Have you ever explored any creepy places, like a haunted house, some temple ruins or an abandonned hospital?
When I was younger I used to love going around with people to go explore old shut down factories, train stations, boarded up houses, construction sites or large patches of woods and forests, and all sorts of places like that. Here in Québec I even checked out an old hospital and an abandoned army base.
I’ve given this up today because I’m too old to get arrested for trespassing, but it made me wonder if anyone here ever explored anything cool. And it can be anything really, don’t stick to my examples. Anything you visited and that you thought was awesome and maybe a little creepy.
I always got all excited and we always had fun, but I was always somewhat dismayed when my exploring partners were too scared to go in certain parts, like basements and all, but then I never went in on my own.
Whatever the circumstances and by whichever means you went exploring, how did you feel?
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22 Answers
Fuck yeah,excuse my French.Anywhere & everywhere were explorable.Old run down factories on a dark winter night were particularly creepy.We would dare each other to go deeper into the bowels of the shell that was once a building.Sort of perverted fun, shit scared but fun.Why only recently I dared enter the ghost town that was formerly known as Answerbag.Don’t make me go back please don’t make me, sobbing rather pathetically ;¬}
@ucme Aaaah don’t pronounce that accursed name! XD
Sounds interesting though, especially with all the dares and games you guys had going on. We sometimes played Marco Pollo in these places when it was dark, or during the night, except we’d replace Marco…Pollo! by Duncan…McLeod! lol.
@Symbeline I’m probably going to wee wee in my bed on account of dredging up these traumatic tales from my childhood.It’s the dripping, drip… drip.. drip… that I remember as being most scary.Strange but true.I have an idea for a home made fly on the wall horror movie,hmm what to call it though?
@ucme I always thought the amounts of dead pigeons we came across was scary…we made up stories about homeless people coming in these places to devour them lol. Dripping can be scary too though, I think that’s because you’re hearing a familiar noise in a place where it sounds contradictory to be in.
@Symbeline You may be right.I wonder if Dick Dastardly moonlighted there of an evening.Maybe he did catch the pigeon after all & several others to boot :¬}
I ‘ve just registered and I am so please that this is the third question I have read. I lived in an old town called Lincoln (in England) when I was young. Lincoln has a castle and a cathedral – both of which were thoroughly explored by us (on the way back from Cinderellas) at night. The Cathedral is so large (perhaps 5th largest in Britain) that it seemed to have a constant scaffold around it, which provided easy climbing for groups of drunken youth, hell bent on getting in through the doors in the eves of the roof – already 50 metres high. Within those doors were endless cat-walks through the huge attic of the building, leading towards the main towers – of which there are three – the central one being the tallest. We’d stagger around picking things up and making each other jump, we climbed up to the main tower (once the highest point until the Ural mountains in Russia) where they had all these seizmic activity machines with needles scribbling on a conveyor of paper! Other times we’d go down to the knave – and someone would go into the preaching box and pretend to be the vicar…..In the end our friends started doing it almost every night until they got caught…...
Clambering is what we’d call it – and it was an essential part of a good night out!
@ucme Maybe the dripping was pigeon blood.
@rickoshe14 Haha that sounds totally awesome. I’d love to get drunk in an abandoned church, unfortunately the only ones I ’‘visited’’ were still in use, although one had a condemned bell tower which we found our way in…no bell to speak of, but it was still awesome and we climbed on the roof of this church in broad daylight haha. So did your cathedral have a basement, and like, small hallways and doors everywhere?
My best was the old state penitentiary before they tore it down. You could go into a cell (with peeling paint and a certain smell) and just imagine who may have lived in it. Walking through the cell block hallways, ANY sound (drips or other) just sent my heart beat into near arrhythmia. There were bats and critters, but there was something else eerie there that may be unique to a penitentiary.
