Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

If you could kidnap a Flutherite for the weekend, who would it be and why?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) May 10th, 2010

Do you want to pick their brain, get to know them better, share prayers or hits from the bong, show them your neck of the woods?

Don’t forget, there are 52 weekends in a year. (just in case you’re worried about offending anyone because you left them out). ;)

No, you can’t take a Flutherite and torture them. Be nice!

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94 Answers

Fred931's avatar

AstroChuck. He seriously needs to meet some of the guys at my high school.

SuperMouse's avatar

I thought this question would be easy, but as soon as I began typing a name (names to be honest) another fourteen names came to mind!

If I had to begin it would probably be whatthefluther and sccrowell. We would spend the weekend going to concerts in LA (between WTF and my man we would always have the best floor seats), eating at Dukes in Malibu, riding up PCH, shopping at the 3rd Street Promenade, showing one another our old stomping grounds, and giving the midwesterner (my boyfriend) a taste of what So Cal is really all about! After that the list goes on and on and the jonblond family is very close to the top!

Want to take bets on how long before this thread gets modded?

kevbo's avatar

I hate to try to name them for fear of leaving someone out, but susanc is among the top 5.

TexasDude's avatar

Probably @Vunessuh because she rocks my socks.

Or stranger_in_a_strange_land. I’d go target shooting with him.

SuperMouse's avatar

@kevbo I lurve, lurve, lurve that answer! I would love to have her coach me on some art! I would also love to spend a weekend with skfinkel and my kids, she could probably blow my mind with some amazing parenting advice!

Trillian's avatar

Too many to try to narrow it down to one. I love to talk for several hours with Janbb, liminal, faye. I’d get lost in the inner clockworks of wundayatta, and would enjoy lots of verbal sparring with ucme. Matt Browne is another wellspring of more and more questions for me, the poor guy. I’d have another half dozen ready by the time he finished answering one. Cyanoticwasp is fascinating to me, as is lulcille and jmah. And cruiser. I find vunessuh interesting and katawagrey, and I see kevbo up there right now. I’d love to talk with him and jeff vader. Jeruba and gailcalled are sure to be great conversationalists, and I’m fascinated y strangerinastrangeland and futurememory. Also blackberry, I’ve had some interesting disagreements with him. Maybe we could settle for an hour or two of conversation in a rotation, huh? I’m sure I’ve left out several interesting jellies here. Dog for instance, and auguslan, oooooo and sarcasm. How ‘bout everyone in my fluther? they’ve all said something at one time or another that I though was interesting and noteworthy.

tinyfaery's avatar

I want gailcalled to kidnap me so I can see her house and teach Milo some manners.

Vunessuh's avatar

I would kidnap lucillelucillelucille and we’d go shopping and then I’d try and make her sit through a movie. She probably wouldn’t be able to, so we’d leave early and do some more shopping. Then we’d visit some art galleries and probably go to the beach and I’d show her the Santa Monica Pier. Oh, and we’d go to Universal Studios! Fashow. If I was in her neck of the woods, I’d make her take me boating and have her teach me to throw and glaze pottery, cause I really suck at it.

I’d kidnap Symbeline and take her to an awesome steakhouse. Om nom nom.

I’d also kidnap bob_ and we’d go to Disneyland and then hit up Taco Bell. Afterwards, I’d probably have to make him a sandwich.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I’d very much enjoy myself if you kidnapped me. DO IT. XD

Fred931's avatar

Among the others I might just to say hello to would be Janbb, but on the way out, I’ll give her a solid smack in the face for every time she interrupted my consecutive party-posts.

Fred931's avatar

Those “others” that I’m talking about generally refer to everyone in my fluther, plus anyone else who I’ve known to be friendly or witty.

Fred931's avatar

So far, I know everyone who has posted, so be wary of ominous black Chevy vans outside your houses at night…

SeventhSense's avatar

I’d kidnap you just to piss off jon. :)

chels's avatar

It’s a really close tie between @tragiclikebowie and @Sarcasm.
Oh or maybe @J0E. Or @Dog. Or @Allie. Or @PnL. Fuck I can’t choose.

Fred931's avatar

@SeventhSense That would be annoying. And hard to explain…

Boss: “Jon, where the hell were you last weekend?”
Jon: “Some crazy man who I met on the internet kidnapped me!”
Boss: ”...”

jonsblond's avatar

@SuperMouse 23 minutes and counting….lasting longer than I thought! :D

prolificus's avatar

I’m too shy and embarrassed to say whom I’d kidnap, let alone do / want from this person. I’ll give a clue, though, the avatar pic changes frequently and the initials are S.D.B.

jerv's avatar

I would have to say @stranger_in_a_strange_land for many reasons, though I think that @CaptainHarley and @ETPro wouldn’t be bad guys to have a beer with.

jonsblond's avatar

@SeventhSense You didn’t mention where to!

