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XOIIO's avatar

Can you help me find the background music used in Mythbusters?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) May 11th, 2010 from iPhone

Can anyone help me get some if the background songs they use on Mythbusters? I love it and can’t find much online.

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2 Answers

markyy's avatar

As far as I understand they hired a guy to do the theme music for the show. His name is Neil Sutherland and you can contact him on his site. Although I doubt you’ll have much luck, seeing as many have tried and the answer still isn’t out there on the internet.

I think this is the song you’re looking for on youtube, but it’s pieced together from various segments. I find this version some guy made on his own much better. Now having two youtube videos with sound, what’s to stop you from using a site like, copy in the youtube url and download the mp3 file?

Worked for me, I hope that answered your question.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, I had seen the version that that guy had had made on his own. Not bad.

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