How do I say I'm sorry with out getting him even more mad at me?
My friend Josh & Courtney & me got into a huge fight. Josh told Court & me not to talk to him anymore but I miss having him as my friend. Courtney on the other hand is glad that they don’t have to talk anymore. I want to find a way to say I’m sorry but without getting him even more mad at me. It all started because, Courtney & me don’t want to go to the movies with Josh & his girlfriend. We don’t like his girlfriend but he invited us before he had the girlfriend. Now Courtney & me don’t talk to Josh, but I want to talk to Josh beacuse, he is like one of my best friends & I love him like a brother now.
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23 Answers
I recommend the written word. not an email, not a text message, but an old-fashioned hand-written letter. why? a text or email is really cold. a written letter is warm and Josh will read your letter over and over. Josh will also reconsider his position with you. you had a right to decline the double date, after the circumstances changed with his girlfriend. writing Josh a letter will also avoid another personal confrontation with him and it should get the message over to him just fine. leave your letter in a location that Josh will see. john
@john65pennington: The thing is that he doesn’t wanthing that has to do with me. & last time I wrote him a letter he just ripped it in my face. & I almost started to cry. I mean I guess I can try again.
I think a phone call is in order. Explain the truth to him and express that you still want to be in contact with him, if that’s ok with him. If your friend Courtney gets mad, tell her you’re allowed to be friends with both him and her, and that you’re not choosing one over the other.
Any mature person would understand that not wanting to go to the movies last-minute is not the worst thing in the world. People make mistakes. Tell him you’re sorry. Also, don’t expect him to get over something when you think he should. People move at unique paces.
Crazy, that was the last time. Josh has had time to think about the situation and may just be looking for some excuse to talk to you again. guys are this way. write the letter and see what happens.
Why are you sorry? What did you do wrong? Not wanting to go to the movies is nothing to have to apologize for. It sounds like you are around 12 so just give it some time and then contact Josh to talk to your friend. Don’t get in the habit of constantly apologizing when you haven’t done anything wrong. That just leads to more problems.
@perspicacious There is a difference between apologizing for the original conflict and apologizing for the behavior afterwards.
@perspicacious: WTF? What does my age (which I’m not 12) have to do with wanting to say sorry for making him mad at me? He’s like one of my best friends. Courtney is the otherone. They are the only friends I have in school. I’m going to find a way to say sorry even if it’s the last thing I do!
@jfos: I don’t think Courtney would get mad. She would probably disapprove but I doubt she’d get mad. She’s very understanding when it comes to things like this.
@crazy_twilight_chick An apology is not always called for just because someone got mad at you. What did you do wrong?
Why not send him a ‘sorry’ card, explaining the circumstances?
All you can do is then wait for a response. If he is a true friend, then he will contact you again.
@crazy_twilight_chick – As @john65pennington said, write him a letter. Then, mail it. Don’t give it to him in person. That way, if he rips it up or throws it out, you won’t know and be hurt by it. If he chooses to not respond, then that is his choice and you move on. Will you still miss him? Of course, he was a friend. Some friendships last, some don’t. It sucks, but there it is.
@crazy_twilight_chick – I’m guessing the reason someone thought you might be young (“12”) is that you use “Courtney and me” instead of “I” in a lot of your sentences, even as the
subject of the sentence. This is the way little kids talk. I know a lot of older “kids” do it too, but it gives the impression of youth.
Perhaps you need to give it some more time.
By not wanting to go with his girl friend, you forced him to choose between you two and his girl friend. He chose her.
You would probably need to accept her as part of your apology.
You may also have to get used to the fact that he will not get over it. He is instead over you.
You should try and be more tolerant and he should accept your apology. Just tell him.
How long ago did this happen? Why don’t you like his girlfriend? Do you think you could accept her and do things with the two of them in the future? Or, will you always bail on him if his girlfriend is included?
It sounds like you guys had plans to go out and then once he added his girlfriend to the mix, you guys bailed on him. I’d be upset if my “best friend” bailed on me like that too. He needs a chance to get over that. If it’s been a while, write him a letter and tell him that you miss having him as a friend and you are sorry that you hurt him. After you send him the letter, the ball is in his court. He may be feeling like you put him in the position of choosing you or his girlfriend and if that’s the case, I’d say he chose his girlfriend and he may bot ever forgive you for putting him in that position. If he doesn’t contact you after you send him the letter, you may have to accept that, at this point in time, he no longer considers you a friend.
Bake him cookies, and deliver them with a note.
i think it should be phone call to start the convo.
@Seaofclouds: The only reason I don’t like her is because I used to like Josh when they frist started going out & she knew that because, she used to be my friend. It happend like a week ago.
@crazy_twilight_chick Does he also know that you liked him? I think the fact that you liked him complicates the situation. I understand being mad at her for jumping in when she knew you liked him, but did you know that she liked him too?
@Seaofclouds: Yes. Yes she did. That’s why I got so mad at her. I didn’t appreciate her doing that because, this is the second time she did that. The first time I let it pass but I wasn’t going to let it pass the second time around.
@crazy_twilight_chick I can understand you not wanting to be friends with her anymore. There’s nothing that says you have to be her friend, but if you want him in your life and you want to hang out with him, you will have to accept that she is part of his life. Otherwise, he most likely will choose her over you and you won’t have him in your life anymore either.
True. Although today him & me were laughing like crazy. It made my whole day better.
We are friends again. We said we were sorry & then I baked him cupcakes for his birthday. I also wrote him a poem for his birth day. He told me he like it. Now we haven’t fought since this little thing. Now about his girlfriend…Well her & I get along now. She’s moving in a couple of weeks. Thank You all for the advice. Ohh & now we Him & I talk a lot on the phone. Talking about the randomest things that we could ever talk about.
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