SeventhSense's avatar

Well I’m a gentleman kidnapper so I’d let you decide after dinner.

loser's avatar

I can’t choose just one!!!

Seaofclouds's avatar

I don’t really know anyone yet, so I can’t really choose just one.

filmfann's avatar

I really enjoy Zen’s humor and intellect, and it would be great fun meeting him, but if we are talking kidnapping, I must mention here that I am quite fascinated by smart women, and Fluther has them by the bowl full. (No need to worry, I am happily married).
So, Elijah? Violet? Jeruba? Casheroo? Simone de Beauvoir? There are so many!
I will take the safe road, and say MJChatter, since she introduced me to fluther, and I know she would enjoy the kidnapping.

poofandmook's avatar

I think gailcalled, tinyfaery, Andrew, and I should all have a kitty playdate!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Honestly, the first name who came to mind was @tinyfaery. We would watch Buffy and then dress up as the characters and spend a whole day out and about completely in character!

Jeruba – We would attend book club meetings and I would cook her a splendid meal.

Simone and Jean-Paul – I would take them to this wonderful little veggie cafe and then we would wander around having a good time. Naturally, they’d have to bring the kids so I could meet them and become a favorite aunt! :P

Rangerr – We would dress as zombies and cause mayhem.

Asmonet – We would just cause mayhem.

And many others who have slipped my mind. please forgive me if I have forgotten you! Trust me, I would kidnap you!

jonsblond's avatar

@KatawaGrey Yes! Zombie hunting with Asmonet. Anyone want to join?

DominicX's avatar

Whatever happened to lefteh? Haven’t seen him in a million years. But I would totally kidnap him. And absalom. ;)

I would also consider taking le_inferno for a weekend of outrageousness. :P

I would love to meet Simone, tinyfaery, Jeruba, MRSHINYSHOES, Bob, and ton of others.

Oh hell, let’s just all have a big Fluther meet-up (in California). We all know that would be awesome!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@jonsblond: Um, hell to the yeah! Mayhaps I kidnap her and then you kidnap us both? ;)

ETpro's avatar

@jerv You buying? Cause you are one of the people I’d love to lift a mug or two with.

Like @kevbo said, start listing and I would invariably leave some great people out. Those of you who I discuss and debate with, you are all on my list.

tinyfaery's avatar

@KatawaGrey Sounds like fun!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Grisaille. Because he’s intelligent, funny, passionate, logical and spiritual (for lack of a better word), caring, doesn’t kill bugs or spiders, has phenomenal taste in music, and is freaking beautiful beyond belief in every way imaginable. And he’s kinda crazy. And he loves space and stars and stuff, and finds beauty in everything. And ‘cause he seriously critiques Lady Gaga music videos with me in the early AM. And, last, but not least or all, because he’s very humble and would never think there was anything special about him at all.

squidcake's avatar

I second lefteh.

chels's avatar

@DominicX @squidcake Lefteh is my bff, but you can borrow him :)

Sarcasm's avatar

@chels and @Trillian ♥!

I love so many Jellies. But I think I want to have playdates with two of our Dutch first. @Markyy and @Fyrius.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

There are so many with whom I would be delighted to have a weekend to talk. For every one I could name off the top of my head, there are two more who would be suitable candidates for the list. Let’s just say, those of you who’d be on my list probably know who you are.

breedmitch's avatar

Um…Lisa of course.
Oh and mcbealer.

mcbealer's avatar

I think it would be fun to have all the proud dog humans to have a meet-up and host a massive dog playdate for our 4 legged best friends.

mcbealer's avatar

@breedmitch ~ ha ha right back at ya :)

chels's avatar

I can has every jelly?

kenmc's avatar

Fuck if I know. Umm… @Dog. She’s cool.

arnbev959's avatar


shrubbery's avatar

Ugh this is way too hard.
petethepothead, and timtrueman, I think. and gggritso too actually.
But, @DominicX, a fluther meet-up is not such a crazy idea. I’m trying to make it happen when I’m in the states! :D

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

If we have Fluther-Con, I’m showing up in Stormtrooper Armor. :-D

jrpowell's avatar

Probably Nikipedia. I would try to fuck it up less this time.

augustlan's avatar

I want you all. For a week, damn it.

shrubbery's avatar

Ok, I want to extend my answer.

