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john65pennington's avatar

Are you prepared to have your cable television interrupted?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 12th, 2010

A Galaxy 15 satelitte is roaming out of control, 22,000 feet above the earth. it is on a deadly course with a cable television satelitte. its called a zombie satelitte. it suffered damage from a storm in outer space, that has left it in-service, but not contrallable from earth. millions of cable televisions may be only showing a black screen, if the two satelittes collide. Question: if this collison occurs, are you prepared for another form of entertainment, other than a black tv screen? if so, what might that be?

Source: ABC News

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28 Answers

kevbo's avatar

Maybe we’ll get lucky and every TV satellite will bite it.

jonsblond's avatar

Interesting. I had no idea! Hopefully it will be after the series finale of Lost and season finale of Survivor. Luckily for me it is getting nice outside, so I’ll be able to do the outdoor activities that I enjoy instead.

aw shucks…I forgot that Hell’s Kitchen is starting soon. That sucks

mcbealer's avatar

if given a choice I would kill my tv I have the bare minimum cable package as it is

hearkat's avatar

My TV isn’t hooked up to cable or a digital converter, so this wouldn’t impact me at all.

jrpowell's avatar

I torrent all of my TV so I wouldn’t notice.

jeanmay's avatar

I have to agree with @mcbealer. Right now my husband ok, and the fact I’m hopelessly addicted is the only thing stopping me from throwing the tv out the window (of our sixth floor apt).

Death to television! Power to the imagination!

Seaofclouds's avatar

We have Direct TV and according to one of the articles I read, they won’t be affected.

Jeruba's avatar

Don’t have cable. Don’t watch TV. Won’t notice.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

No cable here, either. Interesting though, I hadn’t heard that.

mcbealer's avatar

OH WAIT if the outage occurs this Thursday or Sunday night I will have a conniption because that’s when the final episodes of Survivor Heroes vs. Villains: Samoa airs.

jonsblond's avatar

I find it interesting that the internet attracts many people that don’t watch television. It’s still a screen. I guess I never understood that.

I’d rather have The History Channel and The Science Channel instead of Facebook and Fluther. though I would miss all of you terribly

@mcbealer Rupert or Russel? ;)

mcbealer's avatar

@jonsblond ~ anybody but Parvati :) I think Russell deserves it, and wish Colby could win. Your choice?

WestRiverrat's avatar

22,000 Feet? I hope you mean miles. Commercial airlines regularly fly higher than 22K feet.

I could live without it, as long as my internet provider is unaffected.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

No satellites at that distance from Earth “roam” (in fact, no satellites at all). I haven’t seen the news story, and I’m not interested enough to look it up. But if the satellite isn’t controllable, that means that most likely it can’t be properly oriented or moved ‘up’ and ‘down’ in its orbit (that is, closer to Earth or farther away, so that it will orbit faster or slower, respectively). It’s not doing any ‘moving’ on its own (unless it was last being controlled with guidance boosters that can’t be turned off, which is a possibility, I suppose).

And for that reason it’s not going to “collide” the way we think of a collision on Earth. The ‘collision’ would take the form of a car scraping another in a supermarket parking lot… even though satellites at that distance from Earth move at thousands of miles per hour “in space” and “in Earth terms”, but relative to each other you can hardly see movement.

Even so, I suppose the collision could be damaging to the operating satellite, but… no big orange explosions… no huge piles of debris hurtling towards Earth… and probably no big deal at all, really. If one of the satellites is operable, then it can be moved out of the way when the collision is imminent. It might still cause a disruption, but I hardly think it rises to the level of, say, the Bruins losing Game 7 of their playoff series with the Philadelphia Flyers on Friday.

MissA's avatar

It’s too easy for me, sometimes, to sit down and watch an episode of Law & Order or even something more intellectually stimulating, instead of going out to my studio to poke around with my music.

I enjoy the internet immensely…it’s like having a virtual library at hand. Sunspots will probably wipe that and telecommunications out in the not-too-distant future.

We all should be prepared for changes in our daily HABITS…and ways of doing business. Change is due soon. Who knows what it will look like, but the more flexible you are in your thinking…the less challenging it will be.

Maintaining your sense of humor is vital.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Just be sure to maintain that sense of humor outside of Fluther, @MissA.

Jeruba's avatar

@MissA, I think economics or politics will pull the plug before sunspots do. When that happens, I sure as hell hope there are some books left.

escapedone7's avatar

I am glad I don’t have cable. I have DSL for internet and listen to FM radio and read for entertainment. My television is in the shed. I loathe it.

I love the internet because I love to read. I have lots of access to e-books, online newspapers, articles, etc. It’s like a giant library. If my internet went out I would just go to the library and read real magazines and books, I suppose. I think I would survive.

perspicacious's avatar

I haven’t had my TV on for two weeks. There could be a blackout and I might not even know it. I’ll say that if it happens to you, call and report right away. Any refund will only be for time actually out of service, beginning WHEN REPORTED.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I don’t care about TV (except for the NHL playoffs), but my internet connection in via satellite (shudders). I can listen to the Bruins on the radio if I have to, but I live out in the boondocks and the only internet alternative is a dialup about as slow as smoke signals.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I rarely watch tv as it is.I would keep making art,take my boat out for a spin and poke people with sticks for entertainment—mostly at art openings,because they deserve—:)

Cruiser's avatar

I hope to hell this doesn’t happen that would mean my neighbor and his son will be begging to watch their sports on my Satellite Direct TV!

john65pennington's avatar

Correction: feet should have been miles. according to the article, “colliding” means interferring with cable satelittes signal to earth.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Nope. But IF something happens at 10pm EDT on 25 July 2010, I will have a conniption fit. I must have my Mad Men!

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Books. My house is filled to overflowing with them. I’ll be fine. :-)

Ron_C's avatar

This is a problem about which I truly do not care.

Berserker's avatar

I think the events of the zombie satellite and its happenings is a lot more interesting than whatever bullshit cable TV would have me fry my eyes on if I actually paid attention to any of it.

With that said, I love books, video games and playing with myself. I don’t need no blasted cable TV. I get news from the net and, le GASP, the newspaper.

Go zombie satellite, GO!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

lol. @Symbeline , very well said. :)

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