Social Question

dpworkin's avatar

Would you like to have a thread in which you can misbehave covertly?

Asked by dpworkin (27095points) May 9th, 2010

This question has rules:
1. No conversation or meta-talk in the Passive Aggressive Question.
2. If you think anything posted here is about you, or anything you’ve ever said, you are wrong.
3. This is where you say what you wish you could have said in that other thread. That’s all. No other purpose hath this thread. No talking, no Meta, This Means You.

Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0

245 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

I guarantee you: no one gives a shit about you, or your mom.

Response moderated
chels's avatar

You. Yeah you. You little attention whore. Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your dramatic bullshit. Oh. And we all know you’re a pathological liar.

DeanV's avatar

Nobody actually gives a shit about whether you leave or not. Don’t flatter yourself.

lillycoyote's avatar

Cool. Maybe fluther should have a passive-agressive section in addition to general and social sections. And @janbb is right. It’s not even a fucking question, which is an active-aggressive comment.

SuperMouse's avatar

@dpworkin Warning: I had this exact question (worded somewhat differently) modded last week. I hope your incarnation lasts longer than mind did.

“One way to tell for sure is if he is m ex-husband!”

@chels LOL4RL! You soooo rock!

janbb's avatar

Do us all a favor and go back on your meds.

ETpro's avatar

Dlurgh flagelragit.

I’ve been wanting to say that for soooo long!

chels's avatar

No. He doesn’t fucking like you. End. Of. Story.

DeanV's avatar

@SuperMouse Eh, who cares if it gets modded. It’s kinda fun.

liminal's avatar

critical ≠ helpful

Given your vast intelligence you should know this by now.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Hey, guess what? People aren’t always talking to you so stop acting like you’re the center of fucking attention. Everyone hates you. You’re a bitch. And a whore. Just go away.

dpworkin's avatar

PLEASE No conversation in this thread. This thread has only one purpose. PLEASE

bob_'s avatar

This sandwich is NOT RIGHT! MAKE A NEW ONE!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Sometimes people feel the need to express their anger.
This is a place where we can express many things.
I’m not exactly sure what @dpworkin is aiming at but I agree he is not making himself clear.
Passive-Aggressiveness is the least productive method of expressing anger but it’s not illegal.
Shall we cut him some slack? Please?

Fyrius's avatar

This thread is entertaining.
Unfortunately I have a habit of being a jerk to people openly, at least in the intertubes.

chels's avatar

Seriously. Shut the fuck up.

bob_'s avatar

Well, shit, boss. I’m glad we were able to get the report done in time. I mean, I don’t remember you doing much about it, but hey, if you say so, then clearly it must have been a team effort.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

You don’t know everything. You are not the be all end all of information so stop fucking pretending you are. Stop being condescending. And calm the fuck down. I’m sick of you trying to make other people look like idiots. And you need to shut the fuck up. Seriously, just fucking shut your mouth for TWO MINUTES and think about what you spew out of it before you say anything. I’m sick of your bullshit.

liminal's avatar

Do us all a favor and start taking meds!

And you, yes you, you are an attention whore who is blind to your narcissism.

prolificus's avatar

• I love you and I think you’re wonderful, now shut up and lick my leather boot.
• Either follow your own advice, or shut up and lick my leather boot.
• I am smarter and wiser than you, so shut up and lick my leather boot.

Blondesjon's avatar

Just because you think you’re special DOESN’T FUCKING MAKE YOU SPECIAL. You need to come down off of your high horse and start accepting some fucking responsibility in your life. I am sick to death of you and your bitch ass, whiny attitude. YOU could change if YOU wanted to. Quit wallowing in self pity and using your so called “affliction” as a fucking excuse.

KatawaGrey's avatar

So you have children and grandchildren, huh? Who would have sex with you vile creature???

Wait a minute, you teach children? What the fuck is wrong with you?! Christ, I hope they spit in your coffee and put gum on all your notes.