@Kayak8 We have an old penitentiary here called Moundsville State Prison and I got to spend the night in it. There was no electricity and everything was just as it was left when the prisoners were taken out. There were writings and paintings on the walls, and you are right about the smells. Perhaps the smell of fear, abandonment, loss of soul? There was also a place under the prison, kind of like a cellar that was called the “sugar shack”, where the inmates went to have “relations” with each other. It was all very eerie and my flashlight kept going out just to add to the scariness. For some reason, I felt the most scared in the infirmary, where I just couldn’t get my breath and my heart was beating too fast. Maybe the worst was done to the prisoners in that room.
@chyna There is a really cool link to Moundsville if you are interested . . .
I explored some caves which used to be old copper mines, and I found an old rusted locomotive, just a little one that used to pull the waggons in the mine. Next time I visited I took a camera with me, but the loco was gone. I didn’t think the mine was that scary at the time, but its a notorious place for idiots like me going in there and falling down holes and never getting out alive.
@Kayak8 Thank you! Yes, that was the best? or worst? $50.00 I have ever spent. They also packed 3 prisoners per jail cell which was only 5ft x 7ft and only had 2 bunk beds. Someone had to sleep in the floor. Definitely not a luxury prison.
I used to hang out in an old woolen mill my family owned, that got pretty creepy after dark. I probably missed out on some of the excitement because I didn’t have to break in (just borrow the keys). Lots of creaks, drips, scurrying and fluttering sounds at night.
There was an old abandoned house near where I grew up that looked exactly like that of the Addams Family. It had been owned by some lumber baron the century before. Unfortunately, it burned down before I was old enough (or had the guts) to explore it. I wish it hadn’t burned, it would have made a fun playhouse for later adult activities.
I love caves, not only for the scariness factor but the great rock formations in them. Howe Caverns in New York and another (can’t remember the name) on Bermuda were childhood favorites.
I’ve been through some ruined castles in Germany that would have been creepy at night. Since I was an officer and a gentleman I couldn’t risk getting busted for trespassing (wuss).
The creepiest place I’ve ever been was the Khyber Pass at night. “Sniper Alley” it was called back then. Normally, we didn’t run night convoys through there, but some bulky supplies had to go through and were delayed during the day. Every few kilometers, another burned out wreck of a vehicle loomed up in the headlights. It was even spookier looking at things through NVGs, a greenish cast to everything like some horror film. When we actually did got shot at it was something of a letdown because adrenalin takes over, just blasting back return fire (they had the courtesy to shoot tracers, so we knew right where to shoot). The ultimate spookiness was ours, an AC-130 gunship circling overhead that could throw everything but the kitchen sink back at the Taliban. No casualties on our part, unknown on theirs. Not a trip I’d like to make again.
Like @ucme, I’ve stuck my nose in our old cyber-playground. Don’t make me go back there, please!! Rip out my fingernails instead!
When I was in middle school, my two best friends and I used to go on long bike rides around the rural area where we lived. One of my friends had heard about an abandoned house that was supposed to be haunted, so we decided to ride over and take a look. It was a little more than six miles from my house, and of course we went on a bright summer day. No need to make ourselves more nervous than we had to be!
The house was just an old farmhouse, and not even too run-down. A couple of broken windows, peeling paint, front door wide open, yard overgrown with tall grass and weeds. Looking back, it wasn’t scary at all. There were plenty of windows, so the house was bright inside. Being 13 or 14 year old girls, however, we were completely creeped out. I think we’d been reading too many Stephen King novels. We checked out every room downstairs and upstairs, but if there was a basement we didn’t find it. The only scandalous thing we saw was a mattress on the living room floor and a lot of empty beer cans. I can’t believe how scared we were, considering how not creepy the house was.