I would talk philosophy with pete.
I would talk astronomy, planes, engineering, and life with tim.
I would talk engineering and music with gggritso.
I would get tech lessons and watch masterchef with johnpowell while drinking pbr.
I would talk about everything and argue and laugh and share music and watch moves with markyy.
I would watch star wars and cuddle with rangerr.
I would get drunk and play beer pong with allie.
I would get drunk and watch harry potter with chels and richardhenry.
I would go for a drive and have a 6 hour (at least) conversation with j0e.
I would go to a bookstore with augustlan.
I would get devi to show me another human brain and then talk life.
I would go to art galleries with Stella and ask her to teach me some techniques.
I would help sasrcasm decorate his room.
I would talk books, movies and tv with macbean.
I would giggle and laugh and talk cartoons and animals with cyndi and tink.
I would swap music and talk life with dr_c.
I would get uberbatman to show me his fish tank and teach me all about the creatures in there.
I would catch up with omfgtalijustimedu on everything she’s been doing and all the amazing places she’s been in the last year.

….who have I missed? still got 34 weekends left…

augustlan's avatar

@shrubbery Can we get drunk and go to a bookstore? :P

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@augustlan A week would be so much better!

I apologize for having given so general an answer earlier. I have developed some fluther crushes on some of the female jellys. I have always found it easier to develop strong friendships with women. I’ve had some great close friendships with other men but it takes so much longer to get to know guys well, at least in real life.

My fluther crushes are not sexual in any way. It’s just a deep admiration and appreciation that might warrant a platonic hug – that’s it.

I guess the fear of being misunderstood by other men if I expressed similar feelings holds me back somewhat.

I’m accustomed to talking openly about ideas and feelings. Women are more comfortable with feelings that most men have been socialized to be.

I was afraid to fail to mention people I admire and appreciate in offering a list. I’ve told quite a few people that I value their contributions on fluther.

shrubbery's avatar

Something else I forgot but it’s too late to edit now, I’d bring jonsblond and her family to australia and take them to as many beaches as possible.

absalom's avatar

Would kidnap/ be kidnapped by @DominicX.
Would take @Arp to Japan.
Would be kidnapped by @Simone_De_Beauvoir.
Would take @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities in a deep-diving submarine to view Jaguar Sharks.
Would kidnap @lynneblundell and talk about books.
Would be kidnapped by @nikipedia and grade papers for her.
Would fondly squish @CyanoticWasp because I’m afraid of hymenoptera.

Would be a fun weekend.

SuperMouse's avatar

@jonsblond it is still here! I cannot believe it!

@DrasticDreamer I will be an accessory to your kidnapping of Grisaille, for all the reasons you mention. That and to see his coolness vaporize those around him.

I would like to add that I would kidnap all of the chatroom regulars from Sarcasm to Rangerr to Chels – all of them. That would really be a fun trip to Starbucks to sit for hours and talk, without ever having to hit the “enter” key.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d kidnap Howie Long and give him a spanking for not returning my phone calls.I know he’s a Floofer.He doesn’t use his real name,you know…thanks V and Trillian:)

janbb's avatar

I’d kidnap @dpworkin so we could finally settle the question of who owns Mazel Tov™! (And have a great time eating in New York City together.)

Cruiser's avatar

I would start by taking up Trillians offer and go quietly and return the favor down the road. I then pick off all my flurthers one by one. I would definitely invite @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard @stranger_in_a_strange_land and @lucillelucillelucille for some target practice and then full on blasting and blowing holes in large metal objects. I would challeng @Vunessuh to a spatula dual 20 paces at high noon.
Got to bring @bob along as sandwiches seem to follow him where ever he goes. And @Anon_Jihad because one can never have too many clean dry socks.

Definitely get @stratman37 to bring along his axes for a killer jam session.

I would then get @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities, @Chazmaz, @MrsDufresny, @Zen_Again, @BoBo, @CaptHarley, @jjmah, @dpworkin, and invite back @lucillelucillelucille and @Vunessuh for a kegger and conversation. @cupcake would be invited to for obvious reasons!

If I left out anyone don’t get all excited I just ran out of time and you are all invited anyway!!

Sarcasm's avatar

@SuperMouse If I ever meet a Jelly, I will most definitely bring an enter key with me.

poofandmook's avatar

nobody wants me! Do you all think I’m like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons? ;)

so kidding

janbb's avatar

@poofandmook Ah – you can come to my house and I’ll show you my mouthguard if you show me yours!

janbb's avatar

@poofandmook That’s what you say, but how do we know it’s not you?

poofandmook's avatar

@janbb: Ah, ‘tis true.