If I ever met you in person, I’d break my rule and punch you in your fucking face. FUCK YOU, COCKSUCKER, FUCK YOU.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

You are the biggest FUCKTARD I’ve met not just in here, but in my life. I mean, really, if you don’t know what that means, then why the FUCK are you even posting in the thread? Why don’t you just go on a fucking search engine and find out what it fucking means, you fucking useless piece of shit. Your mother should have swallowed you.

bob_'s avatar

Bitch, I’m gonna converse wherever the fuck I feel like conversing.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Most of these responses are not even passive-aggressive. Clearly explaining what constitutes passive aggressive is not work my time!

poofandmook's avatar

this could be a good question, but, I’m just not sure about that right now.

bob_'s avatar

Boo-hoo, aren’t we sad we can’t grasp simple concepts.

Heh, this question is funny.

prolificus's avatar

Shut your fucking pie hole up before I flag your ass.

perspicacious's avatar

You must be an idiot to ask such a question.

MissAusten's avatar

Am I the only one reading this and thinking of what I’ve posted the last few days and wondering if it’s directed at me? Oh God, I’m narcissistic AND I broke the conversation rule!

ahem It’s rather sad that you would ask that question to a group of random internet strangers.

Blondesjon's avatar

@MissAusten . . . if it helps, most of this is about you. your narcissism is well placed and quite disgusting. now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

liminal's avatar

@MissAusten If it helps, I could have easily been talking to myself.

Jeruba's avatar

I admire your buoyancy of spirit. Most people with your abilities feel really bad about themselves.

MissAusten's avatar

Shit, I can’t think of a decent response!

If it wasn’t so hard for me to be nasty to people, I would be able to tell you what an idiot you are and how your opinions and “logic” shouldn’t be forced on people via sermons thinly disguised as questions.

KatawaGrey's avatar

All right, trying for some actual passive-aggressiveness now…

Thankfully, my mother had the presence of mind to enroll me in school from a young age so not only can I read but I am educated. Thanks for your assessment though.

Akiora's avatar

Ignorance isn’t too flattering on you.

jeanmay's avatar

You really don’t come across as being that arrogant, for an American.

prolificus's avatar

The description is there for a reason, I suggest reading the whole thing before making an ass out of yourself!

prolificus's avatar

Oh, you did read it before answering? Well, you’re still an ass.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Get a fucking room. No really. If you’re just going to sit there going BLAGLBLAHBLAHBLAH and NEVER let ANYONE get a word in edgewise – GO AWAY. Go talk amongst yourselves SOMEWHERE ELSE.

cockswain's avatar

When some thorn-cocked demon ass-rapes you for all eternity, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

bob_'s avatar

By all means, please continue to correct people’s minor spelling mistakes, in public. They love the subtle way in which you do it. No, really, we truly appreciate it.

cyn's avatar

I had to let it out. sorry

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

By the way, I was demonstrating a passive-aggressive behaviour in my last comment. by suggesting readers would fail to comprehend the concept! I never meant any disrespect to anyone!

lillycoyote's avatar

None of this seems very passive-aggressive. It all seems quite actively aggressive. Where is all the passive agression? I know you are all capable of snarkiness? Let’s see some of it. :)

gailcalled's avatar

This is the Passive Aggressive Question is not a question.

And I’m with Dr. L. The answers are aggressive and hint at wish-fulfillment but do not evince passive-aggressive behavior as I was taught to define it.

liminal's avatar

It is passive-aggressive in its avoidance of direct confrontation.

dpworkin's avatar

No conversation or meta-conversation in the so-called “Passive-Aggressive” thread, please.

cockswain's avatar

Cool people don’t complain about this thread

gailcalled's avatar

I’m going to say mean things about everyone here, but not just yet.

DeanV's avatar

Come on. Just let everyone get it out of their system.

Then again, where do I put this answer. It belongs in this thread, but…

prolificus's avatar

On the thread: GA!
PM to thread-buddy: Did you read that asinine response by _______??!!!

dpworkin's avatar

No conversation or meta-conversation in the so-called “Passive-Aggressive” thread, please.

bob_'s avatar

@dpworkin Hey, how are you? <- this is me being passive-aggressive about the “rules”

dpworkin's avatar

This question has rules:
1. No conversation or meta-talk in the Passive Aggressive Question.
2. If you think anything posted here is about you, or anything you’ve ever said, you are wrong.
3. This is where you say what you wish you could have said in that other thread. That’s all. No other purpose hath this thread. No talking, no Meta, This Means You.

If you can’t manage these simple rules please go post in someone else’s thread. Otherwise, people might think you are a lame dickhead.

prolificus's avatar

Removed by Fluther moderators <—Nice of you to censor me.