In college my friends and I had a more terrifying experience. Not far from campus was the State Hospital, which was a mental institution. Every year at Halloween they hosted a “Haunted Hospital” event, and it was by far the scariest thing I’ve ever done. Going through dark mazes and rooms made up to be spooky with masked people jumping out at you, all the while wondering “What if one of the patients escaped…” All those dark windows, some with bars on them, and of course we’d freak each other out by wondering if they enlisted patients to help when they ran short on volunteers. We never went back a second time. The psychological anguish just wasn’t worth it. Yeah, I’m a wimp.
The creepiest place that comes to mind is the Salton Sea in general and Bombay Beach in particular.
The Sea is surrounded by the barren sort of desert. There is no sand, only the tiny shells of millions of dead critters. There is a foul, briny stench in the still air. Abandoned buildings dot the shoreline road.
It is quiet. Too quiet.
The visitor’s center tops it all off. It’s bright and cheery inside, staffed by overly-enthusiastic people who tell you that the Salton Sea is in fact a very popular vacation spot, and will show you a thirty-year-old video to that effect. Queries about the prevalence of boarded-up, abandoned buildings are met with, “What abandoned buildings?”
Bombay Beach. the capital of this gloomy wasteland, isn’t much better. It’s inhabited, which is good, but it gives the air of being inhabited by fugitives from justice.
My friend lives in a 100 year old house on F.E. Warren air force base, and we have fun making fake ghost videos in it :) My friends and I always used to explore drainage tunnels around town. it was pretty fun :)
Oooh, I just answered another question about this island. When I was a freshman in art school my friends and I used to always go exploring around Belle Isle, in the middle of the James River. You walk a few blocks off campus, scramble down a hill and through a ditch, cross some railroad tracks, and take a pedestrian bridge that runs under the road bridge to get to the island. (The pedestrian bridge itself has a beautiful view across the river of downtown Richmond.)
So you get onto the island itself, which is a wooded park, and it’s really dark. The center of the island is woodsy and rocky. One night some friends and I went about a mile or two in, down a hidden flight of concrete steps by the side of a bridge- there were spiders everywhere. At the bottom, there was a blocky cement building which I think was an abandoned hydroelectric plant. This one girl we were hanging out with said that if we took a picture, we would see “spirit energy” in the form of lights that would only show up on camera. So we took a few around the woods and didn’t really see anything. Then we went inside the creepy building and took a few pictures- there were globes of light everywhere. I should add that this island was a POW camp during the civil war. It scared the shit out of me. In one wall of the building, there were these two person-sized holes at about chest height that went through the wall into another room which was completely pitch-black. We were all too chickenshit to go in there.
This place is totally not scary during the day, but for some reason during art school I almost always went there at night.
When I was a teenager some friends and I got wasted and discovered a way into one of the old bunkers that overlooks San Francisco. Creepy as heck!!! The creepiest part was this one room all the way at the end that had inverted pentacles spray painted everywhere, the remains of serveral candles, and well… some remains. We couldn’t quite tell what it/they were but none of us stayed around long enough to find out. I kinda gave up adventuring after that.
Yep we did that as kids, all sorts of great fun. We wandered around our junior high school when it was being renovated, the high school when it was being built, all sorts of random abandoned buildings and pieced together lean-to’s hidden in the forests. As we got older we’d hop in the car and stop anytime we saw some boarded up old building back on some hardly used road. We’d check out little shacks back in the woods, some of which, once we got in, were clearly still being used and run down seemingly forgotten buildings and houses in the hills including an eerily empty processing factory where everything was covered in thick white powder. It was all high adventure and terrifying, fun! Looking back that made for some very fond memories and a thankfulness that none of us ever got shot.
When I was in college, we went to the house where the first of the .22 caliber killer murders took place. The house had been boarded up for years, but we found an open window into the basement. There were six of us, but we all chickened out and never went in nor did we ever go back. (ok we were pretty weak)
Once I was I. A remote spot in Wyoming. There was an old abandoned house that was literally falling apart. A friend thought it might be fun to spend the night in a creepy old house. Long story short, the wind made it wa-a-ay too noisy to get any sleep.
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