TexasDude's avatar

@Cruiser, hell yeah, sounds like fun.

I forgot to mention that I would politely ask rangerr to show me how to horseback ride.

forestGeek's avatar

Definitely janets. I think the conversations would be epic!

rangerr's avatar

Petethepothead – I owe him some hugs.
JeffGoldblumsPrivateFacilities – I’d kidnap him to keep him from going away for 5 months.
Sarcasm – I’d kidnap him, take him to his house and help him paint his stupid room.
Shrubbery – Cuddling and Star Wars.
Creole – I’ll teach you how to ride horses if you bring guns.
Katawa – Mayhem. All day. All night.
Nikipedia – Nakedcuddleforts.
Tragiclikebowie – Hanson marathon and sammich making.
Dog – I’d set up a rabbit playdate.
Uberbatman – Get high and listen to music while watching fish.
Timtrueman – Zooey Deschanel stalking with some Top Gear to end the weekend.
Macbean – Glee and Doctor Who marathon.

Berserker's avatar

I’d kidnapp Vunessuh and use her in all sorts of ways I know she’d like. Also, Stranger in a Strange Land, ONLY138 and Poofandmock and force them all to a sleepover where we’d pig out on ice cream abnd watch slasher movies all night.
Oh and Arsztid too, I’d kidnap him and his collection of Viking and Gypsy music and force him to watch some Halloween movie or another.

poofandmook's avatar

Woooo slasher movies!!

Fred931's avatar

Why doesn’t anyone want to kidnap meeeeeeeee???????////


OpryLeigh's avatar

Definately Arsztid so I can learn more about the culture that my family belonged to many years ago but that nobody will talk to me about now.

Arisztid's avatar

@Symbeline Force? Not a chance… I am right there with you.

@Leanne1986 * blush * Thankyou!

jeanmay's avatar

I would kidnap Zen and together we would laugh at vagina noses.

Cruiser's avatar

@Fred931 Let’s pound the pavement…Hit It!!

augustlan's avatar

@Fred931 @poofandmook I said I want to kidnap ALL of you! :) Bring your kitties!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@jeanmay Don’t make us battle.

jeanmay's avatar

@DrasticDreamer No battle, I’ll kidnap you both! It’s no skin off my vagina nose.

Facade's avatar

Whoever would bring in the most ransom money and cooks the best lol

Berserker's avatar

@Arisztid Sweet. :D We can create our own Halloween fanclub, but replace the movie tracks by metal. :D

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I did kidnap Jack Adams and he’s never been heard from since. You’re welcome.

poofandmook's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous: Now there is a name I haven’t seen in a while.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@poofandmook No body wants me, either. :-(

There’s some I’d certainly want to hijack, but they shall remain un-named.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@jeanmay Wrong Zen! Sorry! :D

jeanmay's avatar

@DrasticDreamer That’s all right zen!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Also on my list, amongst others, is Tits McGhee. She hasn’t been around much lately but she seriously cracks me up. Same goes for LucyLucy. I wouldn’t mind the having both of them to myself for the weekend!

zephyr826's avatar

This is a wonderful question, but it’s difficult to decide. I think I’d kidnap the fluther teachers (there are so many of us) for a spa weekend.

mattbrowne's avatar

I’d kidnap @janbb, show her my book, discuss it, and hope she might accept a copy to be put in her library ;-)

chyna's avatar

@poofandmook No one has kidnapped me either. :-(
I’ll kidnap you if you kidnap me. Do you think our cat and dog will get along?

poofandmook's avatar

@chyna: Good question. Poofy is a diva, and if all animals involved can accept that she’s the boss, there’s a possibility.

chyna's avatar

Molly is pretty adventurous. She probably wouldn’t leave Poofy alone. She would want to wrestle with her.

jonsblond's avatar

If we could all fit in my son’s suitcase I’d kidnap all of you and visit @mattbrowne in Germany. My son leaves tomorrow, who’s ready?

a woman can dream, can’t she? ;)

poofandmook's avatar

Molly can wrestle with Mookie while the Poof looks on and gives orders. LOL

chyna's avatar

@jonsblond My schedule is pretty clear for awhile, so I’m ready!
@poofandmook Molly will love it! She likes to wrestle and be bossed around.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@chyna: I’d kidnap you and we’d catch up on on gossip. :)

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