Jeruba's avatar

I see plenty of aggressive but not much passive. Dictionary link needed.

gailcalled's avatar

If everyone here behaved in a truly passive-agressive way, there would be only a blank page.

dpworkin's avatar

This question has rules:
1. No conversation or meta-talk in the Passive Aggressive Question.
2. If you think anything posted here is about you, or anything you’ve ever said, you are wrong.
3. This is where you say what you wish you could have said in that other thread. That’s all. No other purpose hath this thread. No talking, no Meta, This Means You.

SeventhSense's avatar

I love you all. You’re so original, unpredictable and unique. I am amazed daily at your capacity for wonderful insights.

jeanmay's avatar

If this thread is not passive aggressive enough, you only have yourselves to blame. I, for one, am never not guilty of passive aggressiveness.

dpworkin's avatar

“Passive Aggressive” is an inapt phrase. This is where you say what you wish you could have said in that other thread. I really wish people would adhere to that, but of course I can’t control it.

If you really feel the need to disrespect me in one of the 5 or 6 questions I’ve ever posted on Fluther, go right ahead, but I think it is ugly and personally offensive.

gailcalled's avatar

@dpworkin; You promised me you were going to be nicer. And, of course, you’re not.

SeventhSense's avatar

I understand that you don’t want any side conversations and I can appreciate that. That is certainly a pedestrian concern and one in which the average person should certainly abide. I’ll play by your rules though for the sake of petty conformity.

lillycoyote's avatar

@dpworkin I checked and it looks like you have asked over 50 questions on Fluther, possibly close to 60 questions.

dpworkin's avatar

So I moved a decimal point.

augustlan's avatar

Ahem. [Mod says] Knock it the fuck off, or I will kick your ass.
Not passive enough? So sue me.

filmfann's avatar

Ghengis Khun.


Thanks for ignoring the private comment. Makes me feel even less wanted.

filmfann's avatar

welcome back . Did you have a nose job while you were gone?

andrew's avatar

Scream into the pillow thread is perhaps a better name rather than passive agressive.

Your ‘great ideas’ are really quite stupid. So are you.


And you! I’ll give YOU some FREEDOM OF SPEECH! WITH MY FIST!

And you! Act like a professional! Live in reality! STFU!

And you! EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS COMPLETELY WRONG, well, almost everything, except for that one thing, oh, oh god, oh dear god no… <sobs>

bob_'s avatar

Yeah, that’s really interesting. Tell us more about it, please.

“I’ll give you some freedom of speech with my first”. Priceless.

Coloma's avatar

Must suck to be you! lol

And btw…I detest passive aggressive types….gotta be the all time WORST personality defect to deal with.

augustlan's avatar

Well by all means, continue! I so love being condescended to.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes I imagine that must be hard for you.

Coloma's avatar


Huh? I don’t follow your comment. :-/

Do you mean because I seem assertive…yep, I am. haha

SeventhSense's avatar

This is the passive aggression thread…must I explain everything?

filmfann's avatar

Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger. Pull my finger.

ahh… I needed that

Coloma's avatar


Hey, I’m a blonde with a hangover..gimme a break would ya! haha

gemiwing's avatar

You are such a nice person- it seems quite the shame that you have no higher linguistic skills to back it up. Arguments slashed with swollen tongues are that much less that cut to the quick.

Or so one could say, if one was so inclined.

jeanmay's avatar

I admire your staying power; akin to that of a cockroach.

And seeing as it’s no longer a question of passive aggressive: GET YOUR FILTHY LOLS AWAY FROM ME, AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!

Coloma's avatar

The fuck you say!

Pandora's avatar

What on earth would be the point?

