Do the Russians have the right idea? Is this the best way to deal with pirates?
MOSCOW – A Russian official claimed Tuesday that 10 pirates seized by Russian special forces aboard an oil tanker last week were quickly freed but then died on their way back to the Somali coast.
The unidentified high-ranking Defense Ministry official did not elaborate on how the pirates died, deepening a mystery that has prompted speculation the pirates were executed by commandos who had freed a Russian oil tanker seized in waters 500 miles east of Somalia’s coast.
The official told Russian news agencies the pirates’ boat disappeared from Russian radar about an hour after their release.
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32 Answers
That sucks. I guess the only way to tell if it was a dirty deed is to see how it goes down the next time the Russians find some pirates.
I like it. I think this is a much better way to deal with law breakers. Less costly for the tax payers and I’ll bet pirates will think twice before trying that shit again with a Russian vessel.
My only concern would be the consequence of making the pirates more ruthless. Otherwise, feed’em to the sharks.
My advice would be don’t fuck with the Russians, unless you want to get fucked that is.
Russians don’t play games.
I agree with what has been said. These guys mean business.
How should we deal with countries/corporations that dump nuclear waste off the Somali coast or steal seafood from Somali waters?
I don’t know if you remember the Iranian embassy siege in London in 1980. It was the first time the SAS had operated in public (there was some cool news footage of guys in black using frame charges to take out the windows before storming in). At the end of the siege they were escorting the hostages out when one of the hostages was discovered to be a terrorist. If you watch the news footage you can see the SAS start to drag him back in to the building (presumably to execute him) before some one points out to them they are being filmed.
The point is executing terrorists is not a new thing (sorry… not taking prisoners). Special forces all over the world probably do it all the time. They just don’t like to be seen doing it.
@Lightlyseared The same thing happened after special forces stormed the Japanese embassy in Peru after a pretty long siege in the 90s. Reports said terrorists were executed even though when clearly surrendering (i.e., getting on their knees and putting their hands up). Nobody complained.
I hate to perpetuate the stereotype but ‘yep that’s how it gets done’ was what I was thinking about.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I hate stereotpyes, too, but last night I had enchiladas for dinner. They were great.
@bob_ oh yea, did someone make and bring them to you?~
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Well, yes. The waiter. Well, he brought them. My guess is that someone else made them
It just feels very un-P.C. of me to say this, but I like it. I feel like if you choose to be a ruthless pirate living outside the law, then it’s only fitting that you get your just desserts in the same manner. I mean, in the olden times, they’d have had to walk the plank or something, right? I really think it’s the perfect response to get the message across. I know I’d think twice about messing with Russia.
Without admitting to anything, I am familiar with that tactic.
Didn’t china have a huge pirate problem until they executed one group that had hijacked a ship? The problem went away. Just saying.
If people are willing to take a life they should be willing to give theirs up.
So you want to sanction the murder of some of the poorest people on earth, who have no future prospects, who have no access to infrastructure, whose lives will probably end in horror anyway? How about we sanction the murder of every person in the military, every imperialist and every “explorer” because all they are doing is robbing another of their possessions.
@kevbo Lurve ya!
Russians fight back. I like it. You have to out pirate the pirates.
It’s certainly an appealing idea. As is one that I’d read about a while back where you could go on a pirate-hunting vacation.
“where you could go on a pirate-hunting vacation.”
Shiver me timbers! Where do I sigh up!
Should of filmed it and should of mailed it to pirate central (lol wherever that may be in Somalia) then said simply not to try this again for you will see similar fate. That’d definitely solve any ships with Russian flags on them.
If you’re a parent in a hostage situation you might be glad that your kid attends an American school instead of a Russian school. In 2004 in Beslan special forces had no problem storming a school with more than 1100 hostages inside using rocket launchers, heavy machine guns and antipersonnel-high explosive shells. Even a tank fired a shot. A couple of dozen dead children doesn’t really matter as long as the Russian get their terrorists.
Still in favor doing pirate or terrorist business Russian style? The real question is, how much do we value human life? And the rule of law.
@mattbrowne “Russian-style” in this case refers to killing pirates.
There is a place for the death penalty, when one shows an utter disregard for that same value of human life. The rule of law is no obstacle, since laws can change.
Jesus totally would have been pro-murder. Yeah. Definitely.~
@Nullo – I know. But endorsing this style is dangerous turf. Therefore I mentioned Beslan. I believe in certain values such as freedom, democracy and the rule of law. And I think most conservatives do too. So we should stick to these values, even if it means giving the pirates a fair trial. How about the International Court of Justice maintaining a prison and a courtroom on a ship stationed in the international waters near Somalia? We all know that it’s impractical to deliver arrested pirates to The Hague. And African countries are not really doing a good job here.
@mattbrowne It’s a good idea, having a court ship, but is this really the jurisdiction of the ICJ? I suspect that extradition would work about as well.
I was always a fan of Captain “sometimes the rules need ignoring” Kirk. :D
@Nullo – Maybe not. I’m not an expert of international law. The main goal of the ICJ is to prosecute murderous politicians, like the ones who ran former Yugoslavia. But we need to come up with something to make sure the pirates are tried in a court of law answering for their crimes.
Sometime the old ways are the best. In the good old days pirates were tried on-site then quickly dispatched. More of that fewer pirates.
I don’t see the problem is you or you country is attacked on the high seas. As long as you keep out of another countries 12 mile limit, the pirates are yours to do as you please.
I think it’s funny that the ones captured by the Russians “died after they were released”. Could it have anything to do with the anchors tied to their ankles?
No dodging the logic, I guess it comes from which perspective one looks at. The Somalis do not have a functioning government, so the pirates provide most of the industry. Where are the jobs? The only job in town is pirating. With no government other nations are over fishing the Somali shores creating fish shortages for the fishermen so they have to resort to pirating, not to mention dumping toxic waste off the coast, no one is to stop them, there is no working government.
For the safety of the shipping crews and world commerce that was a method that works even if extreme. The needs of the many out weighs the needs of the few even if more logical than fair.
@Hypocrisy_Central I have no problem with the Somalis fighting or even capturing ships that are stealing their livelihood or polluting their waters. I have a very big problem with the Somalis capturing ships that were not involved in these incidents and holding them and their crew or passengers as hostage. The only real solution to that type of piracy is public hanging.
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