My girl friend smokes what should i do?
Asked by
Jay484 (
May 11th, 2010
My girl friend smokes weed and I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to break up with her because I really like her what should i do?
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27 Answers
Then don’t break up. Just back off. You’re not in this for life, are you?
no im only 15 but i really like her and we’ve been going out for a month now
I’m thinking this is a typo and you meant weed.
If you object to the concept morally, let her know it’s a dealbreaker now. Sooner is always better than later.
It would be an awful predicament to find yourself in her company were she to ever get busted.
shes says she trying to stop for me
Only you can decide if you want to continue the relationship. If it’s a deal breaker, you should just be honest. If she is really trying to stop, you can either give her a chance to stop or break it off. Most people will only stop a behavior if they want to stop it for themselves. If she does stop only for you, she may or may not resent you for making her stop (just so you know it’s possible).
I agree with @Seaofclouds.
You probably aren’t going to be in this relationship for the rest of your life, but that doesn’t mean that it still can’t be good while you have it, especially if you really like her.
Express to her how you feel about her smoking weed, and how she reacts can determine what you do from there. But I think the first step would actually be to talk to her about it.
Is her smoking a problem for you? If it’s not then who cares, weed isn’t exactly dangerous or anything, you should be more upset if she’s drinking herself to sleep every night.
I don’t personally like weed all that much but I could care less if people in my life smoke. Its really not the end of the world if it’s not getting the way of your relationship or her own life.
If weed is gonna be a deal breaker then you’re gonna have a hard time in relationships for the next 10 years of your life, especially in college.
Live and let live.
As long as she doesn’t bring it with her or smoke when she’s with you…. I guess. I hate drugs but I have a skewed view of them. I have zero tolerance but that’s maybe because I compromised myself so badly that last time I was involved. If you find yourself giving in more and more you may end up like me and wake up one day and realize that you’ve compromised and betrayed everything you stand for.
But maybe not. If that’s all she does, it’s really up to you if you want to risk the possible legal consequences. And if she doesn’t have it while she’s with you, there shouldn’t be that particular issue.
Ditch her…..You like her? She smokes weed and you got a problem with that? So just what is it you like about her after an entire month in your barely begun 15 year old life.Get her the Hell out of your life!!!!!
it may not be a bad thing…...acceptance is an important part of relationship.
Smoking is a bad habit. Just tell her to stop now!
I thought he meant cigarettes. If it’s drugs then I’d end it. It won’t work anyway. You have to have either two that partake or two who don’t.
@Aster That’s complete bullshit, I’ve done plenty of drugs in my past and dated girls who didn’t and I don’t do anything any more and have no problem dating someone or being friends with people who do drugs. There are different levels of drug use, some people are capable of doing them and living a perfectly human experience. All of that aside, we’re talking about marijuana here people! Its just pot, its like the least harmful and effecting thing anyone could do. Hell, if I had my choice of my kids drinking alcohol or smoking pot there isn’t a single situation where I would choose for them to drink. You people are all out of your damn minds.
@plethora, i dated a girl for 2 years in grade 7,8 and part of grade 9, but i don’t want her to ruin her life bc she gets caught with it bc she did not want to start smoking weed her brother and her friend got her to start
@Jay484 That’s nonsense, she’s smoking cause she wants to, not cause of other people, we aren’t talking about cocaine or heroin here. If I’m wrong about that statement then you should break up with her for being a weak minded insecure individual, not cause she smokes pot. The pot itself isn’t the issue here.
@InspecterJones i get your point, but she not that shes a very good looking, nice person and i don’t want her to throw it away bc she smokes pot
@Jay484 Just cause she’s smoking pot doesn’t mean she’s throwing anything away. It’s really not the end of the world, all it does is make people a little giggly and silly, hell, I don’t even advise anyone to smoke it cause I think its fucking boring and dull but it certainly has nothing to do with them throwing their life away. “Throwing your life away” would be if she’s skipping school and not sticking to her responsibilities, which would have more to do with the people who she influence her. Worry less about what she smokes and more about what she does if you don’t want her to throw her life away. Like I said before, I’d be worried if she was drinking, but smoking pot is pretty much what most teenagers will do sooner or later and certainly by college.
On another note, you’ve been together for a month, you should really not even be thinking about it. With the way a 15 year old’s love life develops you guys wont even be together in a month or two. Just enjoy the time you guys spend together and stop worrying about it. In another year or two you might not even know her anymore.
You should start smoking it with her. It is just pot, not a big deal at all.
People really seem to get super-defensive about pot. This isn’t the first website where it was lightly discussed and the pro-weeders were nasty and persistent. Motor mouths.
@Aster It has nothing to do with pot, you need to look at your own close mindedness and then figure out why people respond the way they do. Not everything in this world is so black and white. Look at this poor kid that’s a total mess cause society tells him that pot is going to destroy this poor girls life.
@jay84 What is the big deal with weed anyway ?
well she just broke up with me for some reason.. so now it dose not matter
Jay: I’m so sorry she broke up with you. I know you probably don’t want to hear about finding someone else, so I won’t say anything.
Just know that you are allowed to not like her smoking weed without being “judgmental” (as some seem to think) – for example, I couldn’t be with someone who drinks too much or someone who is homophobic. You can still consider someone a lovely person and there are high-functioning individuals who do smoke. You have a right to make your own decisions about who you want in your life as long as you don’t try to force your views and opinions on someone else.
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