YARNLADY's avatar

Bah Humbug

dpworkin's avatar

Sometimes I am surprised how reasonable you are, and then you’ll dip right back into your nutbag and come out with some real turd of a quip. Is it drugs? Is it bipolarity? Does someone else use your account once in a while? Maybe you are an idiot savant.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Oh yes, let’s try to be as literal as possible because I know you just love to nitpick about everything and anything. Knock it the fuck off. Learn to be flexible. Perhaps, use your fucking imagination for once in your life. If knocking others brings you such joy all the time perhaps it’s time to re-examine your priorities.

lillycoyote's avatar

I don’t. I misbehave when I want to and take my licks. Where’s the fun in misbehaving in an arena designed specifically for misbehaving? That’s not misbehaving. Not if you have permission. If you have permission to behave any way you want then whatever you do is “behaving.”

lillycoyote's avatar

@dpworkin Would you like a thread where the mods didn’t tell you how to express your desire to misbehave?

dpworkin's avatar

@lillycoyote You are off topic. Go bitch somewhere else.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

You logic makes absolutely no sense, you feeble-minded idiot. Fuck off and let some real experts have a grown up disscussion.

lillycoyote's avatar

@dpworkin Yes I am, but I am bitching here so deal with it.

Trance24's avatar

How on Earth could you possibly believe these things? Are you that naive? When truth and proof smack you in the face does it not hurt or are you just that numb to cold hard facts, and choose to live in a fantasy land?

dpworkin's avatar

Are you a clinical narcissist, or do you just have a grossly overinflated sense of entitlement?

YARNLADY's avatar

I have been modded on several occasions due to my ‘atypical’ quips.

Facade's avatar

I’m praying for you.

DominicX's avatar

Most of your views are only held for the purpose of being “different” and “shocking”. It’s transparent and phony.

Dr_C's avatar

Seriously? How fucking hard is it to follow simple fucking rules that were already in place to begin with? What is with your constant need to make sure every last person on the site is made aware of your disdain for what you deem “new rules”? HOW FUCKING DIFFICULT IS IT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE???? If you don’t like it fine, don’t use it, just shut the fuck up and spare the rest of us the aggravation of having to read your drivel.

that felt good

YARNLADY's avatar

I read that dpworkin had left Fluther, and I thought that was a good thing.

lillycoyote's avatar

@dpworkin is just what this place needs just a bit more of. Maybe not a lot of, but just a tad more of. Question authority, push the envelope, outright, honest hostility, maybe, instead of the stealth, patronizing snarkiness. Instead of the passive aggressive nonsense. @dpworkin Let your freak flag fly!

absalom's avatar

Your grammar is perfect.

Why can’t you write?

Sophief's avatar

You fucking fucked up irritating, annoying, pussy licking piece of shit, I wish you lived next door and I would kick your fucking shit talking arse.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Planck’s constant is 6.62607 × 10–34 m2 kg / s, Dumb ass!

liminal's avatar

Knowing the definition of a word and understanding its real world applications can be illusive.

janbb's avatar

The problems of two small people don’t add up to a hill a beans in this world.

cockswain's avatar

Oh right. Obviously god would have created gay people just so he can hate them. Don’t forget god is an american too, probably from the deep south.

gailcalled's avatar

Passive aggression personality trait marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.

It can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.

What we are seeing here is aggressiveness or lack of inhibition. No failure to accomplish requested tasks that I can see. Source; gailcalled

bob_'s avatar

We feel sorry we failed to accomplish the requested tasks.

Now go make me a sandwich.

gailcalled's avatar

Of course. White or rye? (Don’t hold your breath, though.)

chels's avatar

Can you get over yourself? Obviously no one is listening to your bullshit. No one ever does. But you keep talking.. Why? Please stop wasting your breath and my time.

Fyrius's avatar

Tell me, dear, have you ever heard of the phrase “persecution complex”?
Here’s a fun fact for you: I belong to two social groups that have been consistently misunderstood, stereotyped, locked up and burned at the stake throughout history. But do you see me crying discrimination at everyone who fails to be nice enough to me?
The past is gone. I recommend you stop grabbing at the echoes and face the future instead.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Shut up and just let us complain. Party pooper.

gailcalled's avatar

What’s the difference between misbehaving overtly and covertly. I would think this is overt agression here.

janbb's avatar

Ain’t misbehavin’, I’m savin’ all my love for you. Covert enough?

Facade's avatar

Damn, shut up. Leave it alone.

Dr_C's avatar

overt in that specific grievances are being aired out. Covert in that the target of said aggression is not being named. THAT is the purpose of the thread.

CMaz's avatar

I have dog poo stuck on my shoe.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: I assume you do, indeed, love me best.

@Dr. C: So I don’t have to worry that those remarks are being addressed to me?

