Are caterpillars lucky/benign or do they bring bad luck ?
I’m not usually supersticious but yesterday I woke up with the feeling something was crawling on my left arm. I held still and waited to make sure then I worked up the courage to look. When I saw it I freaked and shook it off. The second time I searched my bed thoroughly but found nothing. In the morning I woke up again to it crawling on my left finger. I googled this and found nothing useful.
I was wondering if it could be some kind of sign or omen… I should also mention I have severe juvenile arthritis and my left wrist is the most effected by this. Does anyone know if this is supposed to mean anything ?
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8 Answers
I think it just means you have a caterpillar in your bedroom. not so much lucky but if you feed him right you might be able to have him turn into a butterfly. I used to keep caterpillars and fed them on horthorne from outside my school but oneday they sprayed the hedge, i didnt realise and apparently didnt wash the horthorne well enough its difficult to do very well, its pretty spiky but anyway they died. gutted.
How you perceive caterpillars depends upon what culture you are from. Some places lucky, some not.
But as a physical actuality, if they destroy your4 crops and trees, they are bad luck.
Caterpillars do not in any way affect the probability that determines the outcomes of your daily activities, and therefore cannot be considered good or bad luck.
Caterpillars are caterpillars. I suppose they could be considered bad luck for the plant that they are munching.
Uneducated guess, but since caterpillars are cold blooded and your are warm blooded. Could it be that it’s just attracted to your body temperature?
oh my fucking god are you kidding me. there was a caterpillar on you in bed? im seriously not going to sleep for 5 nights just with the thought of that in my head. UGH. i have the biggest fear of them ever. THEY ARE NOT LUCKY, THEY ARE FOUL CREATURES THAT NEARLY RUINED MY CHILDHOOD. no really, one time i was sitting at the top of a pine tree and saw the biggest nastiest multicolored caterpillar ever and nearly fell to my death.
Caterpillars have nothing to do with luck. Luck is imaginary, caterpillars are real, and caterpillars do not influence the course of events with respect to you or anyone else in the world.
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