the country, so Im pretty sure they cant all be wrong.
Well, still, if you are indeed schizophrenic then it is very important that you find the best psychopharmacologist there is around, and make sure your meds are properly adjusted and dosed. Neuroleptics have serious side effects, as you know, so make sure you are taking the proper dose of the proper things so as to minimize your discomfort. I think some shrinks tend to over-prescribe.
@KeithWilson Yeah, I really can’t get into random categories I just read about on Wiki, you know?
I have to say, that I now think people who are schizophrenic, are AWESOME
I have never had any encounter 1st, 2nd or otherwise. I would like to believe that another race of beings has come to our planet and observed us. But I would like proof before believing it. If it ever happens again why don’t you take out your phone and snap a couple of pictures.
The reason I don’t believe in peoples ‘encounters’ is because there are so many cameras around and almost every phone has a camera and people don’t think to take a picture. It seems unlikely to me. That’d be the first thing I’d grab.
@dpworkin I have a pretty good doctor and they adjust the doseage as needed to control symptoms. Of course, no amount of medication can completely rid me of manic episodes when they come on, but it does help lessen the impact. Im also of the mind that the medication, no matter the dosage, has a placebo effect on the mind. Helping you to believe that your being helped by the medication even if it seems impractical that any one med can actually instantly turn off your symptoms.
@LeotCol Funny. Wish I did have a camera at the time. Id be famous.
@LeotCol People are usually too scared.
By the way, Switchblade Symphony is the WRONG nad to listen to when talking about creepy stuff!
I’m really glad you trust your Doctor. That is the best possible way for things to work out.
This discussion started out rotten and kept getting worse… Way to go, Fluther!
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Yes, I have had such encounters when teaching certain children and teens, definitely an encounter of the third kind or they must have been abducted by aliens who did something to them up there and dumped them back on earth very changed in some way.
Anyone who says they have is a liar. If they insist they have I (and everyone else) demands proof. An incredible claim requires incredible proof. Oh I forgot, aliens do not allow photography.
@ru5150 I say I have, but I dont insist on it. I also dont feel the need to prove it. Actually I think theres probably another explanation, but I cant imagine what it might be.
@ru5150 I also know that Im not lying about what I experienced, but Im also not fanatical about proving that aliens exist.
I don’t think it’s fair to say that you are lying, @KeithWilson. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s fair to say that you can be sure you know what you saw.
@dpworkin It would have to have been a very powerful delusion. Ive hallucinated before and experienced things that I cant explain, but only in extreme situations. When I experienced these unexplainable things I knew that my perception of reality was comprised in some manner (stress, panic, fear, racing thoughts) During my encounters though, I felt completely rational and relaxed. Which is why they seem so odd to me. They stood in stark contrast to what I usually understand as the possible misconception of reality.
They may have been perfectly real without having been aliens or demons.
Wow, this question exploded when I went off to classes for the day!! I think I’ll continue my line of thought and ignore the rest.
@KeithWilson It is a little difficult for me to talk about different dream states, because I don’t generally dream. I may have 2–3 per year that I remember in the morning. I had an experience about a month back where I woke from a particularly deep sleep, and was unable to move. This is caused by the cognitive part of the brain waking, but the part that inhibits movement during sleep (so you don’t act out your dreams) remained ‘asleep’. The same can happen with other parts of the brain. You could have been asleep, but the part of the brain that changes the way dreams are recorded in your memory was not.
One of the hardest concepts to grasp in my limited knowledge of the philosophy of mind is that a person cannot be fully trusted to be reporting the truth when you ask them about events, but only their memory of events. When dealing with memory and perception, it is important to view reports under the framework of heterophenomenology.
Were you thinking about aliens, or similar humanoid beings before these events?
@FireMadeFlesh That paralysis story sounds absolutely horrifying. I followed your link for heterophenomenology an found it to be a very apt term for this particular discussion. Its very careful not to dismiss the subjects ideas, while providing a good way of evaluating them.
And, no I was not thinking about aliens on these occasions. The events took me completely by surprise.
@KeithWilson It would have been frightening, if it weren’t for Fluther. Just two days before, there was a question on here about sleep paralysis that I looked over, and then researched. When it happened, I knew exactly what was happening, so I wasn’t particularly worried. Instead, I started to think of ways to combat it and wake up. I was unsuccessful, until my girlfriend called about two minutes later and I instinctively reached for the phone – then I could move freely again. Who knew Fluther was so valuable!
@FireMadeFlesh Fluther is great. Im so glad I found it. I used to go on talk city and chat, and I thought that was awesome, but Fluther is so much better. Fluther is like an expanded version of chat. Its layout is a lot more helpful and user-friendly.
@KeithWilson A schizophrenic who has met aliens? ahhhhhh riiiiight.
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Yes, when reading a novel.
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