Dr_C's avatar

@gailcalled why would you? unless you recognize something that people complained about that you think fits you I would not give any of the comments here any value as they carry no real weight by lacking a specific target.

The only way to get offended on this thread is to believe that for some reason you are the target for these comments… taking into account that no one has named anyone that would take quite a stretch of the imagination or at least extremely thin skin since many of us (as part of the human condition) engage in one or more of these behaviors once in a while.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Oh, yeah? I may be ugly, but you’re stupid and I can put on makeup.

chels's avatar

Either you’re blind or you just can’t read. Either way, you need a serious kick in the face.

Fyrius's avatar

If you think there’s an entry in the universal declaration of human rights that says you have a right not to get your feelings hurt, then I have a bridge to sell you. Provided you cry me a river first.
I’ll even give you a discount, considering how urgently you need to get the fuck over it.

DominicX's avatar

A: Your “tough guy” attitude is really off-putting sometimes. We get it, you’re an all-American family man, but you don’t need to flash your internet balls in everyone’s face all the time. Go shoot some deer if it makes you happy.

B: Yes, yes, you’re so persecuted because of your conservative beliefs. Woe is you. Maybe try defending your positions on things before backing out of every argument you get into with “the liberals are attacking me!”

Facade's avatar

Your precociousness is moderately nauseating.

bob_'s avatar

Wow, big words. Cool.

gailcalled's avatar

@bob_ : Shut up and eat your Reuben; the cheese is congealing .

bob_'s avatar

Man, you can’t find good help these days.

chyna's avatar

Oh another sex question? We all know by now you are having sex. Good for you. Stop advertising it.

Trillian's avatar

Your inability to put a sentence together is fascinating to me. Really. I’d like to know you better. Conversing with you promises to be really intellectually stimulating!
And you, the way you think that others who don’t agree with you are just straight up wrong, How interesting. I’ll bet you were at the head of your class. I’ll bet you make people happy everywhere you go with your open mind.
And you, with your continual string of indecisiveness about this that or the other person (read teenager). Yes, I’m sure he loves you. You should definitely sleep with him and propagate the species. You’re ready for the adult world of parenthood. I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful mother.

gailcalled's avatar

@bob_ : Soo, there goes my pay raise?

bob_'s avatar

So how is everyone doing today?

chels's avatar

You’re insecure, mental, and need an ego boost. We get it. But please stop with the bullshit questions you ask every fucking day over and over.

Substance – Your questions need it.

tinyfaery's avatar

I pretty much say what I want to.

Mostly I just want to type ‘you are being an asshole’ is certain threads. There’s no point though, because it will be removed. I still do sometimes.

Oh, and maybe I’ve wanted to say: just go have some babies and serve your husband and children for the rest of our life. You really aren’t good for anything else.

Facade's avatar

You’re an atheist. We get it.

cockswain's avatar

Well I don’t have a PhD in that subject, but obviously you feel you do.

Cruiser's avatar

Even if that really is you in your avatar…looks aren’t everything and you have proved that 100 times over! Now go put on your big-boy shorts and call 1–800-waaaaaaa!

Coloma's avatar

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Seaofclouds's avatar

If you really want to imply that I am uneducated in a particular topic, how about making sure you know the uses and meaning of the words you are trying to insult me with first.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I love you,you wacky fucker,you!

FutureMemory's avatar

I am above posting anything even remotely close to the mean-spirited comments many of you fucking cocksuckers have made in this thread.

poofandmook's avatar

The sight of your name and avatar alone makes my blood pressure go up.

janbb's avatar

Reading your posts makes my I.Q. go down.

FutureMemory's avatar


Classic! I wish I had thought of those.

Vunessuh's avatar

Fuck you very much and have a nice day you cunt muffin.

DominicX's avatar

C: Do you ever say anything nice or pleasant to anyone here? Being angry and hostile all the time isn’t “cool”, it doesn’t make you a “hardass”, it makes you look insecure and immature.

D: You can’t seem to handle a differing opinion from your own. Being able to accept the fact that not everyone agrees with you is part of growing up. High time you got around to doing that.

E: The fact that you are quick to call someone stupid for slang they use, clothes they wear, music they listen to, etc. says more about you than it does about the people you denigrate.

