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ucme's avatar

Most unromantic, disastrous place to spend a honeymoon would be?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 12th, 2010

Yes another thread of inappropriate hypothetical nonsense.Still it amuses & amazes what options can be found, so lets go for it anyway.You never know it might actually be fun.

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32 Answers

bongo's avatar

definately the most unromantic and disasterous place to spend your honeymoon would be your inlaws house. or worse your husband/wifes grandparents house.

DominicX's avatar

Honeymoon in Chechnya

No offense to my friend who’s from there, but seriously. :)

Dr_Dredd's avatar

In quarantine. :-)

Primobabe's avatar

The first few days of my honeymoon. My husband and I were married in Boston, very close to where I’d grown up. He hadn’t bothered to plan our honeymoon, so we just sort of stayed there. We went to the Salem Witch Museum, an ugly local beach, Plymouth Rock…all things that I’d done many times as a kid. I was miserable beyond belief. Has anyone ever dreamed of spending her honeymoon at familiar places that had bored her as a child?

Fortunately, my husband saw how unhappy I was. He pulled a rabbit out of a hat and made quick plans for a wonderful, romantic trip to Martha’s Vineyard. It was heavenly, and our honeymoon became a lovely thing instead of a bad memory. When people ask us where we spent our honeymoon, we skip over the unfortunate beginning and simply answer, “Martha’s Vineyard.” Since then, we’ve returned to the Vineyard for every wedding anniversary.

Cruiser's avatar

Stranded in the airport waiting for your plane to be repaired…then missing your connecting (last flight out) flight because of that, then having to spend the night at the boiling hot unairconditioned airport and then waiting standby in the boiling hot unairconditioned terminal most of the next day. Then repeat the process going home.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@Cruiser hahaha that’s what pretty much happened to a friend of mine!

bongo's avatar

Actually I have a new answer: at home working seperate shifts would prob be the worst honeymoon – you wouldnt be able to be with your new partner and you would have to be working too!
My parents never had a honeymoon. they just never bothered. i think thats pretty unromantic.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@bongo that’s what I was going to say!

BoBo1946's avatar

Mississippi !

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@bongo That’s what my brother and his fiancé are doing. No honeymoon. I say poor them.

BoBo1946's avatar

Death Valley!

janbb's avatar

Camden, New Jersey. Camden, Maine however is a whole ‘nother story.

downtide's avatar

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. That’s where my parents went on their honeymoon. They hated it so much they came home after 2 days.

Cruiser's avatar

@ChocolateReigns It wasn’t funny at the time! Do I know you?? ;D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

In your mother-in-law’s bed.Not mine.Yours.LOL! ;)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Probably North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan. No one should be trying to enjoy their honeymoon while avoiding mortar strikes, having to reroute moonlight walks around minefields, and practically starving because there isn’t any food around.

chyna's avatar

Where I spent my honeymoon, home alone. My husband had just got a new job and had to go to a week long training class the day after our wedding.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oooh I dunno, she could teach her daughter a few tricks while I break her in ;¬}

Berserker's avatar

The city dump.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Yet another rubbish answer form you, come on get on the ball ;¬}

Berserker's avatar

lol word games

Also, one of those mushroom growing plants, or a maggot farm. I mean, people do work in those places, and maybe they’re really proud of it and wanna take their spouses there…or like, what if you marry a proctologist, are they gonna start talking about their jobs at the dinner table or something, or while they’re having that after sex cigarette in the heart shaped bed? (Or maggot bin.)

ucme's avatar

…or a gynocologist (almost certainly spelled wrong) “Darling i’m in love with your clitoris,although your labia is a little enflamed” Oooh the sexy bugger has a way with words.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Being accidentally ejected from the International Space Station.

I don’t… like… your wife, Dave…

filmfann's avatar

It’s gotta be jail. this couple did just that.

perspicacious's avatar

Louisiana; that state smells bad.

jeanmay's avatar


Although, a couple I know spent part of their honeymoon rebuilding homes in New Orleans for charity. That is quite romantic, in a way.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@aprilsimnel Hah! I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that… Oops, I did it again!

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