These don’t necessary apply to a specific person. E is more a complaint against a certain attitude that I hate on this site.

dpworkin's avatar


DominicX's avatar

I saw this same type of thread on another site. After it, everyone revealed who they were referring to and it sparked a 2-day long bitchfest. Just warning. :)

dpworkin's avatar

If anyone on the staff can discern whom any of you mean in your posts, they will shut this item down, as well they should. Just warning :)

FutureMemory's avatar

The targets of some comments are crystal clear to anyone that reads the site on anything resembling a regular basis. My first post was more or less sincere.

cockswain's avatar

Holy shit, a socialist? A nazi too? What do you mean he wants to kill my grandmother? Born in what country? And his middle name is WHAT??!? Good god, thanks for revealing the truth!

hmmm, maybe this is just sarcasm. oh well

MissAusten's avatar

Going from this question to the “tell me something great” question is such a strange experience.

Lumping people into general categories and judging them for the choices they’ve made in life is a crappy and mean-spirited thing to do. It also immediately contradicts your claims of being an open-minded person who cares about the world. You can’t have it both ways, and trying to make people think you’re better than them only makes you look hypocritical.

Response moderated
tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t hate kids. They taste great.

chels's avatar

I’m sorry.. Is there a question under that blanket of attention-whoring?

SeventhSense's avatar

I’d come up with a comment but really why bother. Continue with your cute game while I go move my bowels.

dpworkin's avatar

I wonder if a person could suck his own toes.

Coloma's avatar


That disclosure suffices…lol

janbb's avatar

If my feet could turn anyone on, I’d question their judgment.

anartist's avatar

You’re still full of merde; you were just more aggressive about your stand.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb; It’s that schnoz I’d worry about.

free_fallin's avatar

1. She was always a whore, you knew that, so what made you think she’d suddenly change?
2. You can flirt with the girls on here all you want but none of them are ever going to meet you.
3. If I took you seriously I might actually worry; fuck you.
4. Stop fucking being vague and just SAY WHAT YOU REALLY THINK.
5. You’re too pathetic for me to even bother to hate.
6. Blah blah blah blah blah. Bitch.

SeventhSense's avatar

I don’t think anyone knows the difference between passive aggressive and just plain aggressive in this thread but I guess you all do the best you can with limited capacities.

dpworkin's avatar

The OP no longer refers to passive, or any other type of aggression, so maybe that is finally a moot point?

poofandmook's avatar

Face it. You’re a neo maxi zoom dweebie.

Dog's avatar

[Mod Says:] Are you fucking serious?

chels's avatar

Why the fuck are you leaving a comment to say that this thread needs to be flagged? What the fuck is a comment going to do? There’s a “Flag as..” link for a reason. Use it.

poofandmook's avatar

@chels: I love to call dibs on flagging a thread though!

chels's avatar

@poofandmook Me too. I have an addiction. But it’s just because I hate seeing crap on Fluther…

“What does it mean when a guy _____?” It means you should shut the fuck up and get off Fluther.

lillycoyote's avatar

Where’s the fun in misbehaving if you can’t do it overtly?

Dog's avatar

Okay- so I just read your four paragraphs of drivel about your potentially possible future boyfriend and your odd dreams and was it too much to ask for ONE capital “I”? SHIFT!!! SHIFT!!!!

i love him but i cannot see how i can be with him. i need help because i want he and i to be together 4ever and ever…

Response moderated
dpworkin's avatar

That’s not why I don’t like you. I don’t like you because you are fat.

poofandmook's avatar

@jonsblond: Um.. was that all in one thread? O.o LOL

jonsblond's avatar

@poofandmook might as well be. :D :/

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@augustlan According to @dpworkin you can’t get away with your unsolicited salacious comments directed at me in this thread. Get it?

poofandmook's avatar

ooh he sassed the manager!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@poofandmook As she is perfectly angelic and ladylike at all times, and I am always a perfect gentleman, everyone knows there is nothing really going on.

Response moderated
chels's avatar

Thank you Captain fucking Obvious!

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] For real this time: Okay, folks. A few of you are being too obvious at this point, and those posts have been removed. Let’s take it back a step.

anartist's avatar

Being mean to conform to a thread is almost as dull s being nice [or fake-nice] to conform to a thread. It is better when the thread is about something.

@filmfannv “THREE little people”

Fyrius's avatar

Can you also say substantial things, or do you only have your pseudo-spiritual woo woo to belittle the sensible people with?

NeroCorvo's avatar

How many more times and ways are you going to post to bitch about the changes?
What the fuck?

You know what?... most of us LIKE it and are having fun and joking around.

Either adapt, shut the fuck up or just LEAVE.

dpworkin's avatar

How many more times and ways are you going to post to bitch about the changes?
What the fuck?

You know what?... most of us LIKE it and are having fun and joking around.

Either adapt, shut the fuck up or just LEAVE.

Seek's avatar

Maybe if you paid some goddamn attention to the kid, you wouldn’t have these problems. I guess that thing called “parenting” is a little too time consuming.

filmfann's avatar

@anartist oh SNAP! I am slipping! Someone call the retirement home.

jeanmay's avatar

You make me sick, you slimy little Tory boy. You couldn’t run the country without the help of a losing third party, and we won’t let you forget it, you disgusting steamy turd. BARF!!

@augustlan It’s not directed at anyone here, so can it stay?

gailcalled's avatar

@filmfann: Just say the word. There is an empty bed in my mother’s room.

gailcalled's avatar

@filmfann: And if you’re good, I’ll do your laundry along with my mother’s.

SeventhSense's avatar

Ok you’ve gotten your liberals arts degree and you’ve recently discovered that you have the uncanny capacity to understand topics that have been pondered for centuries but have amazingly cracked under the heavy weight of your amazing intellect. Yes if only the free world would ride on your coattails we could all glide into a stellar future. Try mastering something simpler first like skateboarding or making your bed bitch.

gailcalled's avatar

And what’s with omitting the commas so things mean different things? (I do love it. ”..making your bed bitch”. Step one; holding your refrigerator, jump up and down on the bed.”)

(Gail here; Don’t blame me. Milo wrote that. He was taking a break from finding a shorter solution to Fermat’s last theorem.)

Fyrius's avatar

I have no problem with you, but for your sake, I really do hope you don’t seriously believe this. It would be a bit pathetic. Not to mention unfounded.

anartist's avatar

@gailcalled You made my day!
Step two; step off and look roe stress fractures. If you find none, hit it with a hammer near where the headboard joins one of the rails.

Seek's avatar

What part of it’s impossible to prove a negative is so damn HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!??!

bob_'s avatar

Wait, what?

Fyrius's avatar

Oh, for crying out loud. It would take me two hours to point out everything that’s wrong about that three sentence reply you just posted.
Taking people like you seriously is une mer à boire. And I’m not thirsty right now.

dpworkin's avatar

Talk to me seriously some time instead of just objecting to me on principle. I’m available by PM, and your idee fixe about me may just be incorrect.

Fyrius's avatar

I’m sorry, did you have the impression I was talking to you?

dpworkin's avatar

@Fyrius I’m sorry, did you have the impression I was referring to your quip? I was using this thread the way I would hope we all will. I was posting something I wish I could have said on another thread.

Cruiser's avatar

You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talking… you talking to me? Well I’m the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? Oh yeah? OK.

Response moderated
Fyrius's avatar

Ah, good. Me too.
Well, yes, I did get that impression for a moment, given the similarities between what I said and what you said (about being taken seriously, and French phrases).

dpworkin's avatar

Just a coincidence. I had to scroll up to see what you meant by “French phrases.”

Fyrius's avatar


liminal's avatar

I just said that and introduced the thought!

anartist's avatar

Being more belligerent doesn’t make you right.

dpworkin's avatar

I said the same fuckin’ thing five posts ago. Don’t you read?

dpworkin's avatar

Clearly, you lack imagination.

Oh, wait, I did say that in the other thread.

chyna's avatar

Hey old dude, flirting with the young girls on Fluther will not get you laid. Really.

janbb's avatar

Speak for yourself. (That was not addressed to anyone, really it wasn’t.)

chyna's avatar

@janbb Mine wasn’t either!

janbb's avatar

Hey – if the shoe fits….(Again, abiding the rules, not addressed to anyone at all.)

Cruiser's avatar

Oh!! Is that really what he/she said?? I don’t think so!! ;)

janbb's avatar

Good thing you put that in the General section ‘cause boy, did I have a snappy retort!

bob_'s avatar

That’s what she said.

dpworkin's avatar

snappy retorts go here, duh.

janbb's avatar

That was the snappy retort – duh!

MissAnthrope's avatar

You’re a total perv and I find it so disgusting. Your posts make my stomach turn over.

chels's avatar


chels's avatar

This was fun, but I’m unfollowing now! It was quite nice to just say how I feel (when I get frustrated) since usually I’m not really mean :). Adios.

bob_'s avatar



Dog's avatar

***************************** [Mod Says:] *******************************

Hi All,

We have been having a great time participating in this discussion. It has been fun therapy to just say what normally one might not say under any other circumstances or what would not be allowed.

This question was pre-approved by Andrew and Moderation and we watched to be sure that it would not be used to flame other users. I am proud to say that very few quips had to be removed for this.

This all being said an unforeseen circumstance has been occurring.
We have been getting flags from users who are seeing themselves in the responses even though it is very unlikely the response about them.

It is hard to draw a line between good fun and what can be perceived as cruel jabs.

After much deliberation amongst Andrew and the moderation staff we determined that the humor that this question has brought is not outweighing the concerns of those who may suspect a comment is about them.

It has been fun and will remain up for a few more hours for the participants to look at then it will be removed tonight.


dpworkin's avatar

“TWAM” means “That Was About Me”. Just sayin’. Is an amusing interlude really to be obliterated because a few unnamed people have some indefensible feelings of paranoia? What are you guys afraid of? Is this site being monitored by a Government fairness agency?

poofandmook's avatar

@dpworkin: It’s not up to you to decide what people think and feel.

gailcalled's avatar

Why do some folks feel the need to beat a dead horse, over and over?

dpworkin's avatar

It’s not up to a few people who think and feel things to cause the destruction of an entire thread. Thoughts and feelings aren’t the same as stones and knives.

Seek's avatar

What crap. The people complaining obviously didn’t read the rule:
2. If you think anything posted here is about you, or anything you’ve ever said, you are wrong.

People need to learn how to read and apply.

Oh well. Guess I’ll have to go back to thinly disguising my insults, instead of posting them openly.

Fyrius's avatar

Aw. :(
Bummer. It was fun. And a good stress relief.

Cruiser's avatar

It truly was humbling to see what everyone really thought of me!!

andrew's avatar

[mod says]: To clarify: It’s not just about flags by members; as much as we can pretend like we don’t know who we’re talking about, on a few of the responses it isn’t hard to guess—I was able to pick out (and respond to) a response that was directed at me, without having my name on it.

It’s cathartic (and fun), but so is talking shit about someone under your breath, and that’s where the question is/has been heading.

It doesn’t set a good tone for people learning the site, either, and that’s the huge factor.

Fyrius's avatar

So why not delete those individual replies and tell everyone to [mod says] behave?
I see this was the first policy. Doesn’t it suffice?

bob_'s avatar

Why not just archive the question and be done with it? I mean, if a decision has been taken, what’s the point of waiting?

DominicX's avatar


Look, I’m not going to miss this thread. But that would just be a flat-out bad idea. How do you know which ones are obvious? What if your idea of who it’s referring to is totally wrong? Then people are going to start complaining because there’s was removed and another obvious one wasn’t, yadda yadda yadda. I say this thread ran its course and it can leave for all I care.

dpworkin's avatar

Whoever posted about you clearly wanted you to recognize it @andrew, and I was the first to warn and to object when someone was clearly and cruelly identifiable (and the post was correctly removed.)

I just would like to offer my wish that you reconsider this decision at least for a little while, and delete offensive individual posts should any of them fail to follow this warning. If people can’t behave after having been warned, I guess the item deserves to be pulled, but I will miss it.

andrew's avatar

@bob_ (waiting for people to finish writing)

Dog's avatar

Another aspect to consider is how a new person coming here might take this question. They may think that folks here are not genuine in questions or that we are a really hostile crowd.

I have very much enjoyed this question but really do not think it embodies the best of us. It is like when you lose your temper and break something. Afterwords you feel better but then there is a mess.

It was funny and yet- if someone feels that someone honestly felt that way about them in particular then it is really wrong to keep it up.

This question ran it’s course and served it purpose.

Fyrius's avatar

I’d trust the mods’ judgement with that.
I also just don’t want this thread to be 404’d.

andrew's avatar


This discussion has